Red Devil Ready:DCHS Weekly Message
Week 8: A Quick One
Decatur County Community High School
605 E Commercial St, Oberlin, KS 67749
October 6, 2024 (Schedule at the bottom, Skip What You Want)
Follow us on Twitter at @DCHSREDDEVILS or
Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Oberlin294/
Decatur community,
It was a long, busy week filled with ups and downs, and this intro., much like of the rest of the message, is going to be a quick one.
Shoutout to the entire group of adults that sponsored and hosted the Addam's Family theme dinner for our cast and crew this past week. They decorated the lobby outside of the auditorium and prepared a feast for everyone. There are a lot of long nights involved in a musical, and often times students are running from one activity to the next to fit it all in. Add in homework on top of the day they have put in and you can see just how difficult it can be for some of them to manage their lives. It was a great gesture by the group.
Shoutout to AD Brandon Gehring for managing a long week filled with activites. There were 7 different home events, with the home volleyball invite lasting 12 hours, and Mr. Gehring also managed to coach some games during that time as well. The next time we will see any week as crazy as this one will probably be during basketball season when we host the NWKL League Tournament.
Shoutout to secretary Melissa Dreher. Any busy week for activities is a busy week for our head secretary. It always amazes me how Melissa handles everything in stride, and she was on top of each program and money box for every event.
Shoutout to Mr. Ketterl and his FFA students. There were several concession stands throughout the week, but there will not be another that will rival the long haul that was this past weekend. Mr. Ketterl was there the whole day, and many of students were right there with him.
Shoutout to Mrs. Jenny Tally. She was involved with the Addam's Family dinner, but she also ran the Hospitality Room for Saturday's tournament as well. She somehow manages to figure out just the right amount of food for the large amount of people that come through that room during the Invitational. Each person I spoke to was impressed by the time spent on each item, the ice cream-cookie sandwiches getting a lot of special comments. That doesn't even take into account that she was out at the stadium for youth football with food as well during the whole event.
Shoutout to the student body for showing up in pink on Saturday. Like the teams and some of the others that I have mentioned, several of our students showed up on Saturday to support our girls, many for the entire duration. In the three years I have been here, this was the most support I have seen by the students at the Invitational.
Shoutout to all of the workers. A tournament like this takes a lot of people working a lot of shifts, and we are fortunate enough to have a community that is willing to help. If ever there was a gap, there was always someone willing to jump in when necessary.
JV Volleyball Wins Oberlin Inviational
Shoutout to the JV Volleyball team. The JV squad is loaded with young talent and continued a very impressive season by winning our home Invitational with a 4-0 record. They gave up some sets along the way, but they consistently showed grit in route to the title. Congratulations, ladies!
Things You Should Know
Kansas Apply Free Day
Mrs. Springer has been on top of the Kansas Apply Free Days, and our seniors will be participating to the best of their ability this Wednesday. Here is a bit more about the Kansas Apply Free Days:
The Kansas Apply Free Days will be held on October 7-9, 2024! During these three days, any Kansas resident, regardless of age or income can apply for free at any of our 7 public universities, 19 community colleges, 6 Technical colleges, and the 21 private member institutions of the Kansas Independent College Association.
Eligible programs include general applications, certificate programs, associate degree programs, and bachelor degree programs. (Graduate programs or other mid-degree applications will not qualify.)
Refer to the 2024 Apply Free Days Application Instructions for detailed institution-specific guidance on completing applications for admission.
Red Devil Ready
As promised, a quick one. Have a great week, Red Devils.
Until next week,
Jeremy Holloway
Go Big Red!
Varsity Volleyball Season Record (3-9)
L vs Wheatland 25-23, 22-25, 14-24 (0-1)
L vs Hoxie 13-25, 22-25 (0-2)
W vs Quinter 25-16, 25-16 (1-2)
W vs Dighton 24-26, 25-21, 25-22 (2-2)
L vs Rawlins 21-25,14-25 (2-3)
W vs Rawlins 26-24, 14-25, 28-26 (3-3)
L vs Wallace County 16-25, 25-23, 15-25 (3-4)
L vs Cimarron 25-19, 11-25, 18-25 (3-5)
L vs Golden Plains 17-25, 23-25 (3-6)
L vs Wheatland 25-22, 24-26, 16-25 (3-7)
L vs St. Francis 17-25, 22-25 (3-8)
L vs Golden Plains 25-12, 21-25, 24-26 (3-9)
L vs Gering 18-25, 14-25 (3-10)
L vs Cambridge 22-25, 19-25 (3-11)
W vs Valentine 25-10, 25-17 (4-11)
L vs Cheylin 18-25,17-25 (4-12)
W vs Logan 25-21, 25-10 (5-12)
L vs Southwest 16-25, 15-25 (5-13)
W vs St. Francis 25-21, 17-25, 25-20 (6-13)
W vs Atwood 25-20,25-20 (7-13)
W vs Dundy Coutnty 25-11, 25-18 (8-13)
L v St. Francis 25-22, 19-25, 19-25 (8-14)
L vs Hoxie 22-25, 9-25 (8-15)
JV Volleyball Season (6-1)
W Wheatland 25-13,19-25,15-4 (1-0)
W Hoxie 25-17,25-21 (2-0)
L Rawlins 12-25, 25-21, 11-15 (2-1)
W vs Quinter 25-18, 25-17 (3-1)
W vs Rawlins 25-18, 25-18 (4-1)
W vs Wallace County 25-15, 25-20 (5-1)
W vs Cheylin 25-9, 25-21 (6-1)
W vs Southwest
W vs St. Francis
W vs Atwood
W vs Hoxie
W vs Leoti
W vs St. Francis
Football Season Record 3-2
W @ Greeley 50-0 (1-0)
L vs Dighton 40-44 (1-1)
W vs Wallace Co. 52-6 Homecoming (2-1)
W @ St. Francis 32- 14 (3-1)
L Home vs Hoxie (3-2)
@ Stockton (10-11)
@ Atwood (10-18)
Home vs Hill City (10-25)
Week 9 Game vs TBD (10-31)
Cross Country Notable Results
@ Goodland : Trevor Witt Places 23rd out of 55
@ Norton:
JV/Varsity Boys:
Trevor Witt, 14 of 60 at 19:17
JH Boys:
Kenny Dempewolf, 7 of 31 at 13:09
Jayce Dempewolf, 11 of 31 at 13:47
Job Kliewer, 18 of 31 at 15:06
JH Girls:
Kylynn Wentz, 1 of 6 at 15:29
Schedule for the Week of 9-30-24/10-5-24
Monday, October 7, 2024
5:00 JV Football @ Hoxie
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
4:30 JH and HS XC home
4:30 HS VB home @ Colby w Rawlins, Goodland, and Hitchcock
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
5:45 Booster Club Meeting
Thursday, October 10, 2024
4:00 JH VB @ Trego
6:00 JH FB @ Trego
Friday, October 11, 20243:
7:00 HS FB @ Stockton
Saturday, October 12, 2024
9:00 NWKL League Volleyball Tourney @ Quinter
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Red Devil Ready: Week #2: Back to School
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Red Devil Ready: Week #5:Sometimes, Even when You Lose, You Win
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Red Devil Ready: Week #8: A Quick One
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Red Devil Ready: Week #35: April Showers Bring May …..Track Meets?
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #36: Ladies and Gentlemen, I Give You the Class of 2024
Red Devil Ready: Week #35: April Showers Bring May …..Track Meets?
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Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #6: Picture Day
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #7: It Takes a Village
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #8: OctOberlin Begins
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #9: Undefeated
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #10: Mr. Lundquist’s Test
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Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #18: ‘Twas the Week of Finals
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Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #29: The Home Stretch
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Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #35: April Showers? May Flowers?
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #36: Ladies and Gentlemen, I Give You the Class of 2023
Red Devil Ready: Week #35: April Showers Bring May …..Track Meets?
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #36: Ladies and Gentlemen, I Give You the Class of 2024
Decatur County Community Junior/Senior High School
Email: jholloway@usd294.org
Website: https://www.usd294.org/vnews/display.v/SEC/DCHS
Location: 605 East Commercial Street, Oberlin, KS, USA
Phone: 785-475-2231
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Decatur-Community-JrSr-High/372347636275932