Lion Links

Dual Language is Expanding - We Need Your Input!
Help choose the next elementary school!
The district needs your help to identify the next elementary school for dual language expansion! This will be a strand model, which means students will have an opportunity for a dual language pathway through school or a monolingual English pathway. This will be a slow roll up adding 1 grade each year starting with TTK and Kindergarten in the 26-27 school year. Video about Dual Language
Surveys close April 3rd
Collaborative School Community Art Project
Students in kindergarten today were discussing "What is a rainforest food chain?" Students were talking to each other about the different plants, fruits and animals that live in the rainforest. They learn about photosynthesis. Below is writing from students who were given different writing prompts!!! Kindergarten learning is next level!!!
Book Fair
Dates for the Book Fair:
Tuesday, March 25, 12-7
Tuesday, Apr 1, 1:40 - 4:00
Wednesday, April 2, 1:40-7
Thursday, April 3, 1:40 -4
🦁Lion Gear🦁
Attention: We are pleased to announce that our Little Mountain gear store is now open. Please be advised that the store will be closing on April 1st.
Spirit Week**March 31 - April 04**
Mark you Calendars
Spring time conference are coming up teacher will be sending out letters and conference time information. Just a reminder that during the week of conferences, we will have early dismissal starting March 31-April 4th. Dismissal will be at 1:30 PM.
Reminders for Families
NO Parking: Just a reminder to park in designated parking spaces on the South Side of campus. Busses need to be able to get through and it becomes a safety issue with vehicles lined up by the busses. Thank you!
TELEPHONE MESSAGES - The school telephone is extremely busy. Telephone messages for children must be limited to EMERGENCIES ONLY. Any telephone messages regarding student transportation must be directed to the office before 3:00 pm. This allows the proper paperwork and process to occur; making sure your child is delivered to the right location.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We are off to a great start in the 2024-25 school year. As we get further into the school year, we would like to remind you of the importance of good attendance for all students. Every day a student is absent is a lost opportunity for learning. Too many absences not only can affect achievement for the absent student. While occasional absences are inevitable, please prioritize regular attendance.
Missing more than 10% of the school year or 18 days of school can impact your child’s social development, academic learning, and path toward high school graduation. If a problem arises with health, food, transportation, housing, or anything else, please call your child’s school or the district office so we can assist.
If your child has 7 unexcused absences in a month or 15 unexcused absences in a year, a petition will be filed with the Juvenile Court, and intervention measures like a Community Engagement Board may be initiated. Continued truancy may require court involvement. To report an absence, contact your child’s school within 5 school days via phone, email, text, or written note.
The school will work with you and relevant healthcare providers to support learning for extended illness. We understand that there are times when students may need to miss school, even with communication from parents or caregivers. However, frequent absences can add up and affect
We have a new document that you need to fill out if you will be taking an extended vacation. Please remember to notify the office and your teacher so that we can go over this form with you. We ask that you schedule time with Mr. Shepherd or Mrs. Moe to ensure you have all of the information and work prior to leaving.
Health Class Newsletter
Click on the picture below to view the Newsletter.
🍎March Lunch Menu 🍎
What's happening
What's happening:
March 26: Early Release @ 1:30
- Mount School Parent Night information 5pm-6pm
March 27: 5th grade Salmon Release Field Trip Leaving at 9:00 Returning around noon.
March 31-April 4- Early Release for Conferences at 1:30
- School Spirit Week
Ashleigh Moe ~ Principal
Nate Shepherd - ~Assistant Principal
Ashleigh Moe, Principal & Nate Shepherd, Assistant Principal
Mission and Vision Statement
Students at Little Mountain Elementary have
voice and power in their learning experiences!
At Little Mountain we seek to cultivate student voice by valuing students’ diverse experiences, strengthening family partnerships, and providing high quality teaching.
Our students and families' voices matter.