Board Meeting Summary
Glen Ellyn School District 41
March 21, 2022 Regular Board Meeting
Meetings are video streamed live online and the videos are archived on the District website, Click Here.
In Attendance
President Robert Bruno, Vice President Jason Loebach, Secretary Jessica Buttimer, Ted Estes, Julie Hill, Chris Martelli, Tayyaba Syed
Student Board Member: Angela Jaeger
Special Meeting
Public Hearing | watch
Action Item
Reduction in Force of Teachers
(Voted Yes: Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Estes, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
Regular Board Meeting
Pledge of Allegiance - Abraham Lincoln 2nd grade | watch
Celebration of World Down Syndrome Day | watch
Click here to view the celebration video featuring Rock Your Socks for World Down Syndrome Day.
Public Participation | listen
Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Kaczkowski shared that the first Community Engagement session took place at Benjamin Franklin School this past Saturday morning. After the meeting, consultants EOSullivan shared that they felt we had a good turn out and even better conversation.
She also provided an update on the Strategic Plan process. The district is now working on action steps and is also working to add a new section with a focus on academic growth and achievement.
She congratulated all involved with the Hadley theater production of The Little Mermaid Jr.
Board Reports | watch
Student Board Reports | watch
Board Policy Revisions - First Reading | watch
Mrs. Buttimer provided an overview of the recommended revisions to policy including some involving curriculum.
Board of Education Meeting Calendar | watch
Dr. Kaczkowski asked the Board to consider a July Board meeting date. They also discussed other dates due to possible conflicts.
Professional Development in the Implementation of Functional Behavioral Assessments & Behavior Intervention Plans and Installing Restorative Practices through a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework for the 2022-2023 School Year | watch
Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Marci Conlin explained the ongoing professional training that would be provided to staff throughout the school year next year.
Assistant Superintendent of Student Services Job Description | watch
Dr. Kaczkowski provided a summary describing the need and recommendation to create a new position and department focused on student services.
Board Policy Revisions and Adoptions _ Kindergarten _ First Grade Eligibility | watch
Director of Student Services Laurel O’Brien presented policy change recommendations to the rules and processes relative to the enrollment of kindergarten and first grade students. Legal counsel representative Dana Crumley also shared information and offered to answer questions.
Refresh of Classroom Libraries | watch
Assistant Superintendent Eric DePorter shared information about the need for new books in elementary classroom libraries. It has been approximately 16 years since the district has refreshed the classroom libraries.
Candidate for Assistant Superintendent for Teaching, Learning and Accountability | watch
Dr. Kaczkowski presented Dr. Kristine Webster as the top candidate for the position of Assistant Superintendent for Teaching, Learning and Accountability. The Board will approve this appointment as part of the personnel report.
Action Items | watch | documents
Consent Agenda
Human Resources
Personnel Report
- Approve Probationary (Non-Tenure) Renewal Staff Contracts
Monthly Financial Reports
-Disposal of Surplus Property
- Freedom of Information Act Report
- Investment Schedule
- Monthly Revenue/Expenditure Summary Report
- Summary of Bills and Payroll
- Treasurer's Report
- Board Meeting Minutes
(Voted Yes: Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Estes, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
Student Fees for the 2022-2023 School Year
(Voted Yes: Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Estes, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
Transportation Contract Extension
(Voted Yes: Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Estes, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
Board Policy Revision - Second Reading and Adoption
(Voted Yes: Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Estes, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
Approve Assistant Superintendent of Student Services Job Description
(Voted Yes: Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Estes, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
Board Policy Revisions and Adoptions _ Kindergarten _ First Grade Eligibility
(Voted Yes: Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Estes, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
Approve Refresh of Classroom Libraries
(Voted Yes: Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Estes, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
Other/Governance - Learning Together
Monday, April 18, 2022 | Regular Meeting at Hadley, 6:30 p.m.
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Twitter: @glenellynd41