Patrick Henry Post
August 23rd, 2019
Open House Night: Wednesday, August 28
Join us at Patrick Henry!
We will be hosting an Open House Night for students and their family members on Wednesday, August 28th. Please join us at 3:30 in the main lobby area for refreshments and a welcome from Dr. Deborah Rogers, our new principal. Teachers will then welcome you into their classrooms to tour the room, hear about what your child is learning in school, and see some of their amazing work they have already accomplished. Please join us!
Extracurricular Opportunities for Families
COCA Classes
Lift for Life After School Programs
Unleashing Potential Before and After Care
Take advantage of some free opportunities for families throughout St. Louis!
Families and students have several exciting opportunities for extracurricular activities and clubs throughout the school year.
- Lift for Life Gym offers free after school tutoring and workouts. They also offer transportation from the school to the gym in the afternoon for our students. Please contact your child's teacher if your child is interested in this opportunity!
- COCA (Center of Creative Arts) and the City of St. Louis have teamed up to offer free classes at seven city Rec Centers. See here for class availability: https://stlcityrec.recdesk.com/Community/Program and type in "COCA" in the search box.
- Unleashing Potential offers free before and after school care to Patrick Henry students. Please see Ms. O'Shea in the main office for an application today!
Celebrations from Week 2
We completed our second week of school today, and it was another great one! We are getting to know our students and our class dynamics, and we are already growing together as a community. A few moments were captured this week as highlights.
- Upper elementary showed us how to line up and start the day off just right. Ms. Jackson, Ms. Ivory, and Ms. Hammock's classes were all on point throughout the week getting their breakfast behavior in top shape!
- We were inspired by one of our kindergarten students who used her time in the pick-up room to get started on her homework. She is one of our youngest students, but already so disciplined!
- Pre-school had the opportunity to play with the giant Jenga set, and it was just as much fun to watch the blocks tumble as it was to successfully pull them out and keep the tower steady!
- Maritz, a company headquartered here in St. Louis, is one of our longest-running community partners. This week, they donated three carloads of supplies to Patrick Henry in support of our amazing staff! The pictures below are only a glimpse into the incredible supply drive that took place with the Motivation Team at Maritz, and we are so thankful for their continued support. Mr. Kirk even moved all of the supplies from the cars to the supply closet, and organized everything for easy access. WOW, thank you, Maritz for your incredible partnership over the years, and for this year's supply drive!
Upper Elementary shows us how it's done!
Their excellence in the morning starts us off on the right foot every day!
Homework Pride
Students of all ages are focused here at Patrick Henry, even during pick-up time!
Pre-School Jenga
Dr. Rogers and Ms. Hill at Maritz
A reception was held to honor the schools receiving supplies. There were even cookies!
Thank you, Maritz Motivation Team!
The Motivation Team even decorated the table!
Mr. Kirk, Volunteer Extraordinaire!
Mr. Kirk has volunteered at Patrick Henry for years, and his impact is felt every week. Thank you, Mr. Kirk!