Sells eNews
June 27th, 2023

November 8, 2024
From Mr. Sachtleben's Desk
We hope the students enjoyed the 4 day school week. Our teachers spent the day on Tuesday learning during our professional development time. Overall, it was a great day of learning for our teaching staff.
We continue to reinforce our structure and culture with the students each day. We also are working to emphasize teaching specific skills with our students in order to deal with conflict in their day. I challenge our parents to discuss how they can work through conflict and other aspects that they may disagree with. This should include reaching out to a trusted adult whether that be at school or home. This way we can teach our students how to achieve the outcome they are seeking. It also will help our students feel safer during their day. We must partner together in order to develop the skill of perseverance in our students. By doing this, we all play a positive part in teaching skill in our students that lead to positive outcomes.
I hope you all enjoy the weekend!
Admin Email Addresses
Principal: Matt Sachtleben (sachtleben_matt@dublinschools.net)
Assistant Principal: Katy O'Neal (oneal_katy@dublinschools.net)
School Counselor Assignments
Last names A-F: Mrs. Erin Bissell (bissell_erin@dublinschools.net)
Last names G-M: Mrs. Jessica Lanka (lanka_jessica@dublinschools.net)
Last names N-Z: Mrs. Dawn Wolf (wolf_dawn@dublinschools.net)
Building Info
Veterans Day Celebration - Monday
On Monday, we will be participating in the city of Dublin's Veterans Day Celebration at the Grounds of Remembrance (GOR). Please note that we will be walking the students to the GOR. All teachers will be present to supervise and sit with the students during the ceremony.
Please be aware of the weather on Monday and be sure your child is prepared to be outside for about 90 minutes and should be dressed appropriately for the weather. If the weather is not cooperating, we will work with the city and host the ceremony in our gymnasium. We are excited to expose our students to the history of the United States and the veterans who have served our country.
2024 - 2025 Yearbooks are on sale now!!!
Congratulations to the 8th grade art students at Sells Middle School for participating in the Paint the Plow Project! It's great to see their creativity and teamwork in action. I'm sure their winter-themed design will be a beautiful addition to Dublin's fleet of snowplows.
A special shout out to our students Narimean Almigdad, Chloe Gauntt, Roni Giron, and Kyri Stevens who led the design and work on the plow!
Opportunity - AMC 8 Competitive Problem Solving Exam
Dublin is excited to announce this year’s date for the AMC 8, a competitive problem solving exam hosted by the Mathematical Association of America. The AMC 8 is a 25-question, 40-minute, multiple-choice examination in middle school mathematics designed to promote the development of problem-solving skills. The AMC 8 provides an opportunity for middle school students to develop positive attitudes towards analytical thinking and mathematics that can assist in future careers. Students apply classroom skills to unique problem-solving challenges in a low-stress and friendly environment.
We will be hosting the AMC 8 district-wide on Saturday, January 25th at Emerald Campus. We have 100 spots available district-wide. To register, students should first first fill out a Google form (tinyurl.com/AMCDublin), and if they are one of the first 100 to sign up, they will be sent a link for the second part of the registration by December 8th. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes/Students (FCA)
Join us for breakfast, fun & games, and faith-based speakers starting on November 20th! Your student doesn't have to be an athlete to attend. Everyone is welcome!
Where: Mr. Rauh's art room; enter through door #8 (at the back of the building)
When: Every other Wednesday at 7:15am (11/20, 12/4, 12/18, 1/15, 1/29, 2/12, 2/26, 3/12, 4/2, 4/16, 4/30, 5/14)
Contact Scott Hadley (hadley_scott@dublinschools.net) with questions or if you'd like to be added to the email group for updates/reminders and opportunities to help with food.
Dublin Ski & Board Information
Dublin Ski and Board Sign-Ups start Friday, November 1st-November 30th.
Details and Sign-Up information can be found at tinyurl.com/DublinSki.
Parent Meeting Slides from 9/30
Sign Up-Directions (they do not start until Friday, 11/1/24)
Junior Teen Institute Opportunity
Sells is offering students an opportunity to join this year’s Junior Teen Institute club!
Junior Teen Institute (JTI) is a student-led organization that provides students with opportunities to develop their leadership skills while being confident in their ability to be drug-free, bully-free, and kind to others. Students who are selected to be members of JTI have the desire to lead a drug-free, bully-free life. They will support others who are making the same positive choices and encourage their peers to make healthy decisions. Junior Teen Institute implements alcohol and other drug prevention projects to clearly promote a “no use” message, and provides opportunities throughout the year for students to have fun without alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. It is open to all students grades 6 to 8.
JTI club will meet after school, once a month, from 3:15-4:15 on the following dates: 11/21, 12/12, 1/16, 2/13, 3/13, 4/10, 4/8. Transportation will need to be arranged.
Students can sign up through their chromebook or speak directly to Mrs. Mayer or Mrs. Lanka. If you have questions, please contact the advisors for JTI: Mrs. Kelly Mayer or Jessica Lanka
Meal Prices Add Up! Apply Now for Free/Reduced School Meals
Check a back-to-school box off your list by going ahead and filling out the Free and Reduced Meal Application for your students. Apply online through PaySchools Central or use one of our printable forms (translated in multiple languages) to submit your information.
November Menus
Attendance Information
If your child will be absent from school, please email our attendance line at sms_attendance@dublinschools.net
Or leave a voicemail at 614.718.8572
Please do not call the main line for attendance before 9:00am.
Please utilize the attendance EMAIL or attendance VOICEMAIL.
- Students MUST be in Rock period by 8:28am - Anytime after 8:28am is considered LATE and MUST sign in at the Main Office.
- LEAVING EARLY - A note from the parent/guardian should be given to Mrs. Stevenson (Attendance Secretary) first thing in the morning. She will give them a pass to leave class at the given time and your student will meet you in the Main Office at that time. You as the Parent/Guardian will need to come in to the office to sign them out.
- ARRIVING LATE - If your student is arriving late to school due to an appointment, they will need to sign in at the Main Office with Mrs. Stevenson. Medical appointments will be excused with a note from the medical provider.
The complete attendance policy is located in the Middle School Student Handbook on
pages 11-13.
PTO Information
Buckeye Hockey Tickets are here!!
Another fun hockey opportunity to raise money for Sells PTO!
Join us on Saturday, January 11th at 7pm at The Schott as the Buckeyes take on the Minnesota Golden Gophers.
Tickets are $20 and a portion of each ticket is donated back to the Sells PTO and parking is free.
Go Bucks!
Blue Jackets Fundraiser is back!!
Let's get ready for some hockey! We have partnered again with the Columbus Blue Jackets to offer 4 different fundraiser games which means they will donate a portion of the ticket cost back to Sells PTO. It is a great opportunity to raise some money and have fun!
You can donate to the Sells PTO all year and it is easy to do! Donations support several
fun, FREE things planned for the students and teachers and they wouldn't be possible
without your support!
Just click link below or your child can drop off a check in the office in an envelope
marked PTO Donation.
Don’t forget to join the Sells Middle School PTO Facebook page!
DCS News
Jerome Theater presents James and the Giant Peach, Jr.
The Jerome Theatre Department presents Roald Dahl's James and the Giant Peach Jr. November 21, 22, 23 at 7 p.m. and a sensory friendly performance Saturday, November 23 at 1:00 p.m. Learn more and purchase tickets here.
From the City of Dublin
Honor Veterans in Dublin
Join the City of Dublin and the Wesley G. Davids Dublin Post 800 of the American Legion at the Dublin Veterans Day Ceremony at the Grounds of Remembrance in Dublin Veterans Park, Monday, November 11 @ 11:00 a.m.
Enjoy performances and hear from our Dublin Veterans, including Keynote Speaker Major Sean E. Lovell. All are welcome to come support as we honor our veterans.
FREE Steering Wheel Lock Giveaway
Owners of Kia and Hyundai vehicles with steel-key and turn-to-start ignitions can pick up a free steering wheel lock from Dublin Police to help curb theft. Find the details.