Weekly Bulletin Week of Nov 11
November 4,2024

School Hours
- Front Doors open @ 7:55 a.m.
- Warning Bell to go to class @ 8:08 a.m.
- First Period bell rings @ 8:10 a.m. (students should be in First period Class at this time)
- Dismissal is @ 2:30 p.m.
No School - Monday November 11 Veterans Day
Parent Night for 8th Grade @CHS GYM -Wednesday November 13
Picture Retake - Friday November 15
Early Release for Elem & MS Only For Conference's - Wednesday November 20 @ 11:00
Early Release Thanksgiving Recess Begins - Wednesday November 27 @ 11:00
No School Thanksgiving Day - Thursday November 28
No School Day After Thanksgiving - Friday November 29
School Re-Opens - Monday December 2
Flu Clinic for STUDENTS grades 5-12 on Friday November 15th
Good Morning,
We just got this from Peggy. Can we send this out in out weekly communications? I am sorry it is late!
Chelmsford Public Schools is partnering with Remedium Pharmacy to offer a Flu Clinic for STUDENTS grades 5-12 on Friday November 15th. The flu clinic will be on site at each school. If you would like your child to receive the flu vaccine, please pre-register for the clinic using this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/CHELMSFORD111524
This clinic is provided by Remedium Pharmacy. Pharmacy staff will bill your insurance plan to ensure coverage prior to the clinic. We ask that you please enter your insurance information if asked during the registration process or provide requested information if we reach out to you for clarification. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have questions regarding this sign-up, please contact the pharmacy directly at 978-251-7070 and we will be happy to assist.
The access code to sign up is: CHELMSFORD (all caps). Please note, there are 3 tabs to select for the school your child attends, CHS, McCarthy and Parker. Be sure to select the school your child attends under the correct tab. The times for the signs up will be:
CHS: 7:30am-9:30 am (Learning Commons)
Parker: 10:00am-12:00 pm (Health Office)
McCarthy: 12:30pm-2:30 pm (Health Office)
The online registration for the Student Flu Clinic will close on Wednesday, November 13th by 2:00 pm to allow time to process the registrations. Please register by 2:00 pm on Wednesday November 13th!
Please inform your child that they are signed up for the Flu Clinic on November 15th and inform them of the appointment time that has been selected. It may be helpful to write down the time and day of the Flu Clinic Appt. and give this information to your child. Please remind your child to wear a short sleeve shirt on the day of the clinic! Thank you for keeping our school community safe by getting a flu shot!! Please contact your school nurse for any questions.
(add your names)
McCarthy Vestibule & School Safety
All visitors who come to McCarthy during the school day will ring the bell outside of our new vestibule area. This is located to the left as you are approaching the main entrance of the school. This area is staffed by one of our office members, who interacts with the guests. This new safety measure also includes a kiosk where guests will scan their license and receive a printed badge before entering. Families who are dropping off items or dismissing students do not need to use the kiosk. However, any guests who plan to enter the building have to scan their license/ID before being allowed inside. Guests will also scan their badge in order to "sign out" when they leave.
*Please remember to bring your license or state issued ID card (for those who do not drive) if you plan to enter the school.
Jeffery D. Parks, Ed.D.
McCarthy Middle School
8th Grade Parent/Caregiver and Student Night
We are starting the process of transitioning 8th grade students to the high school for next year. It is a long process. The first step in this process is a parent/caregiver/student meeting to go over what you can expect this year for the transition process and what you can expect next year when your child becomes a 9th grader.
8th Grade Parent/Caregiver and Student Night will occur on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2024, at 6 p.m. in the CHS Gym. Please encourage your 8th Grader to attend with you. This is a change from the past.
We will meet with your child’s middle school teachers, counselors and administration to prepare your child and you for a smooth transition to Chelmsford High School. At the end of the school year, we will have 8th Grade Move-Up Day, which includes question-and-answer panels with staff and high school students, as well as an opportunity for your child to meet their student mentors and tour the building. Please click the following link for a more detailed overview of the event:
Picture Retake Day
Don't Forget to Order This Year's School Pictures
Dear parents,
School pictures are ready!
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an account using your student's student ID number.
All families can also log on and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card.
More about the Smilesafe program here.
Thank you!
Beauty and the Beast
Chelmsford High School Presents: Beauty And The Beast
Tickets are available now! Dates: Nov 21 - Nov 23 2024
It's time to purchase your tickets for the upcoming CHS production of Beauty and the Beast at the Carl J. Rondina Performing Arts Center, Thursday November 21-Saturday November 23! Shows are sure to sell out, so get your tickets now to enjoy this family-friendly musical!
Ticket link: https://our.show/chstheatreguild/bandb
🗓️ PTO Meeting Thursday, November 14th @ 6:30 in McCarthy Library:
Join us for our monthly PTO meeting! Parker & McCarthy PTOs work collaboratively to provide community building activities, provide enrichment programs for our students and families and support our teachers. We encourage any middle school parent/guardian to join us to learn about upcoming events and activities throughout the school year.
❄️☃️ Parker Craft Fair- Sunday, December 8th 10:00 am-2:00 pm:
Parker PTO is proud to present our 4th Annual Craft Fair on Sunday, December 8th 10:00 AM- 2:00 PM. Stop by our school and shop local vendors. This is a GREAT opportunity to get a jump start on your holiday shopping and support local businesses. All adult and all student vendors are welcome to join the fun. Table spaces are $30 + one raffle donation for adult vendors and $10 + one raffle donation for student vendors. Click link to sign up: 2024 Parker Middle School Craft Fair
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to McCarthy PTO at PTO.McCarthy@gmail.com As always, thank you for your continued support of our school!
McCarthy PTO
🏒Riverhawks Hockey -November 9th @ 6:05 PM:
Meet all your friends at the Tsongas for a great night of hockey! Check out UML Riverhawks take on Boston University on Saturday, November 9th @ 6:05 PM. Tickets are $15 each. See some great hockey and support our schools. $5 of every ticket purchased through our unique link will be donated to PTO. Tickets must be purchased by Friday, November 8th. Click our link to order tickets: https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/Parkermccarthymiddle5
PARKER & McCARTHY NIGHT with the RiverHawk
Dear McCarthy Families,
Please send in non-glass, non-breakable storage containers and/or water bottles with your students. We've had several instances of broken glass, creating a safety issue. Plastic or aluminum is preferred.
~Thank you for your help.
As of October 28th, if you haven't signed your student up for after school activities through My School Bucks or turned in your Health directive, your student will be ineligible to participate.
American Sign Language Ms. Fitzgibbons Bi-weekly Virtual Meetings 2:30-4:30
Invite Link: https://classroom.google.com/c/MjA5MjE3MDU3MzEz?cjc=yqtuwha
Class Code: yqtuwha
Yearbook Ms. Egan Room 104
Backstage Crew Ms. Richardson Chorus Room
Cross fit Ms. Suchecki Fitness room
Homework Club Ms. Sousa Library
Jazz Band Mr. DeStefano Band room
Select Chorus Ms. Richardson Chorus room
TV Club Ms. Martin Meets @ Parker School *Students must take the bus to Parker after school to use the television studio.
Stand-Up McCarthy (GSA) Ms. Briand Room 209
7th Grade Art Club Ms. Morton Art Room 120
Community Service Org. Ms. Isaacs Bi-weekly Room 233
Festival Band ATWE Mr. DeStefano 6pm-8pm Band room
Festival Orchestra Mr. Miller Room 124
Game “D&D” Ms. Carter & Ms. Sorrows Room 130 As soon as you are interested in joining, 1) join Google Class https://classroom.google.com/c/NTU5MTkxODM0ODc3?cjc=plj2ho2 with the code “plj2ho2”
Project 300 Mr. Gallagher Room 109
8th Grade Art Club Ms. Kiley Room 122
Magic Gathering Club Mr. Warnock Room 230
Running Club Ms. Hughes Fall- (Spring TBD) Outside Café Starts Oct. 24
Drama club Ms. Richardson Chorus room Join the Drama club google classroom : qslajac to stay informed of your opportunities to get involved. You can participate
Intramurals Ms. Suchecki, Mr. Sherlock, Mr. Graham, Mr. Johnson Gym
Fitness Room Mr. Graham Fitness room
Please be aware all activity times/days are subject to change
Email: mccarthy_attendance@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Please Send Email: Prior to 9am on the day of the absence (same as current voicemail option) Please Include: Child’s name, Grade, and Reason for absence.
We encourage you to use the email option when reporting an absence, dismissal, etc. Parents are still free to use the phone system to report absences, but you are encouraged to use email for greater office efficiency.
If you prefer, you can certainly call the attendance line prior to 9:00am, at 978-251-5122, please press 1.
We will continue to send automated emails home when students are absent. You will receive the email whether you notified the school or not. In order for an absence to be marked as "Excused", families will need to provide medical documentation.
Thank you for your understanding.
McCarthy Middle School
For an absence to be "excused"
Attendance Matters
For an absence to be “excused” families need to provide medical documentation. This includes dismissals from the health office, unless your school nurse is requiring the dismissal based on the “Illness Policy” (ie: temperature over 100, vomiting, etc.) set by the Chelmsford School District or nursing judgment based on concerning symptoms that require further assessment or monitoring. Any absences over 3 days require medical documentation to be considered excused.
Second Step Curriculum
Bullying Unit: Recognizing Bullying & Harassment
Students learn how to recognize bullying and harassment, stand up safely to bullying, and respond appropriately to harassment. This unit’s content helps students develop empathy, understand the impact of bullying and harassment on individuals and their communities, and examine social and environmental factors that contribute to negative behaviors as well as identify solutions for preventing those behaviors.
Lunch/Cafeteria Reminder:
Lunch/Cafeteria Reminder:
Our school is considered to be "nut aware" and not nut free. Although nuts are allowed, no students are permitted to share food in the building. It is also considered best practice not to have students bring in shelled peanuts for the safety of others. It is important for students to understand that if they are bringing in nut products, they cannot share them regardless of whether the other student is allergic or not. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that no student experiences an anaphylactic response and we can help prevent those events together.
While we have these discussions with students throughout the day, it would be helpful and appreciated if you would address this at home as well.
Set Up Account for lunch and Half Day Lunch
Directions to set up your account and order:
- URL Link: family.onlineordering.linq.com
- Sign up now: Email, create password.
- School District: Chelmsford Public Schools
- Student ID: This can be found on x2- Child’s student ID number
- Last Name: (You can also search and add siblings/family members at this time). Once this is completed, student’s name should appear on page.
How to order meals
- School Menu-select online lunch ordering (all schools)
- Scroll to week of half day/early release date (top right of page)
- Find date, select meal option
- Add item to cart/Select Add to order
- Click on shopping cart icon at top right of page
- Click Check out
- Select pick up location: Elementary pick-up location classroom. Middle/high school pick up location cafeteria.
- Place order
For the upcoming half day Wednesday 9/18/24 orders must be received by Friday 9/13/24.
2024-2025 CPS Upcoming Half Day/Early Release dates
11/20/24 (Elem & MS Only)
● 11/27/24
● 12/12/24
● 1/14/25
● 2/6/25
● 3/12/25
● 4/1/25
From the Nurses: Answers to frequently asked questions.
November 8, 2024
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We have received reports that several middle school aged students are bringing energy drinks, such as Red Bull, Blue Gatorade, and Celsius to school and drinking them.
We are concerned about this behavior, as these drinks can have significant negative impacts on a child's health and development. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control energy drinks can cause a variety of side effects, including:
· Increased heart rate and blood pressure
· Anxiety and jitters
· Difficulty sleeping
· Upset stomach
· Dehydration
· Headaches
Furthermore, some students skip meals after drinking these drinks which can lead to poor concentration, fatigue, and other health problems. We encourage you to talk to your child about healthy eating and drinking habits. If you have any concerns about your child's health or behavior, please don't hesitate to contact us.
For more information click on the CDC link below: https://www.cdc.gov/healthyschools/nutrition/energy.htm#:~:text=How%20Much%20Caffeine%20Is%20Okay,diet%20of%20children%20and%20adolescents.
Gina Clancy, LPN
School Nurse
McCarthy Middle School
978-251-5122 x 7406
Parent(s)/guardian must notify the school nurse of all surgeries and injuries (i.e., concussions, fractures, sprains, stitches, etc.) Parents shall notify the school nurse when a student has sustained a concussion outside of school activities. Guidelines regarding injuries and non-participation in physical education (P.E.) classes and recess are as follows:
Students with casts, stitches, or splints may not participate in Physical Education class or outdoor recess without written consent from both the parent/guardian and the attending physician.
*All injury notes from the doctor should include the type of injury, any limitations or allowance to participate in such activities, and the date the child may return to full physical activities. Parent/guardian wishes may not supersede this medical prescription.
Height and weight screening with the health office upcoming this November 6th and 7th for 7th grade
Please remind your students that any food brought from home should not be shared with peers to avoid any undisclosed allergies
CDC updated Covid guidelines in the spring 2024. No quarantine is required. Stay home up to 3 days with symptoms if appropriate, but not required. Any absences longer than 3 days will require a doctor’s note to excuse absences. It is recommended as best practice to wear a mask if you are symptomatic and covid positive while at school.
If your student is dismissed from the Health Office it is not automatically excused. Excused dismissals include students with fever, vomiting, injuries requiring immediate care or follow up with MD. Parent prerogative to dismiss does not equate to an excused absence.
Emails are not monitored outside of school hours. If this communication is regarding a health emergency:
Call 9-1-1; or
Contact your nearest Emergency Room
For emergency mental health support:
Please call 9-1-1, go to the Emergency Department or contact our local community crisis center: 866-388-2242 Vinfen Community Behavioral Health Center
Mass Mental Health Help Line: Support 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Call or Text: 833-773-2445 or chat online at masshelpline.com
Non-Emergency Mental Health and Substance Use: Care Solace will quickly and confidentially find available providers matched to your needs: Call 888-515-0595 (available 24/7/365) or visit caresolace.com/chelmsford
McCarthy Family Resources
With the resources available, we will do our best to meet the needs of all families.
If you do not feel comfortable completing this form, please contact our school counselors, 978-251-5122
Moya Charig Covers students A-G @ charigm@chelmsford.k12.ma.us ext.7478
Elyse Seero Covers students H-N @ seeroe@chelmsford.k12.ma.us ext.7465
Jessica Weaver Covers students O-Z @ weaverj@chelmsford.k12.ma.us ext. 7477
They will be happy to answer any questions you might have.
TERM 1-- 8/27/2024-10/31/2024
TERM 2-- 11/1/2024-- 1/22/2025
TERM 3-- 1/23/2025 -- 4/3/2025
TERM 4-- 4/4/2025 -- 4/4/2025- 6/25/2025
McCarthy Middle School
Email: mannioni@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Website: https://mccarthy.chelmsfordschools.org/
Location: 250 North Road, Chelmsford, MA, USA
Phone: 978-251-5122