SHS Newsbreak
January 6, 2017
SHS Agriculture Center & Greenhouse
The Scott 2 Board of Trustees and our entire Scott County community worked hard to raise funds to supplement the money dedicated by Scott 2. This new facility will provide hands-on experiences that have been lacking from our ag program for several years. The ag department has already started plantings through an indoor hydroponic system. They are in the process of evaluating their course offerings to maximize the greenhouse's use.
SHS would like to thank our community partners, Scott 2 Board of Trustees, and the taxpayers of Scott County for their support of this project.
Make Up Days are Announced
SHS started the second semester this past Wednesday. Winter weather cancelled the past two days of school. The make up days will be Monday, February 20th and Monday, March 20th.
Students that are waiting for schedule changes will still have nine more "school days" to make changes without penalty. Cancelled days do not affect that policy, so students please do not stress about the snow.
Tickets Available for New Albany Game
Tickets will be sold in person at Meyer Gym starting on Tuesday at 8:30 am.
These tickets have become a hot item as New Albany's Romeo Langford is one of the top high school players in the country.
Homecoming is Here
Thursday, January 12th is the Warriorette Basketball Homecoming. The 2017 Homecoming King will be crowned between games on that evening. The Warriorettes will be playing the Salem Lady Lions.
Friday, January 13th is the Warrior Basketball Homecoming. The 2017 Homecoming Queen will be crowned between games. Our Warriors' opponents that evening are the Salem Lions.
The annual Homecoming dance will be after the boys' game on Friday in the SHS Commons. Come out and support our teams!