May 17
May 17

May 24, 2024
Memorial Day
House Keeping:
Please join me in remembering those who are no longer with us this Memorial Day. I hope your weekend is meaningful and you are able to remember those who sacrificed everything for our freedom.
Worth Mentioning: Two Things:
IMPORTANT: The last day for late buses will be Thursday, June 6th. There will be no after school transportation after that date.
The Junior and Senior promenade is Friday afternon 5/24 in front of the Middle-High School. All are welcome to watch. The promenade will begin at 4:00. This will be livestreamed on Pentucket TV on Youtube:
Shout outs:
This shout out goes to Jenny Barlow, one of our beloved math teachers. Jenny is retiring after 40 years of dedicated service to Pentucket. She exemplifies what teachers should be by demonsrating empathy, compassion and an understanding of each and every one of her students. She will be sorely missed but we all wish her a happy and restful retirement!
Please check the STUDENT SERVICES button for important information.
Please check the ATHLETICS button for the most up to date schedule.
End of Year Family Survey
Could you take a few minutes to complete this survey on how the school year went?
School Council Member Needed
Pentucket Middle-High School is asking for anyone who is interesting in taking part in our School Council. The Council meets monthly at 6:45am (yes 6:45am!) and is combined in-person or virtual based on what is easiest for our members. If you are interested, please email Brenda Erhardt (berhardt@prsd.org).
School Council's role:
Adopting educational goals for the school that are consistent with local educational policies and statewide student performance standards
Identifying the educational needs of students attending the school
Reviewing the annual school building budget
Formulating a school improvement plan
Community Service Opportunity
Sweet Paws Rescue Summer High School Volunteer Program
If you've worked with Sweet Paws Rescue already, thank you! We are gearing up for summer and we're expanding our High School volunteer opportunities - "ISO Prep" shifts will be every two weeks on either Tuesdays or Thursdays and we are pushing them to a 6-8 pm time slot. We're also making a few more exciting changes:
PUPPIES!!! After completion of 3 "ISO shifts" at our Groveland facility, 16 and 17 year old students can now volunteer to care for newly arriving dogs and puppies!
Volunteering with Sweet Paws is REWARDING! Student volunteers will earn Sweet Paws merch and access to "special assignments" based on how many service hours they have earned with us.
Summer is a very busy time for Sweet Paws adoption and awareness events and we are now inviting our High School volunteers to help! Sign up to help out at these events:
6/8 Newburyport Dog Bash at Cashman Park (Outdoors) Newburyport MA
8/24 Amesbury Dog Bash Heritage Park (Outdoors) Amesbury MA
8/25 Free the Fosters Event at Riverwalk Brewing in Newburyport MA
If you'd like to participate in our Summer Volunteer Program please provide your SUMMER CONTACT INFORMATION to ensure we can stay in touch!
Contact Sweet Paws directly at juniorrescue@sweetpawsrescue.org
The Rubbish to Runway Re-Fashion Show
The Rubbish to Runway Re-Fashion Show, will take place over two nights, June 21st and June 22nd, 2024 at Veasey Memorial Park in Groveland, MA.
This exciting annual event is a fashion show featuring garments upcycled or made by local designers from materials that would otherwise be recycled or thrown away.
Proceeds from this event will benefit Veasey Memorial Park in Groveland and will go towards an artist studio development project as well as arts programming and support for cultural events, public art and interpretive science programs and workshops.
Many PRSD students are involved in the show! Live music by Pentucket Jazz Combo members too.
We request that parents notify the school as soon as possible if they need to arrange for early dismissal of their child from school. Waiting until the last minute results in a backlog of calls and multiple disruptive calls to the classroom.
Additionally, middle school students are prohibited from using their phones. If they are feeling unwell, they must go through the nurse's office for dismissal.
Our Neighbors' Table - Here to Help
Please see Our Neighbors' Table flyers for information about their Summer Lunch Program and applying for SNAP. Our Neighbors' Table is a helpful and reliable source to extend a family's food budget.
Seeking Host Families: Welcome a Student from Germany!
Our GAPP exchange last fall with our partner school in Rheine, Germany was so successful that 10-15 students are asking to come over in the Fall. We are looking for families to host a German GAPP student from October 20-November 4. Host families need to provide a room (shared or private) and board for the students and see that the student gets to Pentucket for school each weekday. Weekends can be filled with special events or everyday family life. Please contact the school with any interest.
CONGRATULATIONS to April's Grades 7 & 8 PBIS Winners!
Seacoast Youth Sports
PRMS MUSICAL PRODUCTION of Freaky Friday The Musical. Shows on Friday, June 7th at 7pm, Saturday, June 8th at 2pm & 7pm PRMHS auditorium. Tickets available https://prsd.ludus.com/
District Notes
Upcoming School Committee Meetings:
June 11, 2024
*****All meetings begin at 6:00pm and are held in the middle/high school building
**A complete list of School Committee Meeting is available on the PRSD website**
MHS School Council Meetings
Upcoming School Council Meetings: Meeting Time 6:45am-7:15am