NEES Star News
Sunday, November 24th
Weekly Family Update
Welcome to the North East Star News -Family Edition for North East Elementary. Each Sunday, this email will be delivered to your inbox with information about what is happening at North East. We hope to be able to provide you with important information on a regular basis to help you support your student. Please feel free to email us with any questions!
📆 Our Schedule This Week
Monday, November 25th:
Fall into Math Parent Event- 5:00PM-7:30PM
Tuesday, November 26th:
Turkey Trot throughout the day during the students' specials
Wednesday, November 27th-Friday, November 29th:
NO School for Thanksgiving Break
Attendance Matters
Reminder - Math Night tomorrow night!
Turkey Trot on Tuesday
November Students of the Month
Marking Period 1 Awards for Grades 2-5
North East Story Time Coming!
Book Fair Coming Soon!
Donuts with Grown-Ups: Join us for our next Donuts with Grown-ups event! This event will allow time for you to connect with your child and enjoy donuts, all while learning strategies to help with academics or behavior at home. I hope you can join us! If you plan to attend our event on December 6th, you can RSVP using this link, or you can email Alicia Kennedy at by November 26th.
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