WIDA 2025
Testing starts January 27
Parent Video
WIDA is a state assessment for English Learners. The 2025 window is January 27 through April 4, 2025.
Please view the video link below to learn all of the details:
Parent Letter
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Each year in Michigan and across the country, students in DK through 12th grade who are learning the English language are required by federal law to take an assessment called the WIDA ACCESS for ELLs. This test provides important information for parents, teachers, and school leaders about the progress our students are making in learning the English language.
Why do we need the WIDA ACCESS test?
The test helps you and your child’s teacher monitor your child’s progress in learning English.
1. The test helps you and your child’s teacher know if adjustments are needed in instruction to help your child succeed in learning English.
2. The test helps teachers know when your child is proficient in English and no longer needs English language development classes or support.
3. The test helps school leaders, policy makers, and the public know about the progress our students are making in learning the English language.
Students will test using their district-issued device. Students who opted out of the district device will be provided a district device to use during testing. No wearable technology or electronic devices of any kind (excluding student testing device) will be allowed in the testing room per the Electronic Use Policy.
Test Scheduling: This year’s WIDA testing window is January 27 through April 4, 2025. The test will be administered during the school day. Please feel free to contact me with questions or for additional information.
Carol Burke
District ELD Coordinator
WIDA Practice Instructions
1. Go to https://wbte.drcedirect.com/WIDA/portals/wida
2. Click on Access For ELL's
3. Click Access for ELLs Test Practice
4. Select the type of practice you would like to do (Listening, Speaking, Reading, or Writing)
5. Select your grade level
6. Select Continue
7. Click on the name of the practice (Listening, Speaking, Reading, or Writing)
8. Select Begin the Test