4th Grade Weekly Update
Important Dates to Remember
3/14- One Pager Projects are due (This is a in class project but can be taken home if needed); CUB RUN!
3/17-21- Spring Break
3/31 - No School
Reading - Students will be working on reading comprehension using STAAR strategies, ECRs (Extended Constructed Response), and working on our one-pager novel studies projects!
SS - Students will be working on their railroad community projects.
Math - Students will learn to Determine the approximate measures of angles in degrees to the nearest whole number using a protractor. As well as Illustrate the measure of an angle as the part of a circle whose center is at the vertex of the angle that is "cut out" by the rays of the angle.
Science -Students will collect and analyze data to identify sequences and predict patterns of change in shadows, tides, seasons, and the observable appearance of the Moon over time.
Working on One Pagers and Seasonal Posters!
Recommended Reading List
- Wings of Fire
- Series of Unfortunate Events
- Wrinkle in Time
- Wonder
- Percy Jackson Series
- Harry Potter Series
- Matilda, James, and the Giant Peach
- Chronicles of Narnia Series
- Judy Bloom Series
- Out of my Mind