Doyon News
Summer Edition
Dear Doyon Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
I'm so very excited for us to begin the upcoming year together. I have been offered the opportunity to continue to serve as your Interim Principal and I couldn't be more pleased to accept. Teaching at the Paul F. Doyon Memorial School is an honor. For those of you new to our building, I previously served as our building Assistant Principal and prior to that taught students in grades PreKindergarten, Kindergarten, 2, 3, and 4 in New Hampshire public schools. I live in Hampton Falls with my wife, Elizabeth, and our son, Hudson. A dream of mine has always been to, alongside teachers, nurture a school community rooted in ensuring the needs of all children and families are met. I believe that is what we do - and will continue to do - at the Paul F. Doyon Memorial School.
Summer feels like it's come and gone in a blink! We have been busy at school preparing to ensure that our very special school is ready to welcome students and teachers. I hope that your families, like mine, have enjoyed bits and pieces of quiet nights, busy days, and opportunities for togetherness. This email is inclusive of information to help you prepare over the next two weeks for our return to school. Please know that I am here to support each of you. If you have a question, simply reach out.
Mr. Whitehouse-Mullen
Preparing for the Year!
Student Supply List & Summer Materials: Click here for more information about student supply lists and summer reading. If you need any assistance with purchasing supplies, please contact Adam J. Whitehouse-Mullen at or Dominie O'Neill at
Hours of Operation:
Kindergarten & Grades 1-5: 8:40 a.m. – 3:05 p.m. (M, T, W & F), 8:40 a.m. – 1:50 p.m. (Th)
Ipswich Integrated Preschool Program:
- Three Year Old Program: 9:00 - 1:30 PM (T, Th)
- Four Year Old Program: 9:00 - 2:45 PM (M, W, F)
Arrival and Dismissal Routines: We will maintain our arrival and dismissal routines from the 2023 - 2024 school year for the 2024 - 2025 school year. We continue to work collaboratively as a school to ensure that our processes are as efficient and safe as possible. For friends new to the Doyon community, detailed information related to our procedures can be review below.
Important Arrival and Dismissal Notes:
Breakfast begins at 8:15 AM. If your student will have breakfast, please drop off at the front door between 8:15 and 8:30 AM. Between 8:30 and 8:40 AM, please drop in the car line and your student can head inside for breakfast through the cafeteria door.
Drop off is outside between 8:30 and 8:40 AM and staff members are on duty to supervise until 8:40 AM.
If you arrive after 8:40 AM, please pull up to the front door. Your student will ring the doorbell to go into the building. Please make sure that your student is safely in the building before pulling away.
EDP (Extended Day Program) students will enter and exit out of the rear cafeteria door at the side of the building.
Bus Arrivals:
When busses arrive to Doyon they will unload and students will walk down the side of the building to their assigned grade level areas with adult supervision. They will enter into the back doors at 8:40 AM.
Car Arrivals:
Thank you for helping us to get everyone into the building safely. If you are dropping off your child in the morning between 8:30 and 8:40 AM, please enter into the driveway, circle around the side of the building, drop off at the sign and proceed out the same way. Adhere to cones and arrows when they are there. This year, drop off will continue to be next to the back playground so students can proceed to their grade level area in the back.
Walking Arrivals:
If you are walking your student to school, please adhere to the pathways and walk to the back of the school where they can join their peers at grade level areas.
Car Dismissal:
Proceed into the car pick-up lane if you are picking up. Teacher will be present to help. Please be sure to have a name sign with your last name on your car. This is how we will call your student. As busses load, you may depart out of the main driveway when directed. You may not leave the driveway when busses are parked or loading.
If there are any changes to your child's arrival or dismissal procedure, please notate this through School Dismissal Manager.
Arrival and Dismissal Visuals
School Dismissal Manager *Immediate Attention Needed*
We are eager to share that we will continue to use School Dismissal Manager for the 2024 - 2025 school year. Please take a moment to review this document to ensure you are prepared, as we will use this application on the first day of school. If you have any questions, or require support, please contact Amy Digby in the Main Office.
This year, our school theme surrounds togetherness and care. The essential question being: How do we, together, show care for our community and help one another to grow? We will be partnering with the Winthrop School in this journey. As a piece of this work, we will consider the Responsive Classroom CARES acronym, pondering: How do students show Cooperation, Assertion, Responsibility, Empathy, and Self-Control?
Teacher Placements 2024-2025
Interim School Principal: Adam J. Whitehouse-Mullen
Interim Building Administrator: Scott Laliberte
Head Secretary: Amy Digby
Administrative Assistant to the Principal: Kelli Coviello
PreKindergarten: Kerrie Janvrin, Raegan Wagg
Kindergarten: Dee Dee Bates, Jennifer Fraser, Jena Woodworth
Special Educator: Jill Hinckley
First Grade: Annemarie Kelley, Susan Merrill, Brittany Dingle
Special Educator: Louise McHugh
Second Grade: Donna Blake , Amy DiFazio, Tyler Strutt
Special Educator: Michelle Garvey
Third Grade: Betsy Castonguay, Meghan Hubbard, Andrea Welch
Special Educator: Laurie Skaza, Nicole Twomey
Fourth Grade: Carrie Clasby, Toni Mannette, Kimberly Meaney
Special Educator: Emma Gendall
Fifth Grade: Bryan Healey, Sarah Blessington, Jennifer Vickery
Special Educator: Elyse Vlahos
Special Education Program Manager: Colleen Blanchard
Doyon Reading Specialist: Susan Moore
Doyon Math Instructional Coach & Specialist: Lina Lopez-Ryan
ELL Teacher: Stephanie Fregeolle
School Nurse: Mary Sforza
School Counselor: Dominie O'Neill
School Psychologist: Julia MacDougall
Occupational Therapist Assistant: Nichole Johnson
Physical Therapist: Jacqueline Wilkinson
P.E. - Whitney Cardew, Mark Southam
Art - Holly Bendezu
Music - Lisa Palance
Instrumental Music (Grades 4, 5) - Marissa Scarano, Jamie Fremont-Smith
Library Media - Teresa Hohenstein
World Language - Zulima Martin-Garcia
New Staff Background
Scott Laliberte - Interim Building Administrator
- Scott Laliberte will be joining us an an Interim Building Administrator for the 2024 - 2025 school year. Scott has previously served as an elementary Principal, school Superintendent, and now coaches school leaders. He is excited to join us for the school year!
Colleen Blanchard - Special Education Program Manager
- Colleen Blanchard is joining us from the New Hampshire Department of Education. Previously, she served as a Special Educator for a number of school years at the Sanborn Regional School District, Amesbury School Department, and School Administrative Unit 21 (Hampton Falls). She is eager to integrate into our school community and build roots here in Ipswich!
A message from Ms. Blanchard:
Dear Families,
I am so excited to be joining Doyon Elementary School this year as the new Special Education Program Manager!
My name is Colleen Blanchard and I am passionate about inclusive and supporting learning environments where every child can be successful. With a background as a Special Education Teacher and Literacy Coach, I am eager to contribute to this wonderful and vibrant school community.
I live in New Hampshire with my husband, two children, and the most adorable dog named Toby. I enjoy nature, traveling, and reading.
I am looking forward to meeting you and your children and working together to make this a wonderful and successful year.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if there’s anything I can do to support your family.
Kind regards,
Colleen Blanchard
Elyse Vlahos - Special Educator
- Elyse Vlahos is an experienced Special Educator joining us from Georgetown Public Schools. She will be joining our Special Education Department. Elyse has a strong background in literacy-rich interventions and building specialized programs for students requiring intensive supports.
Sarah Blessington - Teacher, Grade Five
- Sarah Blessington is not new to us, but is new to her role! Sarah was previously a Teaching Fellow throughout our building. Sarah is eager to continue working with learners as a part of our grade five team!
Tyler Strutt - Teacher, Grade Two
- Like Sarah, Tyler is not new to the Doyon community. Tyler previously served as our Math Interventionist, where she displayed an innate talent for teaching children. Prior to joining us at Doyon, she taught early childhood grades throughout the Commonwealth, as well as served students as a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT). Tyler is so very excited to connect with students and families this school year and beyond!
Stephanie Fregeolle - English-Language Teacher
- Stephanie Fregeolle is recently returning to education after spending a few years at home with children. She previously taught Second Grade in Dracut. Her student population was diverse and led her to find a passion in supporting students with language-based needs. She was a student at the Doyon School and is excited to return as a staff member.
Allison Jones - Speech Language Pathology Assistant
- Allison is joining us from Essex Elementary School is Essex, Massachusetts. She describes her superpower as being able to positively build connections with students. She is eager to begin her journey this year in a new-to-her role as our Speech and Language Pathology Assistant.
Kathy Small - Math Paraeducator
- Kathy Small is joining us from Marblehead Charter School. She is an experienced Paraeducator working in both small- and large-group settings. Kathy reports a love for math and a general enthusiasm to join our school community!
Lisa Poblenz - Lunch/Recess Support Staff
- Lisa Poblenz is a former parent of a Doyon student who is eager to support our school community. She is particularly excited to build positive relationships with students at lunch and recess. Lisa reported such positive experiences for her children at the Doyon School and she's excited to learn her new role!
Thank you to Teachers Moving On
Four teachers will not be joining us for the 2024-2025 school year. Ms. Laura Repplier and Ms. Susan Speak retired at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. We wish them well in their retirement! Ms. Brooke Ternullo and Ms. Erin Martin have chosen not to return for the 2024-2025 school year to explore other opportunities. We wish them well! We will miss all of our educators, but are excited for many visits in the coming months.
Extended Day Program Update
Happy August!
I hope you all are doing well and enjoying your summer.
We are looking forward to a fun and exciting year at EDP.
Enrolled families, please be sure to check your email for important registration updates and first day of school information. If you have yet to receive an email from EDP, please contact me.
We look forward to seeing you all soon and cannot wait to hear about your summer adventures!
To inquiry about availability, questions, or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out via email or phone. Please note, a waitlist has been started for the fall.
Alicia Merry
Director of Extended Day Program
Doyon School Council
Are you interested in serving as a parent representative on the Doyon School Council? We are anticipating at least one vacancy on the School Council at this time.
What is a School Council?
A school council is a representative, school-building-based committee comprised of the principal, parents, teachers, and community members that work together to establish goals, shape the policies and programs of the school, and improve student achievement. The school council assists the principal in:
Adopting educational goals for the school that are consistent with local educational policies and statewide student performance standards
Identifying the educational needs of students attending the school
Reviewing the annual school building budget
Formulating a school improvement plan
School councils also serve as a voice and sounding board for the school community. Each member of the council is available to hear concerns and suggestions from parents, teachers, students, and the community at large.
The Doyon School Advisory Council consists of parent representatives, teacher representatives, administrative representatives, and one community representative. The mission of the School Advisory Council is to develop the school improvement plan through monthly meetings with input from all different representatives involved in the school: parents, teachers, administration, and community members.
The Doyon School Council typically meets once per month on a Wednesday at 5:30 PM alternating in-person and via zoom. Our first meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 16 at 5:30 PM in the Doyon Library. All school council meetings are open to the public and all parents are welcome to attend.
If you are interested in joining the school council, please fill out this Google Form.
Should there be a larger interest than spaces available, elections will be held during Curriculum Nights and the information provided in the Google Form will be made public.
FRIES Corner
Welcome to the new school year! FRIES is Doyon's parent-teacher organization, and we work to bring great programming to the school and support students, teachers and staff. We have a Facebook group ( and a website ( On the website, you can sign up for a family directory. (If you have signed up for the directory in the past, please login soon to update your child's grade and teacher!)
We are holding informal playground meetups over the next two weeks. Teachers will not be present, but it is another opportunity for students to meet up before school begins:
August 14 - Kindergarten Class Meetup 5pm-6pm
August 19 - 2nd and 3rd grade meetup 5pm-6pm
August 20 - 4-5th grade meetup 4pm-5pm
August 21 - 1st grade meetup on playground 5pm-6pm
On August 17th and 18th, volunteers will be building a new playground for the preschool, and we would love it if you joined us! Sign up here:
On September 11 at 6:30pm, FRIES will be holding our first meeting of the school year in the school library. All parents/guardians are welcome, and you can be as involved as you would like.
Please save the date for our fun fall events: Mums Sale (begins August 28th), Ice Cream Social (September 20th), Third Annual Spooky Walk (October 5th, rain date October 6th)
School Lunch Program
Breakfast is available starting at 8:15 a.m. every morning. There is no sign-up necessary for breakfast. Students may bring lunch, or purchase lunch in the cafeteria. Per the latest guidelines from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, breakfast and lunch are served at no charge. However, if students wish to purchase other items, there may be a cost. Please review the link: “Nutrikids” and “My School Bucks”, to learn more about the debit card method used to send money to school for your child.
Required Health Forms
All new families submitted required immunization and health forms when they registered. Returning families are also required to submit updated physicals and immunization records for students in first and fourth grades. Please contact Nurse Mary Sforza at with questions and wonderings.
Summer Reading and Supply Lists
Happy Summer Reading!
Important Dates
Tuesday, August 20th: Popsicles with the Principals, 3:00 - 4:00 PM on the Playground
Wednesday, August 21st: Kindergarten Tours (10:00 AM & 4:00 PM)
Wednesday, August 28th- 1st Day of School for Students in Grades 1-12
Thursday, August 29th- Early Release, Grades 1-5, Dismissal at 1:50 PM
Thursday, August 29th- Kindergarten Orientation at 9:30 AM
Friday, August 30th- No School
Monday, September 2nd- No School, Labor Day
Tuesday, September 3rd: Preschool and Kindergarten 1st Day of School
Monday, September 23 & Wednesday, September 25: Curriculum Nights (More Information to Come)
*Be sure to be on the lookout for information from grade-level teams for invitations to Open House events.