C.I.S. May News
May 2024
Cameron R-I Mission and Vision
Mission - The mission of the Cameron R-1 School District is to educate and empower our students to reach their full potential.
Vision - The vision of the Cameron R-1 School District is to offer an exceptional educational experience.
Last Day of School
The last day of school is May 22 with early dismissal at 12:20p.m.
Celebrations for the Month
May 1 - School Principal's Day
May 3 - Food Service Appreciation Day
May 6-10 - Teacher Appreciation Week
May 8 - School Nurse Day
May 18 - National Speech Language Pathologist Day
C.I.S. Spring Musical Dates
May 13 - 3rd Grade Musical at 6:00p.m. at the High School Performing Arts Center
May 13 - 4th Grade Musical at 7:00p.m. at the High School Performing Arts Center
Field Trips
May 14 -5th Grade Field Trip
May 17 - 3rd Grade Field Trip
May 20 - 4th Grade Field Trip
Track and Field Day is May 15
Track and Field Day will be at the Dave Goodwin Field. Parents are welcome to attend and watch from the bleachers.
5th Grade - 10:20-11:50
4th Grade - 8:30-10:00
3rd Grade - 12:45-2:15
Remaining Dates
May 16 - Career Day
May 20 - 2nd grade to step-up to C.I.S. Students will tour the building and meet C.I.S. staff
May 21 - Talent Show
May 21 - Reports cards will be sent home with end of the year assessment data
May 22 - Last day of school with dismissal at 12:20
Food Service Bills
Please take care of any outstanding breakfast/lunch bill before school is out. If you need to know how much is owed, please reach out to C.I.S. at 816-882-1046.
Classroom Student Awards
End of the year awards celebrations will be in homeroom classrooms at the following times on May 22. If you plan to attend, we ask you call C.I.S. at 816-882-1046 so we can be as efficient as possible with getting parents in the building. All parents will be run through the Raptor system and will also have to sign in prior to going to the classroom.
5th Grade is at 8:00a.m. - parents will be allowed to the classrooms at 7:50a.m.
4th Grade is at 8:30a.m. - parents will be allowed to the classrooms at 8:20a.m.
3rd Grade is at 9:00a.m. - parents will be allowed to the classrooms at 8:50a.m.
Welcome to Cameron R-I Video
Specials Color Days
Cameron R-I School District Character Traits
C.I.S. School Day Hours
2023-2024 Cameron R-I School District Calendar
Cameron Intermediate
Website: www.cameron.k12.mo.us
Location: 915 Park Avenue, Cameron, MO, USA
Phone: 816-882-1046
Facebook: facebook.com/cameronintermediateschool