Sundays From The Mesa # 28
March 11th - 15th
Principal Message
Dear Alta Mesa Families,
It's been a great first week of our Literacy Month!!! Students are challenging themselves to read every night. We had more students participate in the reading logs in our first week than we've had in the past. Please continue to encourage your children to read each night. Check out the reading log for the amount of time we want each grade level to read. Reminder to fill out the new reading log on Thursday!! Keep reading Alta Mesa!!!
Here are some other reminders for this week. They are also found throughout the newsletter.
- Spring picture day 3/13 - everyone will get their picture taken. Please see below for more information on ordering (Spring picture day volunteers needed - please email Kaylene @
- Cookie dough is due Monday, March 11th. We cannot take any order passed Monday.
- Booster Club meeting 3/13 @ 6PM in the Library.
- Flag Football and Softball permission slips will be available in the front office starting 3/11. All permission slips are due on Friday, 3/15. (Softball tryouts 3/19 & 3/20 1:30-2:30) (Flag football tryouts 3/26 & 3/27 2:30-3:30)
It's going to be a great week Alta Mesa!!!
Thank You,
Ryan Miller
Principal-Alta Mesa School
We Are Enrolling TK!!!!!
Literacy Month Reading Log
During the month of March we will be holding our reading challenge for the Alta Mesa Eagles! Every week parents must fill out the form by Thursday evening and submit every week to ensure your child receives their prize.
Here are the required minutes for each class level:
Schmitt, Walsh, Tuggle- 40 mins
Randolph, King, and Eisses- 60 mins
Duke and Havlina- 80 mins
Haag and Brewer-100 mins
Huelman 4th and McNeely-120 mins
Huelman 5th and Lindsley- 160 mins
Packets were sent home with students last week!
The Cookie Dough Fundraiser ends Monday, March 11th. If you ordered online you won't need to bring anything to school. If you didn't order online, please make sure you bring your envelope back to school by Monday, March 11th!
All proceeds go directly to your student's classroom which is used for field trips and fun student activities!
Spring Break Camp
Upcoming School Events
Literacy Month ~ March 4th - 29th
Literacy month starts March 4th and will go through March 29th. Please make sure to complete your student's weekly reading log online in order for them to receive the weekly reading incentives. This year our theme will be Harry Potter!
Here are the meeting requirements per teacher for students to receive the weekly incentive prize:
- Schmitt, Walsh, Tuggle - 40 mins
- Randolph, Eisses, and King - 60 mins
- Duke and Havlina - 80 mins
- Haag and Brewer - 100 mins
- Huelman 4th and McNeely - 120 mins
- Huelman 5th and Lindsley - 160 mins
The online weekly log will be on the Sunday Newsletter each week.
4/5 Basketball Game (Boys @ 3:00, Girls @ 4:00)
Tuesday, Mar 12, 2024, 03:00 PM
Alta Mesa Elementary School, Saturn Skyway, Redding, CA, USA
4/5 Basketball Game (Girls @ 3:00, Boys @ 4:00)
Thursday, Mar 14, 2024, 03:00 PM
Parsons Junior High, Hartnell Avenue, Redding, CA, USA
Spring Picture Day ~ March 13th
Spring pictures will be taken on Wednesday, March 13th. Please note that ALL students will get their picture taken and will come home with an access code for parents/guardians to view online prior to purchasing. One of the big benefits of ordering online is parents/guardians are able to edit and choose different backgrounds.
Parent volunteers are needed! Please email Kaylene @ if you are interested. Each volunteer will receive a FREE picture packet!
Ski & Snowboard Club to Mt. Shasta ~ 3/13/24
Ski and Snowboard Club will be heading to Mt. Shasta for the last time this school year. Please follow the itinerary below:
Booster Club Meeting ~ 3/13/24
Booster Club's next meeting will be Tuesday, March 13th in the Library from 6:00-7:00PM.
Parent/Teacher Conference Week ~ 3/18-3/24
Parent/Teacher conferences are coming up! Teachers will be sending out their conference schedules soon so please make sure to check your Bloomz accounts and your student's backpacks! We are hoping for 100% participation!
Please remember we are on a minimum day schedule during parent/teacher conference week!
Book Fair ~ 3/18-3/24
The Book Fair is coming back to Alta Mesa during parent/teacher conference week! The Book Fair will be open for students and families before school starts and will remain open until 3:00 each day. Students will also have the opportunity to shop during their regular scheduled library time.
We are also looking for volunteers to help run the Book Fair. If you are interested and have time, please email Tawny @
Tutoring Schedules
1st Grade: Mrs. Randolph
Days: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
Time: 2:15 - 3:00
Last Day of Tutoring: 3/14/24
3rd Grade: Mrs. Haag
Days: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
Time: 2:15 - 3:15
Last Day of Tutoring: 4/25/24
4/5 Boys Basketball: Jimmy Havlina
Tryouts: 1/16 & 1/17 2:30-3:30
Practices: Tuesdays & Thursdays 2:30-4:30, Wednesdays and Fridays 2:30-3:30
**When games start practices will be Wednesdays and Fridays**
Games: Tuesday games will be at 3:00, Thursday games will be at 4:00
2/06: SM at AM
2/08: AM at LV
2/13: MI at AM
2/15: AM at SM
2/27: AM at BC
2/29: RO at AM
3/05: LV at AM
3/07: AM at MI
3/12: BC at AM
3/14: AM at RO (Parsons) @ 4:30
4/5 Girls Basketball: Trina Franks & Keeley Tuggle
Tryouts: 1/16 & 1/17 2:30-3:30
Practices: Mondays 1:30-2:30, Tuesday - Thursday 2:30-3:30
**When games start practices will only be Mondays and Wednesdays**
Games: Tuesday games will be at 4:00, Thursday games will be at 3:00
2/06: SM at AM
2/08: AM at LV
2/13: MI at AM
2/15: AM at SM
2/27: AM at BC
2/29: RO at AM
3/05: LV at AM
3/07: AM at MI
3/12: BC at AM
3/14: AM at RO (Parsons) @ 3:30
Ski and Snowboard
Ski & Snowboard Club: Dana Randolph
Meetings: Wednesdays 7:40am - 8:00am
2/13, 2/20
1/10, 1/17, 1/31
2/7, 2/14
Trips planned to Mt. Shasta:
1/24, 2/27, 3/13
Flag Football
4/5 Boys Flag Football: Devin Lindsley
Tryouts: 3/26 & 3/27 (2:30 - 3:30)
Practices: Tuesdays and Wednesdays (2:30 - 3:30)
** Practices will only be on Wednesdays when games start **
Games: Tuesdays and Thursdays @ 3:00
4/23: Lassen View @ Alta Mesa
4/25: Alta Mesa @ Shasta Meadows
4/30: Alta Mesa @ Mistletoe
5/02: Boulder Creek @ Alta Mesa
5/07: Rother @ Alta Mesa
5/09: Alta Mesa @ Lassen View
5/14: Shasta Meadows @ Alta Mesa
5/16: Mistletoe @ Alta Mesa
5/21: Alta Mesa @ Boulder Creek
5/23: Alta Mesa @ Rother
4/5 Girls Softball: Trina Franks & Vicki Pasero
Tryouts: 3/19 & 3/20
Practices: Mondays (1:30 - 2:30), Tuesday - Thursday (2:30 - 3:30)
** Practices will be on Mondays and Wednesdays when games start **
Games: Tuesdays and Thursdays @ 3:00
4/23: Lassen View @ Alta Mesa
4/25: Alta Mesa @ Shasta Meadows
4/30: Alta Mesa @ Mistletoe
5/02: Boulder Creek @ Alta Mesa
5/07: Rother @ Alta Mesa
5/09: Alta Mesa @ Lassen View
5/14: Shasta Meadows @ Alta Mesa
5/16: Mistletoe @ Alta Mesa
5/21: Alta Mesa @ Boulder Creek
5/23: Alta Mesa @ Rother
Garden Club
Garden Club: Devin Lindsley & Cate Richards
Meeting Dates:
All meeting dates will be on Thursdays 2:20-3:20
**Starting April 26th Garden Club will be on Fridays**
10/05, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26
11/02, 11/30
12/07, 12/14
01/11, 01/18, 01/25
02/01, 02/08, 02/15, 02/29
03/07, 03/14, 03/28
04/18, 04/26
05/03, 05/10, 05/17
24-25 Enrollment Is Open!
It's already that time of year again - New Student Registration Time!
We are currently in our open enrollment period. We are enrolling students both in the district and out of the district. You can begin the enrollment process by clicking HERE.
If you have specific questions, you may contact our Student Services Clerk, Michelle Poland at or 530-224-4130.
**REMEMBER** You do not have to re-register your child if he/she is already an Alta Mesa student.
Ace Registration Is Open
The 2024-2025 ACE enrollment is open. Please log in to your Parent Portal and fill out ACE enrollment forms for the 2024-2025 school year. If you need help accessing your Parent Portal, please reach out to our office staff 530-224-4130.
Yearbooks are on sale starting Monday, January 22nd. This year the yearbooks will be purchased from the school, not online. If you would like to purchase a yearbook, please bring cash or a check (made payable to Alta Mesa School) to the office. Please see the flyer below for more information.
Important Dates
- 03/13: Ski & Snowboard Club Trip to Mt. Shasta
- 03/13: Spring Picture Day
- 03/13: Booster Club Meeting
- 03/18-22: Parent/Teacher Conference Week - MINIMUM DAY ALL WEEK
- 03/28: 3rd Grade Wax Museum
- 03/28: Vocabulary Parade
- 03/28: Family Literacy Night
- 04/01-06: Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
- 04/10: Board of Education Meeting
- 04/16-19: 1st & 2nd Grade Swim Lessons
- 04/17: Booster Club Meeting
- 04/23-26: 1st & 2nd Grade Swim Lessons
Breakfast/Lunch Menus
Health Information
In The Community
General School Information
Alta Mesa School
Alta Mesa is a TK-5th Grade Campus serving south Redding. Alta Mesa is a part of the Enterprise Elementary School District. We have been recognized for the past 5 years as a Capturing Kids Hearts National Showcase School. For more information you can follow us on facebook @altamesaschool or go to our website
Address: 2301 Saturn Skyway, Redding Ca. 96002
School Phone: (530) 224-4130
Principal- Ryan Miller
School Secretary- Kaylene Elliott