Tiger Times
Summer Edition
2024-2025 School Year
Attendance Line Main Office
(402) 390-6480
Attendance Email
Early Ed/Club 66
(402) 390-8203
Message from Ms. Patterson...
Dear Families-
I would like to welcome our new students and teachers! We are excited to meet you and welcome you into the Sunset family. We welcome Ms. Meyer (2), Ms. Korensky (resource), Ms. Ohlmann (speech), and Mrs. Dowse (library), as they join our ever-growing team!
Open House (back to school night) will be on Tuesday, Aug. 6th from 5:30-6:30pm, at Sunset Hills. This will be a night to meet your teacher, see your classroom, learn about curriculum, meet classmates and find out about volunteer opportunities through our Community Club (parent/teacher organization). If you purchased supplies through “1st Day School Supplies” they will be available for pickup that evening. If you did not, feel free to bring your school supplies that night.
Enjoy your last weeks of summer. I look forward to seeing you all and hearing about your adventures! If you have any questions in the meantime, please email me at patterson.michelle@westside66.net
Ms. Patterson
Back to School Open House
August 6, 2024 5:30 pm-6:30 pm
Come see your classroom and meet your teachers!
*Back to School Supplies may be brought that evening
District Approved Snack List/Birthdays and Celebrations
Please remember, all birthday/classroom treats will need to come from the District approved snack list. Please click here to view the updated list.
Sunset Hills, Activities Calendar, 2024-2025
6 Open House, 5:30-6:30 pm
8 SCHOOL BEGINS, 8:30 am
20 Don & Millie’s Night, 4:00-9:00 pm
28 Elementary Band & Strings Parent Meeting WMS, 6:30 pm
30 Professional Learning-NO SCHOOL
2 Labor Day-NO SCHOOL
3 Community Club Meeting, 6:30 pm, Library
17 Don & Millie’s Night, 4:00-9:00 pm
20 Spirit Day/Movie Night
1 Community Club Meeting, 6:30 pm, Library
3 Picture Day
4 Carnival
7-9 Book Fair
9 Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4:00-8:00 pm
10 Parent/Teacher Conferences 8:00 am-4:00 pm
10 & 11 Intercession-NO SCHOOL
14 Professional Learning-NO SCHOOL
20 Spirit Day
22 Don & Millie’s Night, 4:00-9:00 pm
31 Halloween Parade, 2:45 pm
5 Community Club Meeting, 6:30 pm, Library
7 4th/5th Music, WMS, 5:30pm
12 Picture Retakes
14 2nd/3rd Music, WMS, 5:30pm
19 Don & Millie’s Night, 4:00-9:00 pm
22 Spirit Day
27-29 Thanksgiving Break-NO SCHOOL
3 Community Club Meeting, 6:30 pm, Library
9 District Wide 5th Grade Strings Concert
WHS Auditorium, 6:00 pm
9 District Wide 6th Grade Strings Concert
WHS Auditorium, 7:30 pm
12 Skating Party, TBD
16 Band 5th/6th, WMS, 7:00pm
17 Don & Millie’s Night, 4:00-9:00 pm
20 Spirit Day
Dec 23-Jan 3 Winter Break-NO SCHOOL
7 Community Club Meeting, 6:30 pm, Library
20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day-NO SCHOOL
21 Professional Learning-NO SCHOOL
21 Don & Millie’s Night, 4:00-9:00 pm
23 K/1st Music, WMS, 5:30pm
24 Spirit Day
4 Community Club Meeting, 6:30 pm, Library
13 Valentine’s Parties, 2:45- 3:15 pm
14 Teacher Work Day-NO SCHOOL
17 President’s Day-NO SCHOOL
18 Don & Millie’s Night, 4:00-9:00 pm
21 Spirit Day
3-5 Book Fair
4 Community Club Meeting, 6:30 pm, Library
5 Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4:00-8:00 pm
6 Parent/Teacher Conferences, 8:00 am-4:00 pm
10-14 Staff Appreciation Week
17-21 Spring Break-NO SCHOOL
18 Don & Millie’s Night, 4:00 pm-8:00 pm
27 Spring Pictures
28 Spirit Day
31 Band-O-Rama, WHS Gym, 7:00 pm
1 District Strings West Fest, 7:00 pm, WHS Gym
1 Community Club Meeting, 6:30 pm, Library
15 Don & Millie’s Night, 4:00 pm-9:00 pm
28-Professional Learning-NO SCHOOL
3 District Big Band Dance, 5:30 pm
6 Community Club Meeting, 6:30 pm, Library
8 Taco Ride, 6:00-7:00pm
16 All School Picnic/ Field Day TBD
20 Don & Millie’s Night, 4:00-9:00 pm
23 Last day of school-NOON DISMISSAL
*Please note that all dates and times are subject to change. Thank you for your flexibility
Supply Lists
2 pks - Crayola Colored Pencils- 12 ct
2 pks - Crayola Crayons - 24 ct
4 - Expo black fine dry erase markers
2- large pink erasers
1 - bottle of Elmers glue
6 - Elmers glue sticks
1- 3x5 index cards - white 100ct
3 pks - Crayola classic markers - 8 ct
2pks - Ticonderoga pencils -No. 2 - 10 ct
1 - school box - plastic
2 - tissue boxes
3 - clorox wipes
1 - headphones
First Grade:
2 pks - Crayola Crayons - 24 ct
6 - Expo black fine dry erase markers
2- large pink erasers
3 - plastic pocket folders - 1 orange, 1 red, 1
6 - Elmers glue sticks
1 pk - Crayola classic markers - 8 ct
2 - spiral wide notebooks - 1 red, 1 yellow
1pk - Ticonderoga pencils -No. 2 - 10 ct
1 - pencil pouch - soft
1 - headphones
Second Grade:
1 pk - Crayola Colored Pencils- 12 ct
1 pk - Crayola Crayons - 24 ct
2 - Expo black fine dry erase markers
1 pk -eraser caps - 12ct
4 - plastic pocket folder- 1 blue, 1 purple,
1 red, 1 yellow
2 pks - Elmers glue sticks - 6 ct
1 - hand sanitizer
3 - highlighters - 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 pink
1 pk - Crayola classic markers - 8 ct
3 - spiral wide notebooks - 1 green, 1 red, 1
3 pks - Ticonderoga pencils -No. 2 - 10 ct
1 - pencil pouch - soft
1- scissors
2 - tissue boxes
3 - clorox wipes
1 - headphones
Third Grade:
1 - binder - 1 inch - white
1 pk - Crayola Colored Pencils- 12 ct
1 pk - Crayola Crayons - 24 ct
1 - binder divider - 8 tab - multicolor
2 - Expo black fine dry erase markers
2 - Expo black chisel tip dry erase markers
1 pk - Elmers glue sticks - 6 ct
1 - hand sanitizer
1 pk - Crayola classic markers - 8 ct
1 pk - Ticonderoga pencils -No. 2 - 10 ct
2 pks - black flair pens
3 - clorox wipes
1 - headphones or earbuds
Fourth Grade:
1 pk - Crayola Colored Pencils- 12 ct
2 - eraser - large pink
6- folders plastic pocket - 1 blue, 1 red, 1
green, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 1 black
1 pk - Elmers glue sticks - 6 ct
2 - yellow highlighters
1 pk - Crayola classic markers - 8 ct
2 - notebooks - 1 blue, 1 red
3 pks - Ticonderoga pencils -No. 2 - 10 ct
1 - pencil pouch - soft
1 - scissors
2 - tissues
1 - clorox wipes
1 - headphones or earbuds
Fifth Grade:
1 pk - Crayola Colored Pencils- 12 ct
6- folders plastic pocket - 1 blue, 1 red, 1
green, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 1 black
1 pk - Elmers glue sticks - 6 ct
1 - yellow highlighters
4 - notebooks - 1 blue, 1 red, 1 green, 1
1 pk - Ticonderoga pencils -No. 2 - 10 ct
1 - pencil pouch - soft
1 - scissors
2 - tissues
1 - clorox wipes
1 - headphones or earbuds
Sixth Grade:
1 - binder 2 inch- white
1 pk - Crayola Colored Pencils- 12 ct
1 pk - Dry erase - fine tip - assorted- 12ct
3- folders plastic pocket - 1 blue, 1 red, 1
3 - highlighters - 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 pink
1- Crayola classic markers - 10 ct
3 - notebooks - 1 blue, 1 red, 1 green
2 pks - Ticonderoga pencils -No. 2 - 10 ct
1 - pencil pouch - soft
1 - pens- Bic black - 10ct.
1 - scissors
2 - tissues
1 - clorox wipes
1 - headphones or earbuds
Attention Fifth Grade Students and Parents
You are invited to BE A PART OF THE MUSIC! This fall, you will have the opportunity to do what so many successful students have done before you by being a part of Band and Strings! In the first three weeks of school we will be visiting all the buildings, demonstrating the instruments, and giving students the opportunity to select an instrument of their choice. We will have a parent meeting about our program on Wednesday, August 28 at 6:30 p.m. at Westside Middle School. All are welcome to attend to learn about elementary instrumental music and meet the teachers. We are excited to introduce your child to the world of instrumental music!
The Elementary Instrumental Music Staff
Gail Carpenter-Johnson, Tommy Krueger, Viktoria Matheson and Jennifer Johansen
Special Schedule
Day 1: Music or Library •Strings
Day 2: Music or Library •Strings
Day 3: Art or PE •Band
Day 4: Art or PE •Band
Morning Arrival
Wednesday Dismissal
This includes:
•Late Arrival-include lunch preference
•Absence-include reason for absence
•Early pick up/appointments
•Change of pick up arrangements
If your student is not in their classroom by 8:30 am they must come to the main office to sign in or they will be counted absent. Students coming or going during the day for appointments, illness, etc also must sign in and out through the main office.
Sunset Hills Community Club
If you had signed up last year you will need to review and update your account to re-activate it, you will be able to use the same login.
Access the site here & be sure to bookmark it:
Sunset Hills Staff
Elizabeth Paulson-K
Kaylee Gillespie - K
Kara Skiermont - 1
Sara Schnase - 1
Mackenzie Nelson – 2
Macy Meyer-2
Annie Donahoe - 3
Morgan Lenigan -3
Beth Ashley-Carnes – 4
Amy Frost - 4
LaRia Shea - 5
Jered Hellman - 5
Tyler Cotten-6
Jasn Fry-6
Nichole Cordle - Psychologist
Ellie Korensky – Resource
Reigan Maxwell – Resource
Ethan Lemberg- Resource
Kaylee Ohlmann- Speech
Jennifer Jurgensen – Art
Brooke Dowse – Library
Steve Clark- PE
Valerie Fuller – Music
Carol Vogel – Reading
Lorenia Martinez - EL
Jenny Henningsen – EY
Gail Carpenter-Johnson – Band/ Strings
Michelle Patterson - Principal
Cristina Drelicharz - Secretary
Educational Assistants :
Alexis Studenberg, Kari Finocchiaro, Louie Wilson, Margaret Nelson, Joan Crum, Annie Cosimano, Liz Andreoli, Erin Pinhero, Lindsay Beck, Tara Hladky, Cailee Coco
Kitchen/Building Services
Orlando Stubblefield, Laura Steyskal, Fabi Berna, Christine Conn
Drop Off and Pick Up
Pick up/ Drop Off Main Door 1st-6th Grades
Morning: Students may be dropped off between 8:20-8:30am at the front entrance. If your child is eating breakfast, they may be dropped off at 8:10am. There will be adult supervision from 8:10-8:30am.
Dismissal: Students will exit the building at 3:30pm (except for Wed 3:00pm). Parents enter the pick-up lane near the pool and queue up in the lane, nearest the sidewalk, to wait for students. We ask that if you are in the pick-up lane, you do not exit your vehicle. Parents may park in the lot in designated spots, if they choose to exit their vehicle. Please DO NOT park along the one way drive.
(Please see map below for traffic flow.)
Pick up/ Drop Off Kindergarten Door
Morning: Kindergarten students, and siblings, may be dropped off between 8:20-8:30am at the Kindergarten door (west side of building). If your child is eating breakfast, they may be dropped off at 8:10am at the main entrance. There will be adult supervision from 8:15-8:30am.
Dismissal: Students will exit the building at 3:30pm (except for Wed 3:00pm). Older siblings of Kindergarten students will be also asked to exit at the Kindergarten door.
Parents enter the pick-up lane near the pool, drive around the west parking lot and queue up in front of the K door to wait for students. We ask that if you are in the pick-up lane, you do not exit your vehicle. Parents may park in the lot in designated spots, if they choose to exit their vehicle. Please exit the parking lot to your right and follow the traffic out.
(Please see map below for traffic flow.)
Returning Student Registration
Returning Student Registrations for 2024-2025 MUST be completed for each currently enrolled student returning to Westside in August. Thank you to all of our families who have already completed this important process!
- Log into your PowerSchool Parent Portal. (CLICK HERE)
- Select the student you wish to register along the top.
- Select the Student Registration icon on the left side for 2024-2025
- Agree to the terms and conditions.
- Click Begin Forms.
- If you aren't able to retrieve your log in credentials using the Having Trouble Signing In link on the Sign In page, please email powerschool.support@westside66.net for assistance.
2024-2025 Calendar
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Westside Community Schools offers healthy meals every school day.
Breakfast costs $1.80 at the elementary schools.
Lunch costs $2.75 at the elementary schools.
Your children may qualify for free or reduced-price meals. Reduced price is $.30 for breakfast and $.40 for lunch. If your child(ren) qualified for free or reduced-price meals at the end of last school year, you must submit a new application.
Free/Reduced Applications Available
For detailed instructions on completing this application or to find this application in spanish, please click on this link:
Frequently asked questions and answers to help you with the application process, please click on this link:
MySchool Bucks
Advantages of using MySchoolBucks:
- View your student's meal purchases
- See current account balance at a glance
- Automatic reminders when student or staff balance gets low
- Schedule recurring payments and never worry about lunch money again
Click on the link to access: www.myschoolbucks.com
Getting started is a simple three-step process!
1. Download the app or visit the MySchoolBucks homepage and click on “Sign Up Free”.
2.Create a user profile with your email address, establish a password, and set up your security questions.
3. Add a Student to your account using the student’s name, date of birth, and/or student ID number. (Some schools and districts may require either the student’s date of birth or student ID number. If you need assistance with your student's ID, please contact their school.)
Now you’re ready to make payments!
MySchoolBucks Parent Support
Online Lunch Menu
Please click on link below to view the online lunch menu: https://schools.mealviewer.com/school/SunsetHillsElementarySchool
Medication/Health Office
The health office must have a written, signed and dated Medication Authorization form from the parent or guardian requesting that his/her child be given medication during the school day (prescription or over-the-counter). This form is available in the office or by clicking on the link below.
All medication must be brought to school and taken home from school by a parent. It must be in the original container, labeled with the child’s name, date prescribed, name of medication, directions for use, dosage information and the time the medication is to be given.
Cough drops, and any over-the-counter medication must be in the original box/package, and a Medication Authorization form must be filled out. These medications are kept in the health office.
Scrapes and cuts are washed and bandaged, if needed. We do not and cannot use any ointment or cleaning product on an individual. If an injury is severe or questionable, a parent will be contacted.
All medication, including cough drops, must be picked up by a parent at the end of the duration. We will not send any medication home with a child.
Dress Code Expectations
In order to ensure a positive learning environment where all feel comfortable and respected, please follow our dress expectations. We expect our students to wear clothing that:
Is clean, safe, and in good condition. Is considerate of others.
Is free of advertisements, graphics or language on drugs, alcohol, tobacco or violence.
Covers appropriately. Halter tops, bare shoulders, spaghetti straps, backless tops and short shorts are not acceptable.
Students will be asked to call home for a change of clothing if not dressed properly.
Personal Property Reminder
Students are reminded that all personal items, such as skateboards, ipods, toys, footballs, basketballs, etc., are not to be brought to school unless specifically requested by the classroom teacher. These items are costly and could be damaged or lost.
After School Plans
Please remember that after school plans should be made in the morning. Students are expected to be off school grounds by 3:45 pm (3:15 pm on Wednesdays). Each child should know what the after school plan is. Students going home with another child after school should make plans ahead of time.
Please remember to notify the school if there is an unexpected change of after school plans for your child. If you know in the morning, a note to the teacher and main office is always appreciated. We appreciate your cooperation in making sure your child is safe.
Sunset Hills
•Please mention Sunset Hills when ordering.
Tuesday, Aug 20, 2024, 04:00 PM
Don & Millie's, West Center Road, Omaha, NE, USA
Need Additional Support?
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Westside Community Schools does not discriminate on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender, race, color, national origin, religion, disability, age, marital/parental status, military/veteran status or any other category protected by law in its programs and activities or in admission or access to, or treatment in, hiring and employment, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
The following District personnel have been designated to coordinate compliance and can address inquiries about the District’s nondiscrimination policies and procedures:
For questions or concerns by students, parents or others:
Ø Coordinator of Student Services/Title IX Coordinator – ABC Bldg. 909 So. 76th St. Omaha (402) 390-2100 E-mail: titleixcoordinator@westside66.net
Ø Director of Special Services/ADA & 504 Coordinator (disability/accommodation) ABC Bldg. 909 So. 76th St. E-mail: ADAcoordinator@westside66.net
For questions by District employees or applicants:
Ø Ass’t Supt. for Human Resources/Lead Title IX Coordinator - 909 So. 76th St. Omaha, NE (402) 390-2100
E-mail: titleixcoordinatorHR@westside66.net
For further information about anti-discrimination laws or to file a complaint of discrimination you may also contact the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), U.S. Dept. of Education, One Petticoat Lane, 1010 Walnut Street, 3rd Floor, Suite 320, Kansas City, MO 64106,
Tele. (816) 268-0550, Fax (816) 268-0599, (TDD) (800) 877-8339, or ocr.kansascity@ed.gov.
Omaha (402) 390-2100
Sunset Hills Elementary
Email: patterson.michelle@westside66.net
Website: https://sunsethills.westside66.org/
Location: 9503 Walnut Street, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: (402) 390-6480
Twitter: @SunsetHills66