Charger Chatter
Week of 11/17/24: Clear Springs High School
A message from Mrs. Flores, Assistant Principal
Hello Charger Families,
As we head into the end of November, we have cooler weather and relaxation on the horizon. We have one more week before Thanksgiving Break, and I want to encourage our students to make the most of this time. Tutorials are a great way to get prepared for your final exams, which are right around the corner. Don't forget that attendance is still critical to your success, and final exam exemptions will take into account absences and behavior. As the semester winds down, please remember that being here, being prepared, and asking for help from your teachers will ensure that you finish the year strong!
As the weather cools off, our basketball season is heating up! If you have not been to a Charger Basketball game, I would highly encourage that you come out and support our boys and girls! You will have a fabulous time, and your support means the world to our Charger Athletes! You can find all of the sports schedules if you scroll down near the bottom of the Charger Chatter!
I would just like to say what an honor and privilege it is to be a part of the Charger Family. I hope that you all have a great week and that you enjoy your Thanksgiving Break. Take some time to refocus, recharge and enjoy your loved ones. I know that you will be prepared to tackle the end of the semester, and don't forget that your Charger Family is here to support you!
Christina Flores
Assistant Principal (A - Dc)
Parent Preview Day - 1/13/24
Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a high school student in 2024? This year CSHS is hosting a parent preview day so you can do just that!
We will be hosting a group of parent/guardians to tour the school, observe classrooms in action and hear from some of our very own students. We will be planning to see all grades and levels of class so that you can help your Charger make the best decisions during upcoming course selection.
If you are interested you must fill out the form below so that we can reserve spots and ensure all meet CCISD visitor and safety guidelines. Your feedback will also enable us to build a meaningful day based on the needs of your student.
Counseling Corner
Generation Texas
Generation Texas Week is a week-long celebration to motivate students to pursue higher education after graduating high school. CSHS will celebrate with daily theme dress-up days, a college application presentation during this week's PTSA meeting, a visit from our COM representative, a visit from Rodeo Houston, and our very own College Application Corral.
- The college application presentation will be during the PTSA meeting on Monday at 6PM in the Library. It will focus on the college application process and Naviance.
- Earl Alexander from COM will be on campus on Tuesday to answer questions about college admissions and classes.
- Rodeo Houston will be on campus on Tuesday during Lightning Lunch to discuss the Rodeo Scholars scholarship and how to apply.
- Lastly, our CSHS Counselors will be available on Tuesday and Thursday for the College Corral in the Library during Lightning Lunch to answer questions about the college application process.
College Corral
Do you have questions about the college application process? Need help navigating Naviance? Not sure how to request transcripts or letters of recommendation? The College Corral is for you! This college application series is on Tuesdays and Thursdays during Lighting Lunch in the Library, on a come & go basis. CSHS Counselors are available to assist students with their college application questions. Seniors are encouraged to stop by as many times as needed!
Mental Health & Wellness Presentations
The Alliance will be offering presentations for our students on topics of vaping, stress management, and mental health. The presentations will be in October, November, and December during Lightning Lunch. Students should sign up for the presentations through RTI Scheduler.
Presentations include:
Charger Cafe
If you are new to Clear Springs High School, you are invited to join our Charger Café! This is a great opportunity to meet, greet, and learn the Charger Way. Charger Café meets the last Friday of every month in 1321C (Fine Arts Hallway). Hope to see you there!
Counseling Groups
Our CSHS Student Support Counselors are hosting Counseling Groups on Mondays and Wednesdays. Students are encouraged to attend. See the flyer below for more details!
Fall Semester Exam Schedule
3rd period Attendance is mandatory for the Final Exam week to maintain exemption status.
· No exam will be administered early. See your assistant principal if you have any questions or concerns.
· Buses will run @ 2:35 PM on December 17th – 19th.
· Students who choose to remain on campus for study review sessions in the afternoon MUST report to a classroom and remain there for the entire period. Students MAY NOT ROAM HALLWAYS.
· Students MAY NOT leave campus for any reason and come back for a tutorial session or to ride the bus home.
· Lunch served on December 17th – 19th. No lunch served on December 20th.
· Early Release – December 20th – buses will run at 11:30 AM.
· Fall Semester Exam Exemptions – please see page 29 of the CCISD Grading Guidelines for details.
Free and Reduced Lunch Program Benefits
The Free and Reduced Meal Program provides an opportunity for eligible families with enrolled students at CCISD to receive meals at a discounted price or at no cost based on program requirements. The cost of a meal is determined by the student’s eligibility – Free, Reduced or Paid. But did you know that there are many other program benefits? For more information head to the CCISD Child Nutrition Department Page.
College Visits
As our Juniors and Seniors begin preparations to leave the stables of Clear Springs High School, it's important to take some time to visit future possibilities for their higher education. Per CCISD district policy, students may have two college visits in their junior year and two in their senior year. Students must request College Day visits two weeks prior to the visit. Upon return, students are required to submit a letter from the college verifying attendance on their campus. Students can find copies of the College Day Request form at any of the Pod Reception Desks.
Lunch & Learn during Lightning Lunch
Important Dates
November 18: PTSA Meeting
November 18: CCISD School Board Meeting
November 25-29: Thanksgiving Holiday
PG25 will be selling Dave’s Pizza Rolls & Angie’s Cake Balls during the Food Fair this Wednesday. Seniors that purchase any item will receive 5 points towards Project Grad!
Parents, we need volunteers & donations! Click here to sign up or donate items.
Join us on Wednesday, November 20th 6:30-7:30 pm in the cafeteria for our last PG Meeting of 2024! Seniors, we need volunteers to help create posters for the Kendra Scott event. Anyone who attends the meeting and helps create posters will receive an additional 10 points on top of their regular 10 attendance points.
Everyone is invited to shop and support Project Grad on November 23rd from 6:00-8:00 pm at Kendra Scott. Shop in-store at the Baybrook Mall or online with code GIVEBACK-HCINS at kendrascott.com. Click to RSVP today! 20% of the profit from those who mention us will go back to Project Grad.
Seniors, want to participate in the League City Holiday parade with your Senior Class of 2025 on December 7th? For only $15, you will receive the following:
· Spot in the parade
· Senior Christmas Crew – Class of 2025 T-shirt
· Up to 150 points towards Project Grad
· Graduation Cap to decorate (if you want) and wear at the parade.
· A bag for candy to pass to out.
Limit Space available, click here to purchase your $15 Parade Package today!
Class of 2025 CSHS Senior Ornaments are now on sale for $10 each! Click HERE to order yours today. Deadline to order is Dec. 13th.
Class of 2026
Class of 2027
Class of 2028
November 18 - Hilary Hatlett
November 21 - Dianna Matlock
CSHS List of Clubs
If a student is wanting to start a new club, he/she can pick up club forms in the 1100/1200 from Ms. Huerta, the pod secretary. The link provided shows all active clubs on campus and its sponsor. More information about meeting times is forthcoming with lightning lunch scheduling being finalized.
Helping Your Student Use Lightning Lunch Productively
During Lightning Lunch each student gets 30 minutes of lunch and 30 minutes of tutorials. In order for everyone to have a safe and meaningful lunch time it is imperative that all students sign up for at minimum 3 sessions per week using the RTI scheduler app. The only exception is seniors who have 6 and 7th period off.
You can help your student make good choices by ensuring they have registered for the tutorials. While there are not many grades yet, they will be coming in very soon and it is always good to be prepared. Clubs will also be starting soon!
Please sit with your Charger and have him/her show you where he/she is going. See the steps below:
1. Log on to the student SSO portal.
2. Click the RTI Scheduler app (shown in the upper right)
3. Navigate to the week of August 19th on calendar view.
4. You should see 3 sessions selected, if you do not there will be a blue "choose a session" button to click. A list of your students available teachers will populate.
--> See the picture below for an example of what it will look like. In this example a student has one tutorial selected (Silent reading study hall) and can select another 4 using the blue "Choose a Session" button.
Extra tips:
- Have your charger check skyward grades to make the best choices for tutorials.
- Check the Lightning Lunch section in the CSHS website for tutorial schedules and lots of helpful information.
The PTSA would love to have parents join! You can join at www.joinpta.org
Sports Schedules
Water Polo
Cross Country
Swim and Dive
Clear Springs Assessment
Important Testing Information & Dates
ASVAB Interest Survey - Click HERE
2024 STAAR EOC Make-ups/Retest – December 2nd through 6th
STAAR 2025 EOC Dates:
· English I – April 10th
· English II – April 15th
· Biology – April 17th
· US History – April 22nd
· Algebra I – April 24th
Helpful Links
- Clear Creek ISD Student Handbook The student handbook encompasses all schools and any information you may need. Be sure to use the table of contents to navigate efficiently.
- Clear Creek ISD Dress Code This link takes you straight to the dress code.
- Clear Creek ISD Bus Information At this link you can find your bus number and pick up time, as well as other transportation information.
- Clear Creek ISD Technology This link has all the information you will need about student devices and purchasing insurance. Families are highly encouraged to purchase the $20 insurance coverage to protect against accidental damage, theft, fire, electrical or other damages.
- Clear Creek ISD Student Code of Conduct The student code of conduct outlines the expectations of CCISD students and contains the information for contacting the Office of Parent Assistance.
- Clear Creek ISD Volunteer and Mentor Are you looking for a way to make an impact in CCISD? Visit this link for more information on volunteering and mentoring at CCISD.
CSHS School Profile - The School Profile provides information about our campus, including our grading scale, GPA point scale, and performance data.
CSHS Guidance & Counseling Comprehensive Counseling Program Disclosure - This link takes you to an overview of our campus comprehensive school counseling program.
Clear Springs High School
Website: https://clearsprings.ccisd.net/
Location: 501 Palomino Lane, League City, TX, USA
Phone: 281-284-1300
Twitter: @ClearSpringsHS
Who's my Counselor?
Our counselors for the 2024-2025 school year are:
- Vanessa Ward (A-Dc) vdiggs@ccisd.net
- Valerie Strickland (Dd-Hj) vstrickland@ccisd.net
- Amanda Schmidt (Hk-Mk) aschmidt@ccisd.net
- Kristi Gann (Ml-Sc) krgann@ccisd.net
- Ashley De Luna (Sd-Z) ADCorbett@ccisd.net
- Casey DeGroot (Student Support Counselor) cdegroot@ccisd.net
- Heather Valadez (Student Support Counselor) hvaladez@ccisd.net
- Denise Cottenoir (Lead Counselor) dcottenoir@ccisd.net
Click HERE for an overview of our campus comprehensive school counseling program.
We look forward to seeing you on campus and assisting you with your counseling needs!
People. Purpose. Promise.
Clear Creek ISD is dedicated to focusing on the people that make this district great and their purpose to achieve, contribute, and lead with integrity. Visit this link to explore more about Clear Creek's promise to the community.