Help your child become college and career ready!

March 17, 2025
Principal's Page
Dear Parents,
It was great to see so many of our parents/guardians at Parent-Teacher Conferences last week. Thank you so much for carving time out of your day/evening to learn how your child is progressing in school. If you were unable to make a conference with your child's teacher, be sure to reach out and arrange a time to meet or talk with the teacher.
We are looking forward to seeing our parents/guardians at the end of the month at our Donuts with VIP's event (see flyer in this newsletter and one will go home with your child on Monday). We will meet parents/guardians in the gym at 8:45 AM so we can share our One School, One Book initiative with you, and then you will head to your child's classroom for a donut and some great reading! We will finish up by 9:45 AM.
I look forward to seeing you around school.
Traffic Reminders
Williams Street is ONLY a drive-thru at drop-off in the morning. Vehicles are NOT permitted to drive-thru at dismissal.
If you are picking up a child at the end of the day, please park in the parking lot or on one of the side streets.
ALWAYS walk your child to and from your vehicle, if your child is directed to cross traffic or other moving vehicles.
Thank you for helping to keep all of our students safe.
Lost and Found
Please check the lost and found in the front hallway. There are lots of nice items that have gone unclaimed.
You can check the lost and found now and until spring break. After spring break, all unclaimed items will be donated.
Social Emotional Learning Lessons/Positive Behavior Support Lessons
Positive Behavior Support
March 17 - April 3
Be Safe.
Wash hands with soap and water
Keep hands to self
Respect others privacy
Be Respectful
Use level 0-1
Give personal space
Use appropriate language
Respect bathroom property
Be Responsible
Return to room promptly
Report problems to an adult immediately
March is Reading Month
Look for the READ-O sheet coming home with students on Monday, March 3. Every student who gets 5 in a row (across, down, or diagonal) and turns in their sheet by Tuesday, March 25 will receive a prize. Names will also be put in a drawing for a grade level prize. If a student fills up the entire board, the student can put their name in two times for the drawing.
In the Gym with Mr. Bass
In 3rd through 5th grades we have been working on throwing overhand and catching fly balls. These are very important skills in many sports and activities your child may want to try in middle and high school. I focus on making sure they are not throwing with the incorrect foot forward. If they throw with the opposite foot forward they gain power and accuracy. We then played team handball which combines throwing and catching in one game, and lets them apply what they have learned and practiced. We have also played Hockey, Dr. Snowball, Pinball, and Capture the Flag. I emphasize being positive when losing and being a good loser and a good winner.
With the younger students in 1st to 2nd grades we have been discussing the importance of cooperation and compassion. Working together on a team helps your team be more successful, and showing compassion to others on your team and to the opponents is a super important lesson. If you don’t show compassion it leads to fighting and tears during games and activities. We have done many cooperative activities to help show students how cooperation and teamwork make the team more successful.
We practice dribbling basketballs showing them the importance of dribbling by pushing the ball to the floor and not slapping the ball. Dribbling with the pads of your fingers rather than the palm of your hand. The students are coming along nicely. Some are still trying to figure out how to use the pads of their fingers. It will come to them before 5th grade.
With the younger students we also have been focusing on the benefits of exercise on their heart and lungs. We did two experiments with heart rate and breathing rate to show them that when they move their body it makes their heart pump blood faster and makes their lungs breathe faster. I explain that this strengthens their heart and lungs to give them a healthy long life.
Yearbook Ordering Online
Wait Until 8th
Friendly Reminders
Early Release Wednesday
Every Wednesday in Montague Area Public Schools is early dismissal. RRO dismisses one hour early, at 2:55 p.m. on Wednesdays.
Breakfast and Lunch
All students get free breakfast and lunch during the 2024-25 school year! Click on the link below for the menus for RRO.
Drop-off and Pick-up
Students can be dropped off at 8:20 a.m. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. Students are dismissed at 3:55 p.m.
ALL students end up at the front doors (Williams) at the end of the day.
ALL students should be dropped off and picked-up on the Williams side of the building.
Calendar of Events
Week of March 17
19 - Early Dismissal, 2:55 PM
20 - 3rd Grade Pool School, 12:15-3:15 PM
Week of March 24
26 - Early Dismissal, 2:55 PM
27 - 3rd Grade Pool School, 12:15-3:15 PM
28 - Donuts with VIP's, 8:30-9:30 AM
Newsletter Update
The Wildcat ROAR will be sent out to RRO families every two weeks. Watch for it in your e-mail on Sunday night/Monday morning. It will also be posted on the RRO Elementary website page.
The next newsletter will be sent out March 30/31.
Sandie Lundquist - Principal
E-mail: lundquists@mapsk12.org
Website: https://www.mapsk12.org/rroelementary/
Location: R.R. Oehrli Elementary School, 4859 Knudsen Street, Montague, MI 49437
Phone: (231) 894-9018