Mustang Messenger
January 1, 2024
Mustang Mission
We are committed to ensuring a safe and secure environment with high levels of authentic learning for ALL rooted in best practices through ongoing purposeful collaboration while preparing 21st Century leaders today to lead tomorrow.
Thank you to all who attended Skate Night!!
Important Dates
December 18 - January 3 - Winter Break
January 4 - Students Return to School
Lunch Dates and Times
We will have Welcome Wednesday for certain grade levels. Please only plan to attend on the dates indicated for your child's specific grade level. The next Welcome Wednesday lunch will be held on January 10, 2024.
January 10, 2024
5th 11:15-11:45
3rd 10:40-11:10
1st 12:25-12:55
January 24, 2024
Pre-K and ECSE 11:15-11:45
4th 10:30-11:00
Kinder 12:35-1:05
2nd and CASE 11:50-12:20
Schools of Choice
Attention 5th Grade Parents: If you would like for your scholar to apply to Roberson Middle School, Spring Leadership Academy, School of International Studies at Bammel, or Spring Woods Village for the 2024-25 school year, apply now at The application deadline is January 5th.
Please see attached flyer regarding Spring Leadership Academy!
School Choice Applications Open Through Jan. 5
Spring ISD offers both choice and program opportunities for students. The goal is to ensure families can find the best fit for their student, whether it’s taking part in a specialty program at their neighborhood campus or applying to one of the district’s schools of choice.
The opportunities to explore different interests and careers are extensive and distinguish Spring ISD as a district of choice with no limits on what students can achieve.
With students at the center of everything we do, we want our families to have options as they look for the right fit for their child. No matter what school your child attends, our mission is always the same: Provide an excellent education that prepares students for lifelong success – in college, career and/or the military.
Learn more about our schools of choice at
Nurse's Information
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I hope this letter finds you well. As part of our ongoing commitment to maintaining a secure and nurturing environment here at Meyer Elementary, we are conducting a thorough review of student records to ensure that we have the most up-to-date information, particularly regarding any medical alerts and conditions.
If your child has any medical conditions, allergies, or requires specific
accommodations during school hours, we kindly ask you to contact our school nurse, Brenda Derrick, LVN at 281.891.8280 or Your communication will enable us to provide the best care for your child and ensure that our staff is well-prepared to handle any situation that may arise.
Please feel free to use the following link to our website to fill out any medical forms your child may need -
Your child's well-being is our top priority, and we believe that effective communication with parents is crucial in achieving this goal. In line with our campus health and safety initiative, we are reaching out to collaborate with you and request your assistance in keeping us informed about your child's medical history.
We appreciate your cooperation in this matter and thank you for entrusting us with your child's education and well-being. If you have any questions or concerns, please again feel free to reach out to Brenda Derrick, LVN at 281.891.8280 or
Wishing you and your family a successful and healthy rest of the school year.
C’ne Dawkins
Meyer Elementary
Estimados padres/tutores,
Espero que al recibir esta carta se encuentre bien. Como parte de nuestro compromiso continuo de mantener una entorno seguro y enriquecedor aquí en la escuela Meyer Elementary, estamos llevando a cabo una exhaustiva revisión de los registros de los estudiantes para garantizar que tengamos la información más actualizada, particularmente con respecto a cualquier alerta y condición médica.
Si su hijo tiene alguna condición médica, alergias o requiere atención específica
adaptaciones durante el horario escolar, le rogamos que se comunique con nuestra enfermera escolar, Brenda Derrick, LVN de la enfermera en el número de 281.891.8280 de la clínica o correo electrónico de la Su comunicación será permitirnos brindar la mejor atención a su hijo y garantizar que nuestro personal esté bien-preparados para afrontar cualquier situación que pueda surgir.
No dude en utilizar el siguiente enlace a nuestro sitio web para completar cualquier formulario médico que su hijo pueda necesitar:
El bienestar de su hijo es nuestra principal prioridad y creemos que la comunicación efectiva
con los padres es crucial para lograr este objetivo. En línea con la salud y seguridad de nuestra escuela iniciativa, nos estamos acercando para colaborar con usted y solicitar su ayuda en
mantenernos informados sobre el historial médico de su hijo.
Apreciamos su cooperación en este asunto y le agradecemos por confiarnos la educación y el bienestar del niño.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, no dude nuevamente en comunicarse con: Brenda Derrick, LVN nombre de la enfermera al número de teléfono de la clínica 281.891.8280 el correo electrónico de la
Deseándole a usted y a su familia un resto del año escolar exitoso y saludable.
C’ne Dawkins
Meyer Elementary
Important Information
ID Badges
Every student is now required to wear an ID badge daily. This is a district mandated policy. The badges will be provided to scholars this week. They must be kept on at all times, so please start informing your child of this now. These same badges will be used to receive lunch and to enter and exit the bus daily.
Morning Drop-Off and Afternoon Pick-up
The safety of our students is of the utmost importance to all teachers and staff members at Meyer Elementary. Please read the drop-off and pick-up procedures listed below. In order to ensure our student’s safety, it is critical that we all work together to follow the guidelines listed below. When dropping off or picking up your child, please make sure that you are mindful of no parking areas and designated walker areas.
The morning and afternoon drop off/ pick-up area for car riders is located at the side of Meyer Elementary. All car rider traffic must go through the car rider line. You will be issued a Meyer Elementary car rider sign, at Meet the Teacher, to place in your window. Please ensure you have this sign daily for pickup. If someone other than the normal pickup person needs to pick up your child, please DO NOT give them your car rider tag. For student safety, they will need to come to the front office and verify they have permission to pick up the child.
Students MAY NOT be dropped off before 7:35am. Students MUST remain in the car until the doors open at 7:35am. If you need to drop your student off before 7:35am, Koala Kare is available in the morning.
During afternoon pickup, do not get out of your vehicle as you are waiting in the car rider line. This causes traffic to become congested in the line and it is not safe for students. Please remember scholars will be brought to the front office at 3:45. Parents, you will then be expected to come to the front office with your car rider tag or your I.D.
SISD buses and Licensed Day Care buses will load and unload students in the parking lot and the front of the building. Cars may not drop off or pick up students in this area.
Walkers-Parents will need to come to the side of the building, by the cafeteria, for walkers. Parents may wait for their children on the sidewalk and escort them home or they may travel with their older sibling. Parents will have to present walker tags with their child’s name on it for a scholar to be released. If you come to pick up your child without a tag, you will have to present your identification at the front office.
Parents of Pre-K and Kindergarten scholars must have a code to receive your child from the bus. This code ill be given to you by your child’s homeroom teacher. The bus drivers will not release your child without the proper number being given. If an older sibling will be taking the child from the bus, make sure they know the code.
Kroger Rewards
Parents, we would like your participation with Kroger Rewards. Please visit Once logged into the Kroger account, search for MEYER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL either by name or JT901 and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address, and a rewards card.
Thank you for your support!
Parents, please help us raise funds for our schools in a simple way! By joining you can assist us in supporting our scholars and teachers. Please review the information that was sent home and help Meyer Elementary raise funds to purchase the essential tools our students and teachers need to succeed. Scholars who return the fundraiser packets back on Monday will win a Mystery Prize!
Thank you for your support!
Keep ‘Em Safe Texas - Safe Firearm Storage Resources
Practicing safe gun storage protects our kids, prevents accidents, and keeps our guns out of the hands of criminals. Together, we can keep ‘em safe, Texas! Learn more about the Texas Department of Public Safety’s effort to Keep ‘Em Safe at
Mantenerlas Seguras Texas - Recurso de almacenamiento seguro de armas de fuego
Practicar el almacenamiento seguro de armas protege a nuestros niños, previene accidentes y mantiene nuestras armas fuera del alcance de los delincuentes. Juntos, podemos mantenerlas seguras, Texas! Aprende más sobre el esfuerzo del Departamento de Seguridad Pública de Texas para mantenerlas seguras en
Dear Spring ISD Parents/Guardians and Students:
We are pleased to share that thanks to the collaborative voices of our parents and Spring ISD community, we have a number of updates to our Code of Conduct for the 2023-2024 school year. These updates include enhanced rules and regulations surrounding a standardized dress code and ID badging measures in order to strengthen the security of our buildings and reduce disruptions to the learning environment. Below is a summary of some of the major updates included. To review the entire 2023-2024 Code of Conduct document, click here.
ID Badges
All students (all grade levels) will be required to wear a campus-provided photo ID badge, visible at all times while on campus for the school day or during after-school activities. Initial ID badges will be issued free of charge by the school with lanyards. If lost, students must purchase a new badge through their school office following the campus’ process and associated fee for replacement.
NEW: Standardized Dress Code for 9th Grade Centers
New dress code measures include a standardized dress code for all incoming freshmen at the district’s 9th Grade Centers. Specifics include:
Polo-style Shirts:
Only polo-style short or long sleeve shirts are permitted. Shirt Colors are representative of each High School 9th Grade Center.
- Spring High School polos may be white, black, or hunter green,
- Westfield High School polos must be white, black, or red, and
- Dekaney High School polos must be gray, black, and blue (non-turquoise).
- Students are not allowed to wear hoodies or jackets that do not include a zipper. Hoodies and jackets must be unzipped upon entering the building.
- All polo school shirts must be solid in color, must not be oversized or too tight, and may not be sheer or see-through (undergarments should not be visible).
T-Shirts (Spirit Attire):
- 9th Grade Center HS issued school shirts may not be altered, cut, colored, written-on, rolled up or tied in any manner other than the original design of the shirt.
- School shirts may be worn modestly; cleavage may not be exposed.
- Oversized shirts are not permitted.
- School shirts may only be worn on Spirit Days designated and approved by the Principal or 9th Grade Center Associate (Spirit shirts include athletic shirts, band shirts, choir shirts, and club shirts).
- Solid color (tan) khaki, navy blue, black casual pants with belt loops are required.
- Pants may also consist of blue jeans without holes, rips, or frays.
- Pants may not be torn at the seams or have any holes in them.
- Pants may not be skinny leggings, stretch material, jeggings, or excessively-tightly-fitted.
- Sweatpants, pajama pants or suggestive pants are not permitted. Pants must be worn at the waist and must fit appropriately.
- Shoes should provide adequate support and safety.
- Flip-flops, horseshoes, slippers, steel toe boots, crocs and slides are not permitted.
- No head gear of any kind is permitted, including bandanas, caps, beanies, hats, doo-rags (durags), crochet scarves, or hoods.
- Hats should not be visible on campus.
- Athletics sports headgear should be stored appropriately in a student's athletic locker.
Backpacks and Bags:
- Backpacks must be either mesh or clear.
- Backpacks must be free from decorations, enhancements or writing that advertise, glorify or support lewd, offensive, vulgar, obscene or profane language or gestures, gangs, illegal activities, tobacco, sex, alcohol, illegal drugs or violence.
- No athletic drawstring bags or backpacks are permitted on campus or in the classroom. Any drawstring bags or backpacks that are used for athletics must be stored in the student’s athletic locker.
- Large purses are not permitted.
Special Occasions:
- Special occasions dress opportunities tied to behavior, academics, and school culture will be announced in advance.
- Free/Spirit dress opportunities must adhere to the Spring ISD dress code guidelines.
Please note that Alterations to the dress code are not permitted. The integrity of the dress code serves to enhance a positive, safe learning environment with minimal distractions from our academic pursuit of inquiry and knowledge. The SISD 9th Grade Center administration reserves the right to make final decisions or revisions concerning the dress code. Repeated infractions of the dress code policy will be deemed as defiant behavior and subject to strong disciplinary action by campus administration. If you have any specific questions, please contact your campus. The culture and safety of our students matters, and we truly appreciate your partnership and support!
Thank you for your cooperation and attention to these important updates to our campus procedures. We are confident that these changes will enhance our student and staff safety and will support strong school environments where our students can learn and grow each and every day.
Thank you,
Spring ISD
Dress Code
- Students must wear appropriate shoes. (No Crocs, flip-flops, no shoes with wheels, or shoes without backs)
- Tights are allowed as long as the student wears shorts or a skirt over them (the shorts or skirt should also be to the knee).
- Hair color that is not natural is prohibited.
- Students may carry a backpack of their choice. The backpacks must be school appropriate.
Instructional Calendar
Parent Classes
The Family and Community Engagement Department offers various classes for parents. The courses are designed to increase student achievement by equipping parents with the skills needed to help their students academically, socially, and emotionally. All classes are available to all parents. Courses are held at the Spring ISD Community Engagement Center or at schools within the district.
- ESL Classes
- Technology Classes
- GED Classes
- Spanish Classes
Most classes are held at the Spring ISD Community Engagement Center, 17125 Ella Blvd., Houston, Texas 77090. Stop by for more information or call 281-891-6060.