September Update
Stockton Elementary School
Congratulations to our first group of Little Blackhawks!
Upcoming Dates
Mon., Sept. 2: No School - Labor Day
Wed., Sept. 4: Picture Day - ALL GRADE LEVELS - PreK-12
Week of Sept. 3: Reading & Math MAP Testing - 1st-5th grade
Fri., Sept. 13: Preschool field trip to Stockton Fire Department
Mon., Sept. 16: PTO Meeting @ 3:15 in ES Conference Rm - all welcome!
Week of Sept. 16: Book Fair in ES Conference Rm/School Store Kick-off
Wed., Sept. 19: Hometown Hero Family Reading Night from 5:00-6:00pm/Board of Education Meeting @ 6:30 pm
Fri., Sept. 20: SIP DAY - Grandparent's Day Celebration/ 11:05 dismissal ES/11:15 dismissal MS/HS
Thurs., Sept. 26: 4th Grade Field trip to Palisades Park - Conservation Day
Sat., Sept. 28: Education Foundation Radio-a-thon at SHS Cafeteria - 8am-12pm
Fri., Oct. 11: Preschool fieldtrip to Dittmar Farms
Picture Day - Wednesday, September 4
Book Fair - September 16-20
The book fair will run from September 16-20 and will be located in the ES Cafeteria. Stockton Elementary is looking for volunteers to help.
Grandparent's Day Celebration - Friday, September 20
Safety Drills
School Store Kickoff
Hometown Hero Family Reading Night - Thursday, September 19 5:00-6:00 pm
A Few Reminders from Mrs. Downey
- Please do not drop your child off prior to 7:50 in the morning, as this is when staff members are available to supervise and monitor students.
- Breakfast is available every day. Students can enter the elementary starting at 7:50 if eating breakfast at school.
- All students need to have a pair of tennis shoes for PE. If students do not wear tennis shoes to school, then a pair should be packed in their backpack.
- Don't forget our elementary number is now 815-947-3702. Please disregard the old elementary phone number that is no longer in use.
Stockton Elementary Information
Stockton Elementary School
500 N. Rush St.
Stockton, IL 61085
Phone: 815-947-3702
Fax: 815-947-2114