Moorhead Junior High
October 2019 Newsletter
PSAT Testing
The PSAT is the preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. The PSAT is a great primer for the SAT, and even the ACT, but it’s more than just a trial run. PSAT scores are used to identify National Merit Scholars and award merit scholarships!
Moorhead Junior High 8th graders will take the PSAT on THURSDAY, Oct. 17, 2019. Please make sure your child goes to bed early and eats a good breakfast!
The Student Success Center (SSC) opened Monday, September 16th. The SSC is open Monday through Thursdays from 4:05 – 5:10. Students staying after school for tutorials can be picked up by the bus ramp or can ride the late bus home. Late buses depart Moorhead at 5:15pm.
Student Success Center Expectations
· Long before 4:00pm students should know how they are getting home (car or late bus); in other words, they do not decide at 4:00 that they need to stay for SSC.
· 4:05 – Students line up at the 7th grade library door, extending towards the cafeteria; whether they hear a dismissal announcement or not, they are released from class at 4:05 (no earlier) for SSC. They should not arrive later than 4:15.
· Students hand SSC facilitator on duty their official, teacher signed SSC pass.
· Students sign in on one of the iPads.
· Students begin working quietly at the appropriate subject area table until tutors arrive.
· Electronic devices are not allowed unless a tutor or SSC facilitator has given permission to use them.
· Students must ask the SSC facilitator for permission to use the restroom.
· Car riders are dismissed at 5:05pm and late bus riders are dismissed at 5:10pm.
November 2019 Bond Election
The bond referendum in November includes funding for a new Moorhead Junior High, renovations to Caney Creek High School, and funding for two new elementary schools in the Caney Creek feeder zone!
To learn more about the November 2019 Bond Election, please visit www.conroeisd.net/bond
or visit our Facebook page at @CISDBond2019.
Fall Semester Spirit Days
10/4 - Tie Dye Day
10/11 - Pink Out Day
10/16 - Caney Creek High School Homecoming Parade - Wear a Moorhead or Panther Shirt
10/18 - Red Out Day
10/19 - Homecoming Dance 6 - 9pm @ Moorhead Gym
10/25 - Pajama Day
10/28 - 11/1 - Red Ribbon Week (Dress up Days TBA)
11/8 - 90's Dress up day
Homecoming Week
Tues. 10-15 Hawaiian Day
Wed. 10-16 Souvenir Tee Shirt - Example Buckies {Parade}
Thurs. 10-17 Disney Dress up day
Fri. 10-18 Red Out
Red Ribbon Week
Mon. 10-28 Take a Stand Against Drugs (Wear Red, White, Blue}
Tues. 10-29 Give the Boot to Drugs (Cowboy Day)
Wed. 10-30 Don't let Drugs Clash with your Style (Mismatch Day)
Thurs. 10-31 Sugars Skulls are Sweet Drugs are Not (Wear sugar skulls, black, or any candy shirt)
Fri. 11 -1 Team up Against Drugs (Wear a team or sports jersey)
Staff vs. Student Volleyball Game
Early Release Oct. 11
Friday, October 11 is an early release day and is also the last day of the 1st Nine Weeks!
Students will be dismissed at 1pm.
campuses located within Conroe ISD. Specific campus projects are also included in the package
to align with fire code requirements.
To view the full list of safety & security projects and learn more about the November 2019
Bond Election, please visit www.conroeisd.net/bond or visit our Facebook page at
Columbus Day = No School!
Homecoming Parade
The Caney Creek High School homecoming parade is Wednesday, October 16th at 7pm on the CCHS football field. We will have some of our junior high clubs and organizations represented.
Homecoming Dance! Saturday, Oct. 19 from 6pm - 9pm
Tickets go on sale October 7th - October 18th
Cost $7.00 / $10 at the door.
Concessions will be available at the dance. Chip, candy, and drinks $1, Pizza $2.
Photo booth - $5 for 1- 5x7 and 4 - 5x6
Homecoming Dance Dress Code
Strapless dresses and dresses with spaghetti straps will be permitted for the homecoming dance. We understand that it is difficult to find semi-formal dresses that meet typical dress code requirements. Please be aware that the length of the dress should adhere to the school dress code and come up no higher than 4 inches above the knee. Boys should wear a collared polo or button up shirt.
Nerd Day at Moorhead
Fall Orchestra Concert
Fall Pictures
Free and Reduced meal applications! Important - For your TO DO List
Online Free and Reduced lunch applications must be resubmitted every year. If your child receives free or reduced breakfast and lunch you also need to complete the online application or you can request a hard copy a the Moorhead front office.
Free and Reduced lunch application:
October Book Fair
Follett Book Fair (Perfect time to get a jump on some early holiday shopping!)
October 18th - 25th; 8:15 Am - 3:45 PM
October 23rd - 5:30 - 7:00PM (Project Lit Night)
Students of the Month
Congratulations to our September Students of the Month!
Angelica P.
Mariana V.
Ethan R.
Evan U.
A Note from Officer Kidwell
Please slow down in the school zone and remember to stay off your cellphones in the school zones unless you are parked.
(1) "Hands-free device" means speakerphone capability, a telephone attachment, or another function or other piece of equipment, regardless of whether permanently installed in or on a wireless communication device or in a motor vehicle, that allows use of the wireless communication device without use of either of the operator's hands, except to activate or deactivate a function of the wireless communication device or hands-free device. The term includes voice-operated technology and a push-to-talk function.
(2) "Wireless communication device" means a device that uses a commercial mobile service, as defined by 47 U.S.C. Section 332.
(b) Except as provided by Subsection (c), an operator may not use a wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle within a school crossing zone, as defined by Section 541.302, Transportation Code, unless:
(1) the vehicle is stopped; or
(2) the wireless communication device is used with a hands-free device.
A Note from Nurse Toni
Dear Parents,
On October 24th and 25th we will be conducting Spinal Screenings on all 7th grade females. Please make sure your student wears a bra of some sort or tight cami/undershirt, as I need to be able to see their spine. If your child is under a doctors care for Scoliosis please send a letter from the doctor stating they are under care for Scoliosis.
On October 26th and 27th we will be conducting Spinal Screenings on all 8th grade males. If your child is under a doctors care for Scoliosis please send a letter from the doctor stating they are under care for Scoliosis.
Vision referrals went out the last week of September, please take the form with you to the physician and have them fill it out. Then have the form returned to the clinic.
Hearing referrals will go out the first week in October.
Students are not permitted to carry any type of medication, including inhalers, Epi Pens, medicated lip ointment, essential oils, etc unless they have a consent to carry. All medication needs to be checked into the clinic. Please do not send medication with a letter from the doctor stating that the student can be given/use the medication, as we still need the parent to come in and sign a permission slip. If you can not make it during school hours please contact the clinic to schedule a time, 936)709-2410.
Please know if you receive a phone call from 936)709-2400, it is not from the clinic, it is from somewhere else in the school.
Science Department Fundraiser
Twin Day at Moorhead
2019-2020 PTO Meetings
Each year our PTO host a number of meetings were we address important issues for our parents, guardians, and students. PTO members help our school by:
- Volunteering at our many different school activities
- Organizing fund raisers
- Planning staff meals and special treat days
- Supporting teachers and students in the classroom
Our next meeting is October 16th at 3pm in the Moorhead conference room.
Moorhead Athletic events
Parents, please try to bring exact change to purchase your tickets for our Moorhead athletic events. This helps with the flow of traffic and gets you in to see the games in a timely manner. Ticket prices are $2 for adults and $1 for students. Thanks for your help!
See you at the Pole 2019 - Hosted by the FCA
Communities in Schools (CIS)
Moorhead Junior High has a Communities in Schools (CIS) Social Services Coordinator, Ms. Kala Ganapathy. Ms. Ganapathy is on campus daily and is available to help with the basic needs of our students. Some of resources offered by our CIS counselor include:
· Food Pantry (shelf stable items as well as fresh food when available)
· Clothing
· School Supplies
· Lunch groups (by invitation)
· Holiday assistance
· Weekend food assistance
The CIS office is located inside the small gym. You may request assistance by contacting Ms. Ganapathy directly at (936)709-2449.
Attendance is one of the main indicators of student success. The first bell rings at 8:35am and class instruction starts at 8:40am. If your child is absent please be sure to turn in a note from your health care provider.
State law requires that students must be in attendance for a minimum of 90% of the instructional days for which they are enrolled during a school year in order to be promoted. The law goes on to state that it is the parent’s duty to monitor the students’ attendance and require the student to attend school.
Regular school attendance is important. Please make vacation arrangements during holidays and weekend to avoid students missing important classroom instruction. The last day of school for the Fall semester if Dec. 19th. Thanksgiving break is Nov. 25 – Nov. 29.
Parent and Student Access Center
Parents and guardians have free access to Parent Access Center via www.conroeisd.net . This portal gives complete access to student grades, attendance, tardies, discipline, STAAR scores, and other information. This tool can also give parents and guardians the opportunity to set thresholds where you will be emailed scores of each assignment. Students also have the same access via Student Access Center.
TAE – Teacher Achieving Excellence is a great opportunity to recognize a teacher that is making a difference in your child’s life. The electronic award can be created and sent through Parent Access. An email will be sent to the teacher as well as campus administrators.
Anonymous Alerts
Conroe ISD will continue implementation of the Anonymous Alerts – anti bullying app. Anonymous Alerts is a patented student anti-bullying app that helps combat bullying and other negative activity in schools by empowering students to come forward to help themselves and other students. Social and peer pressures are some of the hardest obstacles for students to overcome, now they can report bullying and safety issues quickly using Anonymous Alerts mobile app.
Students or parents in the school community can anonymously submit alerts about suspicious activity, safety threats, bullying, alcohol or drug use, harassment, family issues, school shooter, campus safety concerns, and self-harm issues to school administrators or counselors. The app is free from the Apple Store, Google Play store, and the Chrome store. Students will still have the option to call Kid Chat to report anything at 1-800-kid-chat.
Electronics and Phones - Expectations, Rules, and Considerations for Parents
Please consider protecting your child from the dangers of the internet on their phone with an app like one of these!
The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner.
For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, TX 77304; (936) 709-7752.