East Elementary Edition
Week of July 3

East Elementary Family Newsletter
Week of January 13th - January 17th
A Message From the Principal
Dear East Elementary Families:
It was a great week back at school with our students following the holiday break! It’s like we didn’t skip a beat! Thank you to all the parents for your support of our new processes following the break. Every decision we make is based on what is best for our students both academically and with a regard to keeping our students safe. Your positive feedback and kind words have been amazing.
As we move into the second semester, we have many exciting opportunities ahead, including Family Nights, W.A.T.C.H. Dog events, music programs, and more. We are excited about what this spring will bring and look forward to partnering with you in these engaging events.
Over the next few weeks, our students will be taking the Middle of Year MAP assessments. We are eager to see their growth and will send reports home with their progress as soon as all assessments are complete. These assessments provide valuable insights into your child’s academic development, and we appreciate your support as they complete this important benchmark.
Thank you, parents and families, for partnering with us to educate your children. We are so thankful for you and our students here at East. Let’s make this semester one of growth, connection, and success!
See you tomorrow!
Shelbi Eugenis
East Elementary Principal
Upcoming Events:
- Monday, January 13th: Our Middle of Year (MOY) MAP testing window begins. Your student's teacher will let you know which days your student will be testing!
- Tuesday, January 14th: BOB Relax & Read after school
- Monday, January 20th: Student & Staff holiday - No School!
- Tuesday, February 4th: Spring Pictures for Students (Individual & Class Pictures)
Communities in Schools
Lubbock-Cooper Little League
Registration is open NOW for Lubbock-Cooper Little League! Visit www.lubbockcooperlittleleague.org for more information and to register. For more information about possibly qualifying for financial assistance through the T-Mobile Call Up Grant program, visit www.littleleague.org/call-up-grant-program.
Adopt a Lady Pirate
LCISD students in grades PK-5 can adopt a Lady Pirate Softball player for the upcoming season! The cost is $50, which includes an Adopt-a-Pirate t-shirt and child's admission into home games! For more information and to sign up, please click here! The deadline to register is Monday, January 27. Pirate Pals will be introduced at Meet the Pirates on February 12, and at the game on February 18!
If you have questions about Adopt-a-Pirate, please email Courtney Pesterfield at cpesterfield@lcisd.net.
Father-Daughter Dance
You are invited to a Father Daughter Dance hosted by the LCHS Class of 2026 on Saturday, January 25!
Needing to Make Skyward Changes?
Take a look if you need help learning how to add and change emergency contacts and also add people that are able to check out a student.
Lubbock-Cooper District Calendar
Lubbock-Cooper East Elementary
2727 134th Street
Lubbock, TX 79423
P: (806) 993-2342
F: (806) 993-2382