Christa McAuliffe Email Template
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School Information
Important Dates
*Please take a moment and check out our school marquee for important dates*
February 10th to 13th: Valentine Grams Goes On Sale
February 10th: Lockdown Drill
February 17th: Washington's Holiday, No School
February 21st: 8th Grade AG Day At Bear Creek, 9:00 AM
March 7th: 3rd Quarter Dance, 3:15 PM
March 17th - 28th: Spring Break , No School
April 9th: Minimum Day, School Dismiss At 1:15 PM
April 29th - May 2nd: CAASPP Testing, School Dismiss at 1:15 PM
May 7th: Minimum Day, School Dismiss At 1:15 PM
May 26th: Memorial Day, No School
Lost Camera
Someone recently left an expensive camera on the front office counter. Please come see Mr. Kirby or Mrs. Lor to claim your camera. You will need describe the camera and the contents. Thank you.
Board Member Biography
Victoria Lenderman was elected to the Lodi Unified Board of Education, Area #2, in November 2024. Her area encompasses the schools of Bear Creek High School, Christa McAuliffe Middle School, Creekside Elementary School, Elkhorn School, Julia Morgan Elementary School, John Muir Elementary School, and Manlio Silva Elementary School.
Lenderman earned two Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees from the University of the Pacific: BS in Bioengineering and BS in Applied Mathematics. She also earned her master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from California State University, Fullerton.
Lenderman has worked as an engineer for over a decade. Her work experience spans manufacturing, engineering, project management, risk management, and process improvement. Currently, she is a Quality Engineering Manager at Cepheid and LatinX+ Friends Associate Resource Group Steering Committee workstream lead for Latinidad and LatinX Education within Danaher Corporation. At Cepheid, she has been focused on quality assurance and technical compliance within manufacturing.
Lenderman has two published articles and scientific papers that touch upon the topics of process implementation and optimization.
Lenderman has four children, and three attend Lodi Unified schools. She looks forward to working with the Board of Education on continued improvements to special education processes and operations.
Below is her contact information for those who may wish to invite her to events or contact her:
(209) 294-6800
CAASPP Testing
Dear Lodi USD Parent/Guardians,
Every year, California students take several statewide tests. When combined with other measures such as grades, class work, and teacher observations, these tests give families and teachers a more complete picture of their child’s learning. You can use the results to identify where your child is doing well and where they might need more support. Your child may be taking one or more of the following:
- California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)
- English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)
- Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
To see the full information on the above assessments, please visit our Assessment, Research, and Evaluation (ARE) Department website. Please select the Annual Notification of Testing, 2024-2025 link.
Student of the Month
Yearbook Preorder
Please click on the link below to order your yearbook.
After School Tutoring
One Eighty Program
Purchasing Student's Portrait
To purchase your child's school portrait. Please go to www.mylifetouch.com and with your student ID or picture day ID: EVTQRZBVQ.
Parent Cafe Bear Creek High
Spring and Summer Camp (7-8)
Pacific Summer High School Institute (Grade 8-11)
Pacific Summer High School Institute (8-11)
We are pleased to announce that the University of the Pacific Summer High School Institute will be taking place on June 2-12 and June 17-27. For eligible 8th - 11th grade Lodi Unified School District students, the tuition and registration for one 2-week session is 100% sponsored by the school district. Attendance, grades and behavior will be taken into consideration for eligibility. See details below:
· Click here for more information: Pacific Summer Institute LodiUSD 2025
· Fill out this Pre-Registration form by Jan 31st
· Attend an optional virtual meeting via Zoom on January 23rd to learn more and ask questions: https://pacific.zoom.us/j/93708656379
· Educational Services staff will send an email notification by the end of February regarding eligibility, waitlist status, or denial
· Questions? Email pacificsummer@lodiusd.net
McNair High School: Parent Night For Incoming 9th Graders
8th Grade Parent Night
2025 Spring Art Show
Bruin Night
We are excited to announce that the NorCal Science & Technology Festival will again be hosted at Lodi High School on February 22nd, 10am to 3:00pm. The festival is a student-organized, FREE one-day celebration of science and technology featuring STEAM career professionals, fun presentations, hands-on activities, and special exhibitions designed to entertain all ages. This event is student organized. Please encourage your students and their families to attend!
Junkyard Masterpiece
Teacher Residency Program
If you have not already done so, please fill out the Online Parent Portal Online Data. The following is a “how to” video that walks you through the process. https://youtu.be/v-LrRcpOtOQ Christa McAuliffe will receive $2,000 for every student whose parent fills one out so please make sure to get this completed.
LUSD Nutrition Services
I-Ready Diagnostic Results: A Pathway to Your Child's Success
The following is a links to the i-ready family center: https://readyclassroomcentral.com/familycenter/
This page has resources for families to help their students with i-ready. They have frequently asked questions about i-ready, tips and information about what an i-ready classroom looks like.
The following is a link to how students navigate the i-ready dashboard:
We are excited to inform you that your children have recently completed reading and math diagnostics through i-Ready, an adaptive assessment program by Curriculum Associates. These diagnostics are designed to identify your child's strengths and areas for growth in these crucial subjects. We believe that this valuable data will help us tailor our instructional approach to better support your child's academic journey.
To review your child's data and gain insights into their performance, we invite you to access the flyer provided at the following links:
English Letter for Families
Spanish Letter for Families
This flyer will provide you with detailed instructions on how to navigate and interpret the i-Ready diagnostic results. Your active involvement in this process is greatly appreciated and will contribute to your child's educational success.
💻 Chromebook Care Plan
Chromebook Care Plan Purchases: Please fill out the Chromebook Care Plan Purchases so that your students’ Chromebooks are insured. https://www.lodiusd.net/fs/form-manager/view/76fedbe8-c0a3-482e-ae5b-a38ed84ef4fb
Christa McAuliffe PTA is proud to invite you to join us in our mission; to act as a powerful voice for children; be a relevant resource for our school, families, and community; and to advocate for the well-being and education of all children. PTA annual membership is just $10 per family. If you have any questions, please contact PTA at christamcauliffepta@gmail.com
Christa McAuliffe Bell Schedule
Support Info
Morning Program, 7:30-8:30 AM, Daily: Staff provide supervision for students who need to be dropped off early in the MPR.
Bridge Program, 3:15 PM – 6:00 PM, Daily: This program provides a variety of activities throughout the afternoon. Please stop by the MPR for more details. Space is limited. Below is a link for the after school bridge enrollment.
After School Club
Art Club: Mondays, from 3:15 to 4:15 PM. Please meet in room 215.
Christian Club: Starting August 29th, from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM. It is open to all. Come join us in room 123.
Garden Club: Tuesdays, from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM. Students will meet in room 110. If you are interested in joining the club. Please let Ms. Tolbert or Dr. Hawkins know.