HMS Weekly Update
September 20th, 2024
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
September 21st: HMS Volleyball vs. Mescalero @ HMS 12:00pm
September 25-27: CFA #1
September 26th: PTO General Meeting @ 4:30 in the library
October 1st: Picture Day
October 3-4: Parent Teacher Conferences (NO school for students)
October 11th: End of the 1st 9 weeks
October 14th: Indigenous People Day
HMS Lunch Menu
This week:
Monday: Crispy Chicken Bowl or Hot Dog
Tuesday: Frito Pie or Chicken Tenders
Wednesday: Chicken Alfredo/w Broccoli Pasta Bake or Cheese Burgers
Thursday: Sweet and Sour Meatballs/w Brown Rice or Turkey & Cheese Panini
Friday: Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza or Quesadilla
HMS Spirit Days
September 27th: Wear your favorite hat day!
October 11th: Retro Day! Rock the 60's, 70's, 80's or 90's
November 8th: Dress up as your favorite character.
December 6th: Represent your favorite musician or band!
Football Game Change! Cloudcroft game has changed to September 25th.
HMS PTO Meeting
Thursday, Sep 26 @ 4:30pm in the HMS Library
Please join us for our September Holloman Middle School PTO meeting. All HMS Parents, Guardians, Teachers and Staff are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you have any questions or topics to discuss at the meeting, please message us or send an email to hollomanmspto@gmail.com. We hope to see you there.
Family Engagement Committee Meeting
"Let's Get Spooky" Family Engagement Committee
Every Thursday at 3:45pm in the HMS Library
The HMS PTO is in the planning stages of putting together a Haunted House. If October is your favorite month, and/or you are interested in helping us - please consider joining us at this meeting!
Mr. Lazenby's Students Presenting
Transformations and Supplementation in Ms. Anderson's
Let's Talk
Let’s Talk
We encourage parents/guardians to contact our district's Call Center by calling the Let's Talk line to excuse student absences. Folks at the central office are ready to help. This allows the school's office staff to direct more of their attention to the needs of our students, staff and parents throughout the day.
If you are unable to speak to someone directly at the APS Call Center, please leave a detailed voicemail with your name, your child's first/last name, the name of the school, the date of the absence, and the absence reason.
***NOTE: Absences can not be excused after 48 hours.
In addition to assisting with attendance matters, Call Center personnel are also available to help you access your parent Powerschool account, provide information about upcoming school event dates/times, answer general questions about a variety of topics (or put you in touch with the appropriate department or staff member who can), and listen to any concerns or suggestions for improvement, as well as shout-outs or celebrations. For these additional topics, you may call, text, use the Let's Talk app, or submit a message via that area within the district's website (found on the Contact page).