Bristow Run ES Panther Press
August 2020- Back To School Newsletter
Dear BRES Families,
Welcome to a new school year! We miss you and hope that you are all healthy and doing well. As we prepare for a beginning like no other we have seen in the past, please be reassured that we are committed more than ever to ensuring the following:
· EVERY child, EVERY day knows they are cared about by all of our BRES staff,
· EVERY child, EVERY day feels connected,
· EVERY child, EVERY day is being challenged by new learning and experiences
Since March 13 we have all found ourselves faced with finding a new normal for learning. Throughout this unpredictable journey, we have connected in unique ways and learning has been transformed as our teachers worked collaboratively to determine how to best support our students from afar. We are so very grateful for all of our teachers and their tremendous efforts with supporting our students as they continue to learn and grow in a virtual environment. This journey has also given us a newfound appreciation for the little things in life –giving a high five, a hug or just being able to be with all of our students and teachers in the building. Through it all, we have persevered and stayed connected as a BRES Family. WE ARE BRES STRONG!
As we embark upon a new school year, we want to reassure you that our dedication to your children and their education remains stronger than ever! The beginning of this year may not be “normal,” but our learning will continue and it will thrive! Our students deserve nothing but our best!
Please know that our partnership with you is of the utmost importance to us and our door is always open. We are both humbled and honored to be your administrative team and look forward to a wonderful school year!
Warmest regards,
Mrs. Jeck and Mrs. Ball
School Supplies
During virtual learning for first quarter Bristow Run will be supplying learning bags for all students. See below for pick up days and time for the learning bags.
Currently, the plan for students in PWC is to return to the schools for learning using the 50/50 model for the 2nd quarter. When students are permitted to return to the school, we would like our students to come prepared with the supplies needed for the year. Below you will find a supply list for all grade levels.
Student Registration
Application for Free/Reduced Lunch
Grade Level Teachers
Kathy Blanco, Amy Poole, Lori Cochrane & Angie Cook
1st Grade:
Angela Gregory, Robin Heltibridle, Lisa Riello-Jones & Alyson Ashley
2nd Grade:
Elaine Dickens, Brittany Watson, Lindsey Means & Sally Winkelmann
3rd Grade:
Tiffany Supinger, Ellen Mailand, Kris Grasse & Cindi Stephens
4th Grade:
Cindy Clayborn, Sarah Gorham, Jill Hanlon, Colleen Gallion & Francie Vandivere
5th Grade:
Carla Hillis, Julie Galinas, Robert Goodwill & Arlene Porter
Karen White- Art, Amie Francis-PE, Geoffrey Nenni-PE, & Andrew Marrero- Music, Sabrina Tucker- Library, Melissa Leischner- School Counselor & Katrina MacWhorter- School Counselor
New hires to our Bristow Run family!
LD Teacher: Elizabeth Barclay, former LD teacher at Bennett Elementary. Liz has over 10 years in education, with the last five in PWCS.
PE Teacher: Geoffery Nenni has been teaching Health and Physical Education in Stafford County for the last 16 years.
PWCS has purchased Canvas for all students and staff so that we will have a unified and professional communication system for working with assignments and grades. The district is continuing to plan more training opportunities for parents and students so that we are well prepared to use this system when school starts. Watch the video below for a tutorial for parents on Canvas.
If your family is considering purchasing a device for your child, there are specifications on the PWCS Preparing for the School Year FAQ page. These are minimum requirements for being able to effectively access Canvas and some of the online learning tools that your child will access this school year.
What specifications does PWCS recommend?
Laptop specifications:
Processor – Intel Core i3 or i5
Memory – 4 GB RAM
Hard Drive - 64 GB minimum
Operating System – Windows 10 v1803 or later, Mac OS 10.14 or later, iOS 13
iPad 7th Generation
iPad Air 3rd Generation
iPad Pro 4th Generation
Camera access – Built-in or attached
The FAQ also provides information regarding discounts for purchasing technology and discounts for internet service or cellular hotspots.
Bristow Run's Canvas Parent Training
Session #1: Monday, August 31st @ 10:00 a.m.
Session #2: Tuesday, September 1st @ 6:00 p.m.
Device and Learning Bag Pick Up Days 8/25-8/28
Please come during the assigned "Device and Learning Bag" pick up times
1st Grade: Wednesday, August 26th 9:00-11:00 a.m.
2nd Grade: Wednesday, August 26th 12:00-2:00 p.m.
3rd Grade: Thursday, August 27th 9:00-11:00 a.m.
4th Grade: Thursday, August 27th 12:00-2:00 p.m.
5th Grade: Friday, August 28th 9:00 -11:00 a.m.
Virtual Open House: Monday, August 31st
5th Grade: 9:00 a.m.
4th Grade: 12:00 p.m.
3rd Grade: 2:00 p.m.
Virtual Open House: Tuesday, September 1st
2nd grade: 9:00 a.m.
1st Grade: 11:00 a.m.
Kindergarten: 1:00 p.m.
Pre-K: 3:00 p.m.
1st day of School: Tuesday, September 8th
Bristow Run Elementary School
Location: 8990 Worthington Drive, Bristow, VA, USA
Phone: 703-753-7741
Twitter: @BristowRunES