December 2024
Primary Education Center Newsletter
From Mrs. Larson's Desk
One Purpose. Your Pathway. Our Promise.
Dear Lewiston-Porter Primary Education Center Families,
Our faculty is looking forward to meeting with each parent/guardian this month to discuss the progress that your child has made during the first trimester of the 2024-2025 school year. December 13th has been designated as a full day for these important conversations. This year you may conference with teachers in three ways: in person, virtual or via phone. Although you may set up conferences throughout the school year, we strongly encourage a meeting this month to dialogue about your child’s strengths and opportunities for growth.
We will be sending your child’s report card home on December 11th. The purpose of the PEC Report Card is to provide current feedback to parents regarding the progress their child is making toward specific learning standards and skills at their grade level. Our report card is designed to deliver student assessment data based on what they are currently learning at this point in the year and where they are in relation to the current expectations. In other words, a child who is performing proficiently with the work that is currently assigned should score a 3 even though the child is not yet demonstrating the end of year expectations (which they haven’t been taught yet). If the child is showing proficiency with skills/knowledge that has not been taught yet, then the child can earn a 4. In general, a child who requires teacher support to be successful with grade level work earns a 2. A child who, even with teacher support, is unable to do grade level work earns a 1. Our job is to assess students on their current progress on what they are currently learning.
Our current approach to grading allows parents and students to understand more clearly what is expected of students now and for parents to receive timely information on how they can help their child be successful in every aspect of our program. A report card action team (including parents, teachers and administrators) surveyed the PEC parents in the spring of 2019 to assess their current needs in how we report their child’s progress. We learned four important needs of our parent stakeholder group.
Parents want an academic achievement key that indicates how their child is progressing towards expected standards at the conclusion of each trimester.
Parents want a decrease in the number of Standards/Skills that are reported for their child.
Parents place a high value on teacher comments.
Parents place a high value on the habits of a successful learner.
These priorities were embedded into the fabric of our report card design and assessment process. We have created a parent guide to support you when reviewing your child’s progress: PEC Report Card Parent Guide
Thank you for your continued support of our program. We appreciate your continuous feedback. Please check out our Winter Spirit Days on the December calendar and help us spread some cheer this holiday season. Happy Holidays & may the New Year bring happiness and good health to all!
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Tamara Larson
Principal, Primary Education Center
Celebrating World Kindness Day!
November 13th was WORLD KINDNESS DAY! Mrs. Gawrys' kindergarten class teamed up with Ms. Jasek's second grade class to read stories about kindness & work on some fun kindness / team-building activities! This is a monthly classroom collaboration this school year. Ms. Jasek's 2nd grade leaders have also helped our kindergarten students work on their iPads- learning how to use both the Seesaw and Epic Reading apps independently. Thank you, 2nd grade!
SPCA Donation Presentation
As a part of the Kindergarten Social Studies curriculum, our students are learning about needs vs. wants, community and service. To focus on this aspect of the curriculum, the Kindergarten Team kicked-off a very special service drive for the month of September across our Lew-Port campus.
On November 12, all SPCA donations were presented in honor of a very special man, Larry Balch, affectionately known as "Mr. Larry." Mr. Larry, a bus driver for the Lewiston-Porter School District since 2005, passed away suddenly this past July. Mr. Larry was truly a special person who made every child feel safe and happy on his bus run. His positive outlook and infectious smile brought joy to all who encountered him. He will be fondly remembered for his bright smile, unwavering optimism, and of course, his Santa suit and candy canes. Mr. Larry understood that each child deserved to begin and end their day feeling happy and cared for. Mr. Larry's legacy of kindness, compassion, and unwavering commitment to our students will live on. He will be deeply missed, but his spirit will continue to inspire us all.
Thank you so much for your support of our furry friends at the Niagara County SPCA.
Bus Driver, Mr. Larry Balch's wife, Bonnie, & daughter attended our presentation to past LP student, John Bondi, who is a SPCA Investigations Officer. An SPCA representative brought Maple.
PEC Music!
Mincemeat Pie
In music class students had a super fun time singing, playing rhythms, and working together as a team. The song that they got to learn a stick routine and game to was called “Mincemeat Pie”. They even learned how to make a Mincemeat Pie and told Miss Mosier that they want to try one!
The Global Read Aloud
Many classrooms had the opportunity to participate in the Global Read Aloud for 2024 through the open enrichment schedule with Mrs. Hedemann. The premise of the GRA is that books or books are chosen to be read aloud to students during a set 6-week period and during that time as many global connections as possible are made.
This year's picture book author for this project was Minh Le
Minh Lê is the award-winning author of picture books including Drawn Together (winner of the 2019 Asian/Pacific American Award for Literature), The Blur, Real to Me, and the Eisner-nominated Lift, and graphic novels such as Green Lantern: Legacy and Enlighten Me. In addition to writing books, he is on the faculty of the Hamline MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults, serves on the board of We Need Diverse Books, and has been a contributor to a variety of national publications, including NPR, HuffPost, and the New York Times.
Our PEC students read the books and learned Minh’s secrets for each book. They shared their thoughts on the books with students from around the country and from around the world. We are in the process of hearing back from everyone and have their letters and postcards displayed and mapped out. It is exciting to create these global connections!
The holidays are upon us and I understand how busy this time of year can be, so let me keep it short and simple and offer several ideas for some holiday gift ideas for your children … with a math focus, of course!
First, card games like Uno or Blink make excellent stocking stuffers. Children often find it novel to get a set of regular playing cards that are either oversized (I have seen that at the dollar stores), or quite small, which I have found online. The link below takes you to a site that provides ideas for 28 card games geared toward building math skills in our young students.
Card Games for Kids Note: I love these ideas!
If you have the time, the means and the desire to go a bit further you will find a link below with some suggestions for toys that incorporate math concepts. This online article offers ideas by age, from 4 up through teenage years.
For those of you who love electronics, a highly recommended toy is Educational Insights MathShark. This particular toy is focused on math fact practice. A simpler version is Educational Insights Math Slam focuses mostly on addition and subtraction.
If you have suggestions for math topics that will help support you and your child at home, please reach out to me at rorsi@lew-port.com. Until then, remember MATH ROCKS and have a safe and healthy holiday season.
Pre-Kindergarten Thanksgiving Balloon Parade!
The UPK classes came together to put on a “Macy’s Day Parade” for the school. Each student picked out their own design and colored it all by themselves. Each class worked very hard to put them together. We had so much fun making our balloons and parading around the school. It was a great way to kick off Thanksgiving week!
Kindergarten Turkey Trot!
Thanksgiving Festivities!
Did you know you can stay connected to our school community by viewing our Daily Morning Announcements?
Our morning announcements are uploaded by 9:30am every day and are organized by monthly folders. Each week, a different class leads our school pledge. We celebrate birthdays, leadership, and special events on our student-led Morning Announcements. Click the below link to view. Please remember to never post our videos to social media in order to protect the privacy of other students. For any questions, please contact Mrs. Lindahl, our Morning News Producer, by email hlindahl@lew-port.com.
LEADER IN ME Nominations
Grace practiced all 8 Habits!
Brendan Practiced all 8 Habits!
Amelia practiced Habit 1 & Habit 4!
The 7 Habits aren't just for school!
The PEC has been practicing all things Leader in Me! From learning what each Habit is all about, to creating classroom mission statements and leadership roles, to building leadership portfolios that will showcase our growth as students and leaders - students here at the PEC have been living and thriving as leaders!
You can incorporate leadership work at home. Here are some ideas that will help with roles your student can have at home to support your family unit. Have a dinner table conversation about them and see if you, as a family unit, can pinpoint other areas that could use some support. I bet you will be surprised what your student comes up with!
Leader In Me Curricular Companions - Learning to Lead Self Section
Kindergarten: continue with pages 39-49
First Grade: pages 28-35
Here is the link to the Leader In Me Curriculum - scroll down to find your grade level. Click on this link and then scroll down the page to find your grade level.
Making Good Choices: https://www.leaderinme.com/studios/resources/7-habits-of-happy-kids-making-good-choices?collection=habit-3-videos
A Place for Everything: https://www.leaderinme.com/studios/resources/a-place-for-everything?collection=habit-3-videos
Book List - Habit 3: Put First Things First
The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash Trinka Hakes Noble
Miss Bindergarten Stays Home From Kindergarten Joseph Slate
Froggy Bakes a Cake Jonathan London
Miss Nelson is Missing Harry Allard
No Mirrors in My Nana's House Ysaye M Barnwell
The Little Red Hen Paul Galdone
Galimoto Karen Lynn Williams
Lily's Purple Plastic Purse Kevin Henkes
Franklin and the Hero Paulette Bourgeois
A Chair for my Mother Vera B Williams
Amazing Grace Mary Hoffman
Wolf! Becky Bloom
Elbert's Bad Word Audrey Wood
Gershon's Monster Eric A Kemmel
Something Special for Me Vera Williams
The Boy of the Three Year Nap Dianne Snyder
🎨Walls in the Halls🍗
Parent Portal Resource Page
This page is dedicated to helping parents get started with Parent Portal. Having access to Parent Portal and using the app can be an extremely helpful way to receive important information regarding your child's grades, missing assignments, and other important updates. It can also be used to verify your contact information in our PowerSchool System.
Helpful Resources:
1. Links to the apps:
PowerSchool App (Google Play Store)
PowerSchool App (Apple Store)
2. Video on how to get set up with PowerSchool (see below). Written instructions are also available here.
3. Presentation that walks you through the steps of updating your contact information.
4. Presentation showing you how to update New York State mandated Digital Equity information.
What do I need to get started?
*Parents will need a working email address, and a PowerSchool Access Code. This is provided by the school at the start of the year. If you need that information, please contact the main office of your child's school. For the app, you will also need the district code CSXQ.
Here's how to add a student to an existing PowerSchool Parent Portal account:
- 1. Sign in to the Parent Portal
- 2. Select Account Preferences from the left menu bar
- 3. Click the Students tab
- 4. Click Add
- 5. Enter the student's name, Access ID, and Access Password
- 6. Select the student's relationship
- 7. Click Submit
District Code: CSXQ
Mobile Hot Spot
Dear Families:
At Lewiston-Porter we have made a strong effort to ensure that all students have equitable access to digital materials while they're at school and while they're at home. To that end, we have partnered with T-Mobile to offer free mobile hotspots to families that are in need.
If you would like to request a hotspot please complete the form below.