PTSA News 10.28.24

Our mission is to be a welcoming and inclusive organization dedicated to the well-being and education of every student and a relevant resource for our North Creek families and community.
October 28, 2024
Upcoming Events
October 30-PTSA Food Pantry Delivery-more information here.
October 31-PTSA Pancake Breakfast, volunteers and food needed, signup here.
November 1-Senior Pictures are due, click here for details.
November 18-Reflections Deadline, click here for details.
November 19-Thanksgiving Meal Sign Up Deadline, click here if you need meal or here if want to help donate.
PTSA Senior Pancake Breakfast
Let's start our "450" seniors day with a delicious pancake breakfast. We need your help to make this happen. Please consider donating time, monetarily, food items or maybe a griddle.
Any extra funds will be used for the Senior Class of 2025.
Staff Appreciation Lunch-Thank you
Thank you to all the families who donated items, time and funds to make last week’s staff appreciation a huge success! On Friday, North Creek staff members enjoyed a wonderful soup & salad luncheon, complete with side dishes and sweet treats. Staff members were so appreciative of the generosity of our North Creek community. Thank you for helping NCHS PTSA make this event possible!
If you’d like to help plan the next event, please reach out to mary@khouzam.com or nchardin@yahoo.com. We’d love to have you on the committee!
The North Creek/Skyview PTSA Food Pantry will be providing Thanksgiving Meals again this year to families in need of food support. Please use either the English form or the Spanish form to submit your request.
The Thanksgiving Meal consists of: Turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, a canned vegetable side, gravy, potatoes, chicken stock, canned fruit, dinner rolls and a pie. (As always, this is what we hope to be able to provide, but the final meal will be dependent on donations received and food supply availability).
We will be taking requests until Tuesday, November 19. We will not be able to accommodate any late requests.
Sponsor a Family:
Please click on the link here to sponsor a family for Thanksgiving Meal. Each meal cost $45, but any dollar amount helps. We are planning for around 50 families needing a meal based of last year’s numbers.
Any donations in excess of what we need for Thanksgiving Meals, we will use to supply the Food Pantry with fresh produce or other canned items needed.
NCHS PTSA is a 501c3 and all donations made are tax deductible.
PTA Reflections is a nationally acclaimed student art program. Students of all grades and abilities may participate by submitting original pieces of work in 6 categories: dance, musical composition, visual arts, film, literature and photography. Each year, students create work based on a theme. This year’s theme is “Accepting Imperfection”.
Judging is based on both the artwork and artist statement, and will be judged at the local level, and may continue to state, and even the National PTA level.
Get your creative juices flowing! Find out how to participate at: Reflections 2024-2025 (northcreekptsa.com)
Submit your artwork to North Creek High School PTSA by November 18th, 2024 (Mon)
All submissions are to be submitted electronically by sending an email to reflections@northcreekptsa.com.You will receive an a confirmation back from us. If you don't receive a confirmation within 24 hours, please contact us immediately.
Why Join the PTSA Today!
* We have switched to Givebacks*
- Membership is an EASY way that you can show support for the programs and events that PTSA sponsors at North Creek and show that you want these great activities to continue!
- Events like Reflections, Intercultural Festival, Parent Education Events, Food Pantry, Staff Grants, and more can happen because of you!
- Its only $15 for the whole year and no requirement to volunteer or attend meetings (although we would love to have you)
- Dual membership for only $25 so grab a friend, neighbor, partner or another staff member and join TOGETHER.
- Students and Staff are only $10.
- PTSA Membership is valid for the current school year and must be renewed each year to remain active.
Question? Email NCHS PTSA President, Barby Taheri, president@northcreekptsa.com
We serve the students of North Creek High School in the Northshore School District.
This is a great resource to stay informed about upcoming events for North Creek High School. You do NOT need to be a PTSA member to be a part of this mailing list.