St Francis of Assisi News
Term 3 Issue 11 8th August 2024
Dear Parents & Caregivers,
After a four week relaxing break, I returned to school in Week 3 and it was like I never left! Thank you to Mr Clarke who oversaw the running of the school and Mrs Kavanagh who stepped into the role of Assistant Principal in my absence. Mr Clarke and Mrs Kavanagh did a wonderful job with the community in welcoming families back to school and only further highlighted the wealth of leadership within our school team. Sounds like I should take leave more often!!!
The beginning of August marks the start of the Noongar season of Djilba. This is the start of the flowering explosion that happens in the South West. Djilba is a transitional time of the year, with some very cold and clear days combining with warmer, rainy and windy days mixing with the occasional sunny day or two. Over the weekend and to start the week, we have experienced the cold, but clear days of sunshine.
Traditionally, the main food sources during this season included many of the land-based grazing animals including the yongka (kangaroo), the waitj (emu) and the koomal (possum). As the season progresses and the temperatures continue to rise, the flower stalks of the balgas (Grass Trees) emerge in preparation for the coming Kambarang season.
This week work began on our St Francis Prayer Garden mural with artist Peter Ryan. The design looks amazing as it encompasses the characteristics of St Francis in a child-friendly depiction. Surrounded by Australian animals and native flora, St Francis is overseeing the sight of children joyfully running to and from school. The other building on the wall will display the school prayer which includes our Francis Five and values.
The mural will be completed next week and will be showcased to parents and children in a variety of ways over the coming term. Thank you to Miss Campbell for coordinating this wonderful addition to the charism of our school.
Next Tuesday, the Scholastic Book Fair will kick off in our library. Mrs Howell and Mrs Bowden have been coordinating the delivery of a range of books for students to purchase. The 2024 Book Week Theme is Reading is Magic. The children will have the opportunity to purchase books or other items before or after school from Tuesday. Please note, all children in K-5 MUST be accompanied by an adult to make any purchases from the Book Fair. All the money raised from the book fair goes towards the school's annual subscription for our children to the literacy pro levelled reader program which benefits the children as they move into Year 3 onwards.
Book week will culminate in the annual Book Week Parade next Friday in the hall. There will be prizes for best costume - which will no doubt be Mr Baker.
Please note the upcoming pupil free days for our community:
- Friday 23rd August - Catholic Day (No staff on site)
- Monday 26th August - Professional Development Day (No staff on site)
For both these days, Camp Australia will be operating and bookings can be made via their website for your children.
It's been a very busy couple of weeks with the Olympics in France. I was devastated to see the Boomers go down in overtime to Serbia but very happy for the Opals who won through to the medal matches. It was exciting to see young Arisa Trew, the 14 year old Gold Medal winning skateboarder from Australia. To think Arisa is a 14-year old Olympic champion is quite remarkable. At 14, all I could manage was the odd ollie or kick-flip on my Santa Cruz stick on the way to the local deli for a bag of mixed lollies. Yet, at 14 she is an Olympic Champion! A huge congrats to Busselton-born WA athlete Nina Kennedy on her gold medal performance in the pole vault.
Congratulations to all our Olympic athletes and the incredible stories of triumph and heartache that stops us all every four years. It will be sad to see it conclude and the wait begin for Los Angeles.
Have a fortnight ahead.
Best wishes
Jason Baker
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
We are nearly halfway through the term already!
St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Feast Day - TODAY!
Today is the feast day of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop – Australia’s first saint! St Mary of the Cross was an Australian religious sister of Scottish descent. She was born in Melbourne, but is best known for her work in and around the small town of Penola, South Australia. Together with Father Julian Tenison-Woods, she founded the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart (the Josephites), a congregation of religious sisters that established a number of schools and welfare institutions throughout Australia and New Zealand, with an emphasis on education for the rural poor.
Next week our Year 6 students will receive the Holy Spirit in Confirmation – please keep these students, their families and their teachers, in your prayers.
(please arrive by 5:45pm)
Confirmation Choir
The Sacrament of Confirmation will take place next Wednesday (14th August) at 6pm at St Andrew’s Church, Clarkson. Any students in Years 3 – 6 wishing to be in the Choir and support our Confirmation Candidates, please come to the Church by 5:50pm. You are NOT expected to wear your uniform. Those children who are able to sing in the Choir, will have free dress and an icy pole as a ‘thank you’.
Confirmation Retreat
The Yr 6s will be involved in a Confirmation Retreat this Friday at school, during school hours. The retreat will be run by 24/7 Youth Ministry. This is the final Confirmation activity before they receive the Holy Spirit in Confirmation.
Kolbe Feast Day
Kolbe Feast Day is Friday 30th August (Fathers’ Day Breakfast & Assembly). All children in Kolbe will take part in fun, team building activities and share a pizza lunch, followed by an icy pole.
Crazy Sock Day
Crazy Sock Day is also Friday 30th August. Start planning those crazy socks! Dads are welcome to join in the Crazy Sock fun!
Term 3 Liturgies and Masses
Thursday 15 August - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mass 1:45pm - All parents & caregivers are invited to join us
Friday 30th August - Kolbe Feast Day (Liturgy 8:45am)
Miss Dee Campbell
It was a pretty exciting footy training session on Tuesday for the Canzirri's (and some of their classmates) as their football club, Brighton Seahawks received a visit from a few West Coast Eagles players. Jaxon tells me he gave out the 'don't argue' and ran circles around them, even giving Jake Waterman a few goal kicking tips! They might save the number 9 for young Ethan Canzirri when he gets drafted!
To the following children and families who welcomed new additions in recent weeks to their family:
Lia (2B) & Harley (1B) Murphy on the arrival of their baby sister, Aria.
Vivienne (3B) & Zoe (1W) Liron on their new little brother, Joe.
We hope the families are coping well with the new members and everyone isn't too sleep deprived!
Dear Parents,
School fee reminder statements are being sent out this week. Your prompt attention would be greatly appreciated.
All families on Centrelink Health Care Card (HCC) need to provide the school with their current card to continue receiving the discount for 2024. If your card has expired, please bring in your new card to the school office ASAP. If we do not receive your HCC you will be charged the full fees.
Kind regards,
Geneve Bastian
We hope you are enjoying the term so far and we thank you for your continued support of our events and activities. Here are some updates and reminders of what's coming up in the next few weeks.
Sports Carnival Accessories Stall – 27th to 30th August
This year the P & F will be holding a “Sports Carnival Accessories” Stall from the 27th to 30th of August from 8:00am to 8:20am each morning, outside the school hall. No more last-minute trips to the shops trying to find Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow accessories. These can now be purchased from our stall. Cash and EFTPOS are available, and the items will be posted on our Facebook page
Father’s Day Stall – Wednesday 26th August
Father’s Day is just around the corner and the P & F will be hosting its annual Father’s Day stall on Wednesday 28th of August. A note will be coming home shortly will all the information.
School Disco – Friday 13th September
The theme for the school Disco, is “Spooky”. This is a fun event where the children can dress in their spookiest outfits, and enjoy music, dancing, and games. The Disco will be held in the school hall and there will be more details about the Disco and the time slots for different year levels in the coming weeks. Please keep an eye on the letter home and the P & F Facebook page for updates.
We look forward to seeing you at these events and thank you for your support of our school community.
Happy Birthday to the following students who are celebrating their birthday over the next two weeks:
Kiran Santos-Swift, Elijah Dock Malak, Kilian Julien, Mario Martin, Bonnie Da Silva Pola, Logan Thorp, Isabelle Kinsey, Indigo Farrelly, Cooper Hince-Allpress, Isabela Gadzambo, Sebastian Galang, Brianna Donatti.
We wish you all a wonderful day!!
Friday 9 August - Confirmation Retreat
Monday 12 August - Friday 16 August - Book Week / Book Fair (Tuesday-Friday)
Wednesday 14 August - Confirmation (6:00pm)
Thursday 15th August - Whole School Mass (1:45pm) Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Friday 16 August - Book Week Parade (8:45am)
Wednesday 21 August - Year 1 excursion to Caversham Wildlife
Thursday 22 August - Catholic Performing Arts Junior & Senior choirs
Friday 23 August - Pupil Free Day (no school for students)
Monday 26 August - Pupil Free Day (no school for students)
Tuesday 27 August - Kindy Bootcamp / Yr 3 excursion to Brownes Dairy
Wednesday 28 August - Yr 6 Spring Carnival / P&F Fathers Day stall
Please see below for the latest Camp Australia newsletter.
Please see below for information regarding Sunset Tours being held at the College on Wednesday 28th August.
Applications are invited from students entering Year 7 2025 for Instrumental Music & Choral Scholarships. Apply online, applications close on Friday 20th September 2024. For more information, please see the details below.
The Uniform shop is open every Tuesday morning from 8:00am-9:00am during school terms.
Where: Operating out of the demountable at the rear of the school!
Ph: (08) 9204 1701
Email: mailto:sales@jfe.net.au
Address: 1/85 Guthrie St, Osborne Park 6017
Mon-Thur: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 3:30pm
Email: admin@stfrancisbutler.wa.edu.au
Website: www.stfrancisbutler.wa.edu.au
Location: 1051 Connolly Drive, Butler WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9562 9500
Facebook: facebook.com/stfrancisbutler
Instagram: https://instagram.com/stfrancisbutler
Email: standrewsclarkson@gmail.com
Website: http://www.standrewsclarkson.com/
Location: 53 Belleville Gardens, Clarkson WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9407 7512
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/standrewsclarkson/