The Weekly Wildcat ROAR
Week of Monday, August 26 thru Friday, August 30
A few reminders...
All visitors to the building must successfully pass through the weapons detection system before being able to access the front office. Visitors should always have their ID on hand for entry or to sign a student out. Only those listed in PowerSchool will be granted access to students.
Changes to transportation can only be taken in writing. We cannot take changes via phone call. Students cannot be signed out from the front office after 2:00PM.
Registration forms for Good News Club will be coming home soon. Please be on the lookout and return those if interested in participating. If your student will begin staying for Good News Club (Tuesdays), please send a transportation note for those days. Good News Club will begin in September.
Thank you for your support of BES!
Upcoming Events:
August 31st- BHS Band Fish Fry
September 2nd- Labor Day, No School
September 3rd- Scouts Meeting at BES, 6:00
September 5th- 4th and 5th grade health screenings
September 13th- Progress Reports go home
September 16th-20th- Book Fair at BES
September 17th- GT Parent Night at I2, 5:30-7:30
September 18th- Fall Picture Day
September 20th- Kona at BES
Carolina Family Engagement Center Partnership
This year, BES will partner with the Carolina Family Engagement Center to build stronger school/home connections. Click on the link to see an introductory video!
We're Going Places!
As part of our learning, we would love to showcase travel and cultures. We have dedicated a bulletin board in our main hallway to showcasing family and staff travels. Please send in photos from your family vacations and experiences this summer!
Connect with us!!
School Website
Go to cherokee1.org and select Blacksburg Elementary on the drop down menu.
Social Media
Like us on Facebook at BES Wildcats ROAR.
Classroom Communication
Connect with your child's teacher and receive school updates using Kinvo.
Be sure to check in with your child's teacher to get signed up for PTO. Our PTO does amazing things for our students and staff. You don't want to miss being a part of this great organization!
Wildcat World Changers
Please use the link below to send a shout out for any BES staff members or students you see making an impact on our school and community!
Student and Parent Handbook
AVID Callback of the Week- Teachers: Stop! Students: Collaborate and Listen!
AVID focus for August- Organization
This week we will explore...
3rd Grade:
Math: Assessing Place Value to 999,999 & begin unit on rounding nearest 10, 100, 1,000
ELA: Making Inferences, Point of View, Text/Graphic Features, and Theme
Grammar: Simple and compound sentences
Science: Upcoming Unit- Forces and Motion
Social Studies: Spatial Hierarchies, physical features on a map, and regions of SC
Music:Beat, Rhythm, and Note Values
Library:Introduction to Destiny- online library catalog
Art: Finishing up projects from last week as well as exploring architecture with downtown Blacksburg’s buildings
PE: Intro to kickball
4th Grade:
Math: Place Value
ELA: Elements of a Story
Science: Energy
Social Studies: Continents & Oceans
Music:Beat, Rhythm, and Note Values
Library: Introduction to Destiny- online library catalog
Art: Intro to the Value Scale
PE: Intro to kickball
5th Grade:
Math:Word Problems using decimals
ELA: Problem and Solution
Science: Reflecting on Data
Social Studies: Expansion Overseas
Music: Beat, Rhythm, and Note Values
Library: Introduction to Destiny- online library catalog
Art:Exploring different value techniques
PE: Intro to kickball
GT: Team building and Critical Thinking Activities
Blacksburg Elementary School
Email: julie.foster@cherokee1.org
Website: https://bes.cherokee1.org/o/be
Location: 402 Hardin Street, Blacksburg, SC, USA
Phone: 864-206-6518
Facebook: facebook.com/BESWildcatsROAR