September, 2024
Contact Us!
Location: 14653 Clayton Road Chesterfield, MO 63011
Phone: 314-415-7500
Inside This Issue
- September, 2024
- West High News
- Athletic & Activity News
- Yearbook Information
- WPO News
- District News
We officially turn the calendar to the month of September. That turn sees two full weeks of school already in the rearview. It has been a wonderful start around West High, and we are just getting warmed up.
September sees us over all the "newness" and settling into the school year. The calendar fills quickly with practices, games, contests, and countless opportunities for our students in and out of the classroom.
A few September highlights include Picture Day and at the end of the month our 56th annual Homecoming festivities kickoff. We will have a wonderful week of celebration!
This newsletter marks a return to our more normal monthly update. Our next monthly update will come to you at the beginning of October.
Let's make it a spectacular September!
Go Longhorns!
John McCabe
Principal, West High
September, 2024 Calendar
West High News
District Early Release
The first district E-ER (Early Release) Day of the 2024-25 school year is scheduled on Wednesday, Sept. 11th. Please familiarize yourself with the bell schedule specific to that day below. Students will follow an abbreviated "E Day" schedule, and all high school students will be dismissed at 12:30 pm that afternoon.
West High School Picture Day
Monday, September 9th is Picture Day for Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors at West High. Students will be assigned a 5-minute time slot during the school day to report to the gym and have their picture taken. Schedules with these specific time slots will be hung in each classroom for students to reference. Each student should check the schedule to determine their time slot. The schedule is alphabetical through grade level, beginning with Freshmen at the start of Block 1 with brief time slots alphabetically all the way through Juniors alphabetically in Block 8.
Portraits will be taken by Wagner Portrait Group. To preorder picture packets, visit www.wagnerportraitgroup.com and enter code 8H5R8W8U
Seniors will not be photographed on Sept. 9th. Seniors who still need to have their portrait taken can make an appointment for the Wagner Portrait Group studio by calling (314) 567-5900 or by visiting www.wagnerportraitgroup.com. Seniors also have an additional opportunity to be photographed at West High on November 6th. Senior pictures must be taken and selected by Dec. 13 to be included in the yearbook.
2024 Parent Teacher Conferences
Save The Date!
Date: Wednesday, Oct. 9th
Time: 3:00 - 8:00 pm
Mark your calendars for Parent Teacher Conferences for West High. They will take place on Wednesday, October 9 from 3:00 - 8:00 PM. Please note: Conferences will be offered both virtually and in-person.
Who To Call at West High
Paubel's Pointers
Officer Matt Paubel is West High's on-site School Resource Officer (he's been here since 2021) Matt is a Chesterfield police officer and works with West High administration for all security purposes and much more. In order to keep all families, students and staff safe while traveling to and from West High, he would like everyone to keep the following pointers in mind:
- The speed limit on campus is 15 mph. Several students and parents have been traveling at much higher rates of speed and accidents can happen. Please prioritize safety and slow down.
- When traveling west on Clayton Rd. to enter campus, please obey the right turn sign. Making a right hand turn from the lane not designated the right turn lane is a violation of Chesterfield traffic laws (improper lane use). Any violations could result in a traffic citation.
- Only Junior and Senior students with valid parking tags are allowed to park on campus in designated student lots. Please make sure your tag is hanging from the rearview mirror and not on your dashboard or in your cupholder.
- When walking to or from the building, please use the crosswalks in the parking lot as buses are unable to see pedestrians if they are not using the designated crosswalks.
- Please DO NOT use the bus lane when driving onto campus as buses are actively picking up and dropping students off for activities and sporting events before, during and after school hours.
Parking Lot Construction Update
- PARKING LOT - Major construction involving the new entry lane to our senior and staff parking lot is almost complete. We are awaiting some signage and final clearance before we officially open the lane for use. I want to thank all of you for your patience as we improve West High. I will send updated instructions and information prior to the lane opening.
Athletic and Activity Bus Information
Athletic buses (both Parkway & VICC) will depart the WHS campus at 5:30 pm, Mon - Fri.
Beginning September 3rd: Activity buses will depart the WHS campus at 4:00 pm, Mon - Thur.
**All students riding Athletic and Activity Buses must be participating in a sport or club and supervised by a coach or sponsor to access the buses. Students may not ride home on athletic and activity buses without participating in a sport, club or activity.
If you plan on participating in athletics, please keep in mind that MSHSAA requires that student athletes enroll in, and pass, at minimum 6 classes each semester in order to participate in athletics. Please contact Jeff Taggart, Athletic & Activities Director or your grade level principal if you need additional information.
2025 Yearbook Information
West High Parent Organization NEWS
Taste of West
WPO Principal's Coffee
Come chat with Mr. McCabe about the start of the school year and any other topics parents and guardians may want to discuss.
Date: 9/24/24
Time: 9 - 10:30 am at WHS
Calling all West High Volunteers!! Looking to get involved this school year? Click this VOLUNTEER LINK to view current volunteer sign-ups! Opportunities will continue to be added throughout the school year.
Parkway West High School
Email: westhigh@parkwayschools.net
Website: www.parkwayschools.net/whs
Location: 14653 Clayton Road, Chesterfield, MO 63011, USA
Phone: (314) 415-7500