CASA Newsletter
December 13th, 2024
Happenings at CASA
Dear CASA Family,
Happy Friday the 13th to everyone! Only one more week of school until Winter Break! But that week is jam packed with a lot happening here at CASA!
Students that elected to participate in the Secret Snowflake Gift Exchange selected names on Thursday. They will need to bring those gifts to the Secret Snowflake Party on Thursday 12/19 (only 6 days away). The parameters for those gifts: $5-15 total gift, one school appropriate gift bag/box/present, and wrapped.
CASA's Snow Day Policy: CASA only closes when two (or more) of the larger sending schools close. That means if any two schools from Berkley, Ferndale, Oak Park, or Clawson close, CASA will be closed. CASA is not listed as a separate school on the news outlets' "school closing" lists. You can always double check on our website (casa-online.org). An alert will be posted on the website by 9 am. If CASA is open, and you feel it is unsafe for your child to come to school, please call the attendance line (248.586.8860) and excuse your child from class.
CASA Open House for New and Returning Students: We will be holding our Open House for New and Returning Students on January 30th from 6 - 7:30 pm. Come meet the teachers and talk to them about their classes for 2025-26. Then make a plan for which classes to take in 2025-26.
College application season is in full swing. If you have a student that is interested in going into a STEM field (science, technology, engineering, or math), Lawrence Tech has some great scholarship opportunities! The flyer below (in the "Printable Information" section) has more details and even a code for a free college application! There are LTU alumni and professors here at CASA if students want to get more information about attending LTU.
CASA Yearbooks are now on sale! Scan the QR code to pre-order books. A limited number are being ordered and only pre-orders are guaranteed a book. There are several options for ordering the yearbook:
- Yearbook only is $30
- Senior Farewell Message $8 - $10
- Senior Packages (Yearbook plus Farewell Message) $40
Make sure you don't miss out!
Finally, a special message for all Ferndale families. CASA's semester ends on the traditional timeline. As such, Ferndale is holding back all report cards for CASA/FHS students until the end of CASA's semester. Look for report cards on January 21st.
Printable Information
Student of the Month - December
Teacher of the Month - December
Upcoming Dates
December 19: Secret Snowflake Party
December 23 - January 3: Classes Cancelled - Winter Break
January 6: Classes Resume
January 13: SAC Meeting 2:05 pm and Book Club Meeting 2:05 pm
January 13 - 16: CASA Spirit Week
January 17: No Classes - Records Day - End of First Semester
January 20: No Classes - MLK Day
January 30: Open House for New and Returning Students 6 - 7:30 pm