KES Newsletter #6
October 8, 2024
Fire Prevention Week!
Fire Prevention Week
October 7 - 11Fire Prevention Week is here!
This week our very own Kerhonkson Fire Department will be at KES on October 10, teaching our students about fire safety. This will include the annual mandatory evacuation drill. Expect fire safety materials to come home with your child on October 10, which you can review together. Don't forget to make your own home safety plan!
In addition, our school will continue to practice drills this week!
Upcoming Events
PTA Meeting, Picture Day, and More
Wedensday, October 9: PTA Meeting at 6:00 PM in the cafeteria.
Children welcome! Please join us and share your ideas!
Thursday, October 17: Picture Day!
Friday, October 18: Half-day for students (afternoon staff development)
Students dismiss at 12:30 PM. Lunch will be served on half-days.
Thursday, October 24: Evening Parent Teacher Conferences
Please check with your child's teacher for a time if you have not done so already. Child care is not provided for parent teacher conferences.
Friday, October 25: Afternoon Parent Teacher Conferences. Half-Day for students.
Students dismiss at 12:30 PM. Lunch will be served on half days.
Please check with your child's teacher for a time if you have not done so already. Child care is not provided for parent teacher conferences.
Friday, October 25: Trunk or Treat, 5:30-7:00 PM
Vehicle set-up at 5:00 PM.
Monday, October 28 - Friday, November 1: Scholastic Book Fair
Thursday, October 31: Halloween Parade and Half-Day for Students
9:30 AM: KES Halloween Parade
Students dismiss at 12:30 PM. Lunch will be served on half-days.
Friday, November 1: Pajama Bingo and Evening Book Fair Hours, 6:30 - 7:30 PM
Join us for the last day of the book fair and PJ Bingo - a favorite fall tradition!
Tuesday, November 5: Superintendent's Conference Day - School is Closed
Monday, November 11: Veteran's Day - School is closed
Upcoming Events: Complete list through January 1
Use this link to view a complete list of upcoming events through November 1!
Our monthly Theme: "Growth Mindset: The Power of Yet"
October's PBIS theme is "Growth Mindset".
PBIS stands for "Positive Behavior Intervention Supports."
Students are learning that having a growth mindset is a super power! "Yet" is a powerful word. When students are learning new skills, they also learn to say "I can't do that...YET!" That little word changes everything.
Students earn Gander tickets for demonstrating safe, responsible, respectful behavior.
We are working to earn Pajama Day and Popsicles!
Grade Pre-K and K: 5 total buckets filled
Grade 1: 5 total buckets filled
Grade 2: 4 total buckets filled
Grade 3: 2 total buckets filled
What Does it Mean to be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible?
PBIS programs stress the importance of telling students what safe, respectful, and responsible behavior looks like and sounds like. Each year teachers set these guidelines in their classrooms. We also teach students what is expected in other school locations. We begin with hallway expectations, then cafeteria, bus, and recess.
Currently, we are working on hallway, cafeteria, and recess expectations.
In the hallway:
Safe = Walking in the hall
Respectful = Voice level 0
Responsible = Going directly to your destination
In the cafeteria:
Safe = Walking and not sharing food (some students have allergies, and we do not want to spread germs that make us sick.)
Respectful = Voice level 1-3, or conversation with the people at your table. It also means going to voice level 0 and listening for directions when the teachers give the signal, which is typcally turning down the lights, clap for attention, or call-response.
Responsible = Cleaning up after yourself.
At Recess:
Safe = Safe bodies (Hands and feet to ourselves)
Respectful = Treating others asa you would like to be treated.
Responsible = Following adult directions and managing your belongings.
How can I Help at Home?
Please remind your child of the expectations shown in this newsletter. You can also read or watch a video read-aloud of our books of the month!
Our PBIS Books of the Month and video links can be found using this link: