Kirk Fenton News
31st January 2025
Please look on our website www.kf.starmat.uk for up-to-date information.
Dear Parents/Carers,
This week saw all of the children and staff’s work come to fruition as the choir went to Sheffield Arena for the Young Voices concert. They managed to get front row this year so had to really bust their moves as everyone could see! A huge thanks to the children for their commitment to this club, to the staff who support and Miss Moody for organising.
On Monday, we had a Science review. Mr Symes has been working really hard over the past few years to ensure a high standard of Science has been taught in school. With support from the Ogden Trust, he has taken Science to another level and the teachers have access to wonderful resources for teaching Science. I am pleased to say that our visitors were incredibly positive about what they saw – teaching was great and the children were able to speak about Science in an excited and informed way.
Next week, Ian Yapp (CEO) and Melissa Boyes (COO) from STAR MAT will be coming into school to see how my first year is going and to speak to the staff and the children. I am looking forward to sharing some of the wonderful learning your children have done with them and talking about future plans. I really appreciate working within such a supportive team as we are able to share ideas, resources and someone is always on the end of the phone!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mel Walmsley
Friends of Kirk Fenton EGM
An EGM has been called for Friends of Kirk Fenton at 7.30pm on Thursday 13th February in The White Horse, to formally vote in the new committee. If you would like to attend please contact friends@kf.starmat.uk.
This week's attendance is 97.83%
Well done to Goodall Class for their 100% attendance this week.
Good Work Awards
This week's certificates were awarded to the following children:
Goodall - Merlin and Lola
Shackleton - Gabriel and Edward
Wright Brothers - Owen and George
Carson - Eva and Harry
Newton - Thomas and Toby
Muir - Jacob and Willow
Johnson - Zach and Isabel
Curie - whole class
Hot Chocolate Friday
Well done to the following who earned the hot chocolate award:
Goodall - Grace K
Shackleton - Louie
Wright Brothers - Theo
Carson - Skye
Newton - Zara
Muir - Finnbar
Johnson - James
Curie - Flynn
Message from Head Pupils
After getting back from our residential, it has been lovely to get back into the routine of school. On Tuesday 60 children from years 4/5/6 went to Young Voices in Sheffield. We had front row seats and all had an amazing time, even if we were a bit tired on Wednesday. In worship on Wednesday, a group of year 6s got to talk to the whole school about their experience at Peat Rigg. We hope everyone has a restful weekend.
Head pupil awards go to Howie, Y3 and Bea, Y4
Bella and Ollie
Our lucky raffle ticket winners are Hugo O and Zara S.
Lunchtime Awards
Thank you to Ashton (Y1) for helping us all to enjoy our lunchtime in the dinner hall.
Winning Team
Friends EGM
Thursday 13th February, 7.30pm at The White Horse
Half Term
Monday 17th to Friday 21st February
Y6 Bikeability
w/c 3rd March
Science Week
w/c 10th March
Forest School
14th-21st March, days tbc
Y5 Johnson Class Trip
Wednesday 26th March
Parents Evenings
Thursday 27th March, 3.30pm-6.30pm
Tuesday 1st April, 3.30pm-6.30pm
Y2/3 Carson & Y3 Newton Class Trip
Thursday 3rd April
Easter Holidays
7th-21st April
Summer Term Begins
Tuesday 22nd April
Staff Thank You's
If anyone would like to say thank you to or has any positive comments for a member of staff then please complete and submit the form below.
An EGM has been called for Friends of Kirk Fenton at 7.30pm on Thursday 13th February in The White Horse, to formally vote in the new committee. If you would like to attend please contact friends@kf.starmat.uk.
STAR MAT Vacancies
Please click on the following link for details of our current vacancies: