Groves H.S. JROTC News You Can Use
October 17th, 2021
Face-to-Face Learning
Hi, folks. We're two and a half months into the face-to-face learning of this school year. Your sons and daughters did well with the teaching and training of 1st quarter. Now they need to learn from their wins and losses (in all classes) to reach their highest potential in this 2nd quarter. Here's what's going on in JROTC to support your cadet.
Every Groves students should have a school-issued computer by now. If your cadet does not, please contact the media center (912-395-2520, extension 5). Also have your cadet inform their instructor. We can help put them in touch with the media center.
The district spent over $100,000 this month for Groves HS computers. The team is dedicated to your student's learning.
If your family owes computer fines, please do your best to pay them off now and get your student a school- issued computer now. The 1st semester report card will say thank-you.
Mandatory JROTC COVID Testing
Drill, after school teams, physical fitness training, and other JROTC activities result in cadets being in closer proximity than they would otherwise be. Therefore, the district is mandating regular testing for all AFTER SCHOOL JROTC activities. It would not be a bad idea for all cadets to participate in this program. Please see the link below and be on the lookout for phone calls or emails with more information. Athletics, cheerleaders, band, and others also must participate in this mandatory regular COVID testing program. The official deadline to sign up was October 15th, but go ahead and sign up as long as the links allow you to. CLICK HERE for more information.
Thursday, Nov 11th Veterans Day Parade
We have about three weeks before the Veterans Day Parade. Cadets are progressing with marching skills, but a lot needs to happen between now and the parade. Please be advised that cadets that cannot march in step will have a tough time passing JROTC this semester. Each cadet needs to give their best effort to ensure they look great and their unit looks great. Lastly, cadets need to be in the cafeteria before 7:00 am on Thursday, November 11th for the parade. We will transport them by bus and will have them back at the school around 1:00 pm for parent pickup. Ensure they eat a good breakfast before they arrive at school.
Our VEX robots have arrived and we're getting ready to start our robotics exploration & training after school on Mondays and Tuesdays. Our first meeting will be in room 605 on Tuesday, October 19th. Cadets need to have a ride home at 5:30 pm and need to sign up for the district's COVID testing program mentioned above.
Career Exploration
In October, November, and December, 3rd and 4th year cadets will interact with local professionals and conduct career exploration activities to help them identify options for their long-term employment after high school. Please encourage them to take advantage of these opportunities.
Drill Team/ Color Guard
Our first competition of the year is on Thursday, November 11th at the Veterans Day Color Guard competition. We are also practicing to present the colors at football games and to compete against other schools in squad, platoon, and exhibition categories. Practice is on Wednesdays and Thursdays after school. Cadets need to have a ride home at 5:30 pm. and need to sign up for the district's COVID testing program mentioned above.
The JROTC Leadership and Academic Bowl (JLAB) is upon us. All cadets are taking the practice test as part of their classroom instruction. Those that show excellence will be invited to join our two JLAB teams. JLAB activities are typically conducted during the school day and not after school. Most years we advance to the second round of competition. If we advance to the third round, we will get an all-expenses paid trip to Washington, D.C. for the JLAB championships. Let's make our way to Washington, D.C. this time around. Hooah!
Uniform issue continues. All 4th, 3rd, and 2nd year cadets have been fitted and we are currently working our way through the 1st year cadets. If we do not currently have a size to fit your cadet, we will attempt to order it through a separate vendor. Let your instructor and/ or 1SG Latty know if you do not have a uniform yet.
World's Finest Chocolate
This has by far been the smoothest and highest participation round of World's Finest Chocolate sales we've had in 9 years! All 115 boxes of chocolate are gone, over $6,000 has been turned in by cadets, more boxes are coming, and our prize party is scheduled for Friday, October 29th. This sale raised needed funds for our March Military Ball (tentatively set for Saturday, March 5th). If you still have money or candy to turn in, get it in now (it was due back on October 6th). Fantastic job by all!!
Contact Us
Email: david.london@sccpss.com
LTC London - 912-395-2520 x605
SGM Johnson - 912-395-2520 x 505
1SG Latty - 912-395-2563
Email: david.london@sccpss.com
Website: https://sites.google.com/sccpss.com/groveshsarmyjrotc
Location: 201 Rommel Avenue, Garden City, GA, USA
Phone: 912-395-2520