Tremont Family Update
July 2023

What's Coming Up
October 18-School Picture Day!
October 21 & 22-3rd Grade ELA Ohio State Test
October 23, 24, & 25-3rd Grade ELA Ohio State Test Make Up Dates
October 31-Harvest Parade and Parties (information below)
Looking ahead:
November 5-No School
November 14-Scholastic Book Fair Family Shop Night 5:00-7:00pm
November 22-Picture Retake Day
November 27, 28 and 29-No School
Arrival to Tremont
We started off very strong but are starting to struggle with our on time arrival at Tremont. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we had between 50 and 60 kids per day who signed in as tardy. This impacts our learning environment and delays the start of the school day. We ask that you please partner with us to help us ensure that we have a smooth start to the school day.
We are going to experiment with unloading cars along the sidewalk near the swimming pool in the hopes that this will move traffic more quickly.
Please remember that we have expanded our arrival so that we have a full 30 minutes for parents to drop kids off at school.
Book Fair is Coming
We are excited to invite you to our November Scholastic Book Fair! Hosted by our media center, this event is an opportunity for students of all ages to build their home libraries and further their love of reading. As always, all purchases benefit our library media center. This year's book fair will take place from November 11th-15th in our media center.
Your child's classroom teacher will inform you of their browsing and shopping times.
Family Shop Night will be Thursday, November 14th from 5:00-7:00 pm in the media center
More information to come in the following weeks!
Harvest Parade and Parties-October 31st
Hi Tremont Families!
We wanted to share some information about the upcoming Fall Harvest Parade + Parties! We are so excited to share that the Tremont Center businesses are partnering with us to host this celebration!
Please note the following:
All students will remain at Tremont for a regular school day. Class times and other parts of our daily schedule will remain the same as a regular school day.
Treat bags are provided! No need to bring your own!
Students are permitted to wear their costumes all day or may change into them during the school day. Costumes should be school appropriate and not violent or too scary and students are not permitted to bring costume accessories like swords, wands, lassos, etc.
School-appropriate masks and inflatable costumes are permitted during the parade but NOT during the school day.
Please be sure to send students with a costume that can go over clothing if they are not wearing it to school.
Kindergarteners are encouraged to wear their costumes all day.
The event will take place on October 31st and students have two options:
Students can choose to participate in the Fall Harvest Parade and Party as indicated above.
Students can opt out of the parade and classroom parties and attend an event with Mrs. Allocco and other students who choose to opt-out. More detailed information can be found here.
Schedule of events:
10:45-12:30 Lunch/Recess per regular schedule
K-5th line up for the parade and be ready to walk at 1:20. See the route linked.
1:20 Kindergarten students start the parade to Tremont Center (weather permitting), 1st-5th to follow as indicated in the route
In case of inclement weather, this will be our rain plan.
After Parade - 2:45 Classroom Parties
2:50 Dismissal
Third Grade Testing Coming Soon
October 21st & 22nd 8:30am: 3rd Grade ELA Testing
On Monday, October 21st, and Tuesday, October 22nd, all Tremont third graders will complete the Grade 3 English Language Arts Ohio State Test. Make up testing will occur October 23-25th. Here are a couple of important items that will help prepare your child for test day.
Please make sure your child gets PLENTY of sleep on the days before testing and eats a hearty breakfast.
Students may bring mints only (no gum) to keep their brains alert during testing.
Please send a FULLY charged iPad on each testing day to help your child get a smooth start.
No phones, Gizmos, or Apple watches can be worn or powered on during testing. Please consider leaving them at home on testing days if possible, otherwise these items will be turned off and secured in the room and returned after testing.
Tremont PTO
The Tremont Student/Family Directory Is Now Live!
Please click the link below to register or create an account to view this information. The published information is what was collected when each family filled out the Back-to-School forms in Power School this past August. If you did not enter your information at that time and would like to be included, please email
Cafeteria Volunteers Needed!
To sign up for a shift (as few or as many as you want!), please use the SignUp Genius link below. Remember to check in at the front office when you arrive and grab a volunteer lanyard. Thank you in advance for your dedication and support!
Sign Up:
Walk + Roll Thursdays Started September 19th!
Every student that rides a bike, scoots or walks to school on Thursdays from September 19th through October 24th (*skipping Oct. 3rd due to Fall Fest*) will receive a hole punch in a punch card. Please ensure your students’ name and teacher name are written on the card! For every hole punch, the PTO will donate $.05 to World Bicycle Relief!
At the conclusion of the fall session, students should turn in their punch cards to the volunteers! Additionally, the class with the most hole punches will earn an extra recess!
Interested in being one of those volunteers? Click on this SignUp Genius! Any further questions, please contact Kristen Pastor at
Remember to check in at the front office when you arrive and grab a volunteer lanyard. Thank you in advance for your dedication and support!
Click HERE to view the flyer!
Walking Club Returned On September 17th!
For every lap, students receive a check mark on their Walking Club cards. For every 8 laps, students earn a bracelet charm and for the completion of their cards (20 laps), students receive a token 5 mile charm. Volunteers are necessary to make this club possible so click HERE and sign up today!
From the District
Facilities Master Planning Phase Two Community Kickoff
Nearly 10 years ago, the Upper Arlington community began working together to plan for the future of our schools, leading to a new high school and all new or renovated elementary schools. Now, it’s time to come together again — to determine the best path forward for the aging middle schools and Burbank Early Childhood School. Join us for the community kickoff to phase two of facilities master planning:
Tuesday, October 29 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at Jones Middle School, 2100 Arlington Avenue
Wednesday, October 30 from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. at the Graf Center, 2020 Builders Place
October 17, 2024
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