Family Update
Hardin Middle School
March 7, 2025
Hardin Families,
We have a couple of fun events happening next week. Our drama club is putting on their spring production on Wednesday and Thursday in the Commons at 6pm. This show is pretty special because it has been written by our students!! Also, we have our Spring Fling on Friday after school. Students must be in good standing and have 90% or greater attendance. As spring emerges, so does the hustle and bustle of end-of-year events. Please remember some of our events have requirements such as good standing and 90% attendance (see the 8th grade dance and field trip requirements below). Additionally, students who attend field trips during the school day are responsible for their missing work.
Lastly, 3rd quarter ends next week! Please make sure you are checking your student's grades and don't hesitate to reach out to teachers if you have questions about missing work.
Student success takes all of us!
Dr. Stephanie Jewett
A Reminder About Dress-Code...
As temperatures increase, clothing tends to decrease. Please make sure your student is following our dress code policy, which is outlined in the Code of Conduct on page 17 linked at the bottom of this newsletter.
Attendance Matters!
One of our School Improvement Goals is increased attendance. Chronic student absenteeism affects more that just grades, it can also affect the teachers of these students and their peers in the classroom. The following linked article sheds light on how chronic absenteeism affects more than just the grades of the absent student.
Hardin Talent Show!
Hardin Middle School will be holding a Talent Show for our students and families. The evening performance for the Talent Show will be held on Thursday, March 20th at 6:00 PM for families in the Hardin Middle School Gym. The school performance for students will be held on Friday, March 21st during the school day. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Stubits (sstubits@stcharlessd.org).
8th Grade Dance
While the 8th grade dance is months away, I would like to take this time to inform/remind our families that there is an attendance requirement and a discipline requirement to attend. To attend the 8th grade dance, 8th grade students must meet the following expectations:
- 90% attendance
- No referrals that warrant ISS or OSS after March 7, must be in good standing, and cannot have more than 5 referrals total in second semester.
Staff Member of the Month!
Dodgeball for Heart Fundraiser Update!
Thank you to everyone who helped raise money for the American Heart Association! I wanted to highlight our top fundraising classes, as well as our top individual fundraiser.
8th Grade Top 3 classes:
Mr. Paluczak -- $396.30
Mrs. Wagaman -- $141
Mrs. Higgins -- $135
7th Grade Top 4 classes (Due to a tie):
Mrs. Dalton -- $355
Mrs. Peters --$190
Mrs. Bosch -- $140
Mrs. Diedrich --$140
Our top individual was an 8th grader.....COLBY BERNSEN!!
We are so proud that as a school we raised $4607.28 to help SAVE LIVES!!
Proposition SCSD!
Proposition SCSD is a no-tax-rate increase bond issue that would provide $90 million to improve and maintain our school facilities without raising the current property tax rate.
Here is how Prop SCSD will benefit our school:
Architectural Woodwork: $177,525.00
Roofing: $2,060,000.00
Furniture: $600,000.00
HVAC: $2,580,000.00
Estimated Costs - $5,418,125.00
Register to Vote
Need to register to vote, or verify your registration? Visit the St. Charles County Election Authority for helpful resources. The last day to register to vote is Wednesday, March 12.
St. Charles County Election Authority
Happening at Hardin
March 10 - 14
Monday -
Tuesday -
After School Activities (ASAs)
- eSports
- Intramurals
- Girl Talk
- Author's Pen - Writing Group
- Board Game Club
- eSports
- Intramurals
- Drama Club
- Art Club
- eSports -
- Intramurals
- Unite Club
- Tutoring Club
Information from Older Newsletters
Attendance Mentoring
To continue to address our attendance and academic goals, our Hardin staff is working on individually addressing student attendance.
What will/can this look like?
- Students checking their attendance weekly in academic labs.
- Students setting goals for getting to 90% attendance.
- Staff continuing to communicate to students the importance of attending school.
- Staff members checking in with individual students who are struggling with attendance to see how we can better support those students in attending school.
We look forward to continuing to work with our students on this important goal!
Reminder about our attendance policy...
As an attendance reminder, all absences beyond 8 days or 40 blocks will be unexcused unless medical verification from a physician is provided and approved by the principal and/or attendance secretary, per St. Charles School District.
Attendance Policy and Field Trips/Events
Starting this semester, any non-academic field trip or event will have a requirement of 90% attendance in order for a student to attend.
Varsity Tutors!
Did you know that the City of St. Charles School District offers FREE virtual tutoring through Varsity Tutors. Your student can find this app using Clever on their ChromeBooks, and they should be able to automatically log in based on their school Google credentials. Once logged in they can search for help in any class they are taking from a live tutor! This program has been fully vetted by our school district.
Backpack Program
We have a backpack program here at HMS. If your family would benefit from extra food items on the weekend, and you are not on our list already, please let your grade level counselor know.
Hardin Test Re-take Policies
For your information - Hardin test re-take policies can be found here on the Hardin website.
After School Activities!
Is your student interested in participating in after school activities here at Hardin? Please see the attachments for information regarding after school activities which start next week! Activities are held either Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays and last from 2:25pm - 3:20pm. We do not have bus service from activities so students either need a ride or permission to walk home. Being involved in after school activities is a great way to connect with Hardin, and an opportunity for students to discover new interests and meet new people!
Code of Conduct
Teachers covered the Code of Conduct with students this week. It is the student's responsibility to read and understand the Code of Conduct. I am linking the handbook here so you can also read through our student expectations.
Who do I contact?
Ms. Smith, Assistant Principal, losmith@stcharlessd.org
Mrs. Locker, Counselor, jlocker@stcharlessd.org
8th Grade
Mr. Kirton, Assistant Principal, bkirton@stcharlessd.org
Mrs. Bonetti, Counselor, bbonetti@stcharlessd.org
Officer Haislip, jhaislip@stcharlessd.org
Social Worker
Katherine Banister, kbanister@stcharlessd.org
RTI (Behavior) Specialist
Brittany Sharkey, bsharkey@stcharlesssd.org
School Nurse
Amanda Watts, awatts@stcharlessd.org
Support Staff
Mary King, Principal's Secretary, mking@stcharlessd.org
Tori Loomis, Assistant Principals Secretary, vloomis@stcharlessd.org
Danielle Uskiwich, Attendance Secretary, duskiwich@stcharlessd.org
Tina Leonard, Office Secretary, tleonard@stcharlessd.org
Melissa Sontheimer, Registrar and Counseling Secretary msontheimer@stcharlessd.org
Hardin Middle School
Email: sjewett@stcharlessd.org
Website: https://mo01910164.schoolwires.net/hardin
Location: 1950 Elm Street, Saint Charles, MO, USA
Phone: 636-443-4300
X (Twitter): @DrJHMSPrincipal