Smithfield Elementary
March 2024
Message From The Principal
Welcome March, Spring is Hopping In!
Can you believe Spring is just around the corner? We're excited to see the warmer weather, blooming flowers, and all the fun activities that come with this season.
As always, If you have any questions, Please call our office at (570) 421-2841.
Eric Kerstetter - Principal
See the following brochure for the ESASD attendance and truancy procedures. Please call our main office (570) 421-2841 with any questions.
Attendance Notes: Please upload all notes on to Sapphire.
Birthday Clebrations
Birthday Basket package are available for purchase to celebrate your child's special day. For information and order forms click ESASD Food Services.
Please note package this purchase must be for an entire class.
In keeping with health and safety, the ESASD Birthday Basket option will be the only type of birthday celebration permitted at this time.
Calendar of Events
4th Parent Teacher Conferences - No School for Students
11-22nd Spring Catalog Sales
10th Daylight savings time (Spring Forward)
12th PTO meeting
19th Pocono Wildlife Assembly
28-1st Spring Recess- No School
Class Dojo
All grade levels at Smithfield Elementary will be using Class DoJo for communication with families this year.
Use the following link to join our building DoJo.
Counselor Corner -Newsletter and Resources
Click here to view our newsletter.
Best wishes to Mrs. Osmun on her maternity leave!
Our Guidance Counselors are ready to assist! Photo of Mrs. Rovi and Mrs. Osmun
PTO Meeting
Look for more on the PTO in the welcome packet
Facebook: "Smithfield Elementary PTO"
When? March 12, 6:30-8pm
The Reading Nook
We are excited to celebrate Read Across America Week at Smithfield.
This year we will be celebrating with a Spirit Week from Monday March 18-March 22. Please see the link below.
On Thursday, March 21st we will welcome students from the North and South High Schools to collaborate with our East Stroudsburg University Professional Development School students in organizing a "Book Tasting" Event for all of our students!
Weather Issues
RECESS during the Winter months:
Outdoor recess will take place only if the real feel of 25 degrees.
We like children to wear warm coats when they go outside. If you do not require your child to wear a coat outside please let their teacher know.
In the case of weather-related cancellations, early dismissal, and delayed openings there are many methods you can use to stay informed.
The district communicates in the following ways:
Connect Ed., Local News & radio stations, Facebook, District Website/about us/closings.