Superintendent's Newsletter: 10/25/2024 #WeRMarshfield
While we are a few weeks away, I wanted to let you know that once again, in honor of Veterans Day, the Marshfield Public Schools will be Homework Free over the Veterans Day weekend. We started this tradition nine years ago as part our focus on the social-emotional well-being of our students and staff. Hopefully, this homework free weekend allows our students to reflect and decompress a bit after a successful but busy start to the school year.
In lieu of homework, it is our hope that members of our school community, as they have done each year, will find the time on Veterans Day (or over the weekend) to thank a Veteran they may know for their service to our country. The person they reach out to could be a relative, a neighbor, or a friend.
Please consider attending the Veterans Day Parade & Ceremony on November 11th at the Town Green, We sincerely appreciate our Veterans and their service to our country.
On Saturday, we started a new Homecoming tradition in Marshfield, where the senior class proudly passed on the Marshfield spirit to the kindergarten students. This event marks the beginning of a special bond between the oldest and youngest students in our schools, celebrating unity and school pride across generations. This shared moment is a reminder that Marshfield pride starts early and lasts a lifetime. It was a memorable day filled with the Marshfield spirit that connects us all! Roll Rams Roll!
This past weekend was busy across the district. There were 5 varsity sporting events, Homecoming, 2 Trunk or Treats and a Pumpkin Run. It is wonderful to be part of such an active and supportive school community.
Martinson Kindergarten Parade
Just a reminder to please drive carefully and slowly on our school campuses. Over the past few weeks, we have had reports of fast moving cars during drop-off and pick-up, and we wanted to remind you of the importance of driving carefully so that we can ensure a safe environment for all. Thank you for your help.
The Marshfield School Committee and MPSD Leadership team are excited to review the nominees to select the district’s 2024 Wall of Honor induction class. The purpose of this honor is to foster pride in our system through recognition of individual achievement of former students, teachers, coaches/advisors, administrators, school committee members and friends of the Marshfield Public Schools.
The deadline for submitting a nomination has been extended to 4:00 PM, Friday, November 22, 2024. Questions can be directed to WallofHonor@mpsd.org.
GOAL #1: Throughout the 2024-2025 school year, I will create an entry plan in order to gain familiarity with stakeholders, to identify effective past practice and potential areas for improvement, and to facilitate a successful transition into the role of Superintendent.
GOAL #2: Throughout the 2024-2025 school year, I will focus the District on student voice and engagement through the theme of “Through the Eyes of the Student.”
GOAL #3: Throughout the 2024-2025 school year, I will collaborate with district and school leaders, staff, parents/guardians, school committee members, and students to create a “Belonging Team,” which includes Social-Emotional Learning, Wellness, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion subgroups, set goals for the district and team in these areas, and begin to implement these goals within the school community.
Goal #4:
Throughout the 2024-2025 school year, I will collaborate with leadership, and when appropriate, the Marshfield Police Department and Marshfield Fire Department, to foster effective protocols, procedures, and systems throughout the District.
The complete presentation, including the Strategic Actions and Benchmarks for each goal, can be found below by clicking on SUPERINTENDENT GOALS.
I look forward to collaborating with the entire Marshfield School Community to realize these goals.
Patrick Sullivan, Ed.D.
Marshfield Public Schools
The students are doing a great job on their bus evacuation drills
Great Learning Happening Throughout the District
Our Learning Walks this year will revolve around Deep Student Engagement, Task Development, and Learning Environment for Students. The District Leader established look-fors are inspired by Amy Berry and her book Reimagining Student Learning, From Disrupting to Driving. This is a multi-year focus, which will involve all stakeholders.
In a nutshell, we will focus on those elements in the classroom that move students from disrupting to driving learning, while also focusing on the development of strong tasks to engage the students within a culturally responsive climate that promotes inclusion.
These lookfors are being unwrapped at staff meetings across the district.
As we continue these learning walks and classroom visits, we remain inspired by the wonderful teaching and learning. Here are some images from our walks through Daniel Webster Elementary School, where we did a complete learning walk with members of Teaching Learning Alliance (TLA) and Eames Way Elementary School this week.
The weather was perfect for the 8th Annual Marshfield Elementary School XC Invitational, sponsored by the Marshfield Boys & Girls Club, Marshfield Road Runners Youth Track, Furnace Brook XC/Track & Field, and Marshfield District-wide PTO!
Thank you to mom and local photographer Kate McCabe for the amazing photos!
Our targets for this year are developed from the Strategic Plan and Vision of the Graduate and are informed by on-going data gathering, including my ongoing entry-plan work. As a District, these will be our targets and focus for the year. I realize that this year we will not finish our work in any of these areas, but the goal is to make measurable improvements in all of these areas by the end of the school year.
Family and Community Engagement: All buildings will explore Joyce Epstein’s 6 Dimensions of Family Engagement looking at the communication, community collaboration, learning at home support, parenting support, volunteering, and family input in decision-making in each building.
District and School Culture: Each building will look at the level of voice and choice of staff in each building, types and reasons for celebrations, processes for collaborative decision making, structures for collective responsibilities and governance, and traditions within the school.
Student and Staff Equity Belonging and Wellness: As a district we will be reformulating the Social Emotional Learning, Wellness, and Diversity / Equity / and Inclusion teams as subgroups under one expanded Equity Belonging and Wellness team. This team will include students and families from across the district and will function as ambassadors for the work throughout the district.
Data Driven Decisions: We will continue to build our data structures throughout the district, engage in data dialogues, and analyze and explore data to make needed changes.
Rigorous Curriculum Development: We will be firmly establishing the stages of our district-wide curriculum review cycle and engaging in curriculum adoption, including the new elementary ELA curriculum district-wide.
Financial Stability: We will be looking closely at capital and operational budget priorities and working collaboratively with existing budgets as we firm up our curriculum review cycle.
Efficient and Effective Protocol, Procedure, and System Development (including safety): We will look closely at all our procedures and protocols (at least as many as we can) through a systems thinking lens and make any needed improvements.
Collective Teacher Efficacy (which is another way of saying our ability to work effectively together in teams): This is an important focus for us. Emphasizing the importance of educator collaboration is certainly nothing new; however, through research of John Hattie in New Zealand, we now can confidently say that working well together is the most important initiative in which we can engage to produce strong academic and social emotional achievement for our students. Hattie researched over 1000 meta-analysis, 50,000 quantitative and qualitative student and teacher peer-reviewed research reports, and data covering over 250 Million students world-wide, and found that the largest effect size on student achievement is made through collective teacher efficacy. Schools and districts where educators collaborated best had the highest achievement growth.
Student Voice and Engagement in the Teaching, Learning, and Leading: Also featuring prominently in effect size are strategies that make learning visible and explicit to the students. That brings us to our theme for the year, “Through the Eyes of the Student” and our greatest focus for the year, which is student voice and engagement in the teaching, learning, and leading throughout our schools. There is nothing more paramount and important this year than continuing to foster an environment that places students first and which provides them with a culturally responsive and inclusive environment that promotes student agency and voice.
Wondering what interpretation tools we have in MPSD? Each school and the central office has a PockeTalk device for interpretation and translation in over 100 languages. Learn more about how to use it here.
The week kicked off with our Homecoming Weekend Games and activities. Field Hockey and Volleyball played on Friday and Girls and Boys Soccer and Football followed up with games on Saturday. Field Hockey lost a tough matchup with rival Silver Lake 3-0. Aubrey Finn was strong again for the Rams in net while Julia O’Brien played her usual solid 2-way game. Volleyball came from behind trailing early against the Eagles from Plymouth-North. Senior Tri-Captain Arielle Comer played well for Marshfield both defending and setting. Upfront the Rams were led by Olivia Kelley and Maddie Whitaker. The Rams again tried coming from behind against Hanover on Tuesday, but this time their comeback fell a little short. Seniors Niav McDermott, Therese McCormack and Natalie Frasca had strong games for the Rams in their Senior Day.
Boys Soccer had an impressive 2 – 0 win over silver Lake Saturday morning. Owen Cregan added to his team leading goal total, with a goal in the game. The Girls Followed up the Boys game with a very important point in their 2 – 2 tie with the Lake. Rowan Malvey accounted for both Marshfield goals in the game. The Girls continued their run at the State Tourney with an impressive road win at Plymouth North on Tuesday. Senior Tri Captain Cammie Picard scored on a PK to give the Rams a 1-0 victory and Emmerson Hobbs preserved the shutout in net for the Rams. The Boys Soccer Team hosted Plymouth North on Tuesday and managed a point in the 1 – 1 tie with North. Sophomore Evan Drunsic scored for Marshfield. Thursday the Rams came from 2 goals down to tie Duxbury on Senior Night for the Boys. Brady Hanson and Cam Fish had goals in the 2nd Half to eliminate a 2 goal deficit and earn the hard fought point.
The Football Team finished off the games on Homecoming Weekend with a record setting performance from Quarterback, Tor Maas. The Senior threw a record breaking 5 touchdown passes in the 1st Half to 4 different receivers. The Rams won, going away over Hingham, 47-14. The Rams will next Face Plymouth North this coming Friday in their Senior Game.
The Girls and Boys Cross Country Teams are preparing for their big Patriot League Cross Country Meet this Saturday at Silver Lake. The Girls Team will feature 5 of the top 7 runners in the Meet while the Boys will feature 2 of the top 5 runners.
The Regular Seasons for Boys and Girls Soccer, Field Hockey and Football wrap up within the next 2
weeks. The Golf Team wrapped up their season last week in the State Tournament and Volleyball ended their season yesterday in North Quincy. Congratulations to both Programs.
Discover a variety of exciting events happening across the Marshfield community! Our Community Events page is regularly updated with fresh listings, so there's always something new to check out. Don't miss out—take a look today!
Kiwanis Thanksgiving Box
Kiwanis Thanksgiving Box for those in need
Deadline date for signing up is November 3rd.
Limited number of boxes are available.
Please click below to fill out the form.
For over ten years, Marshfield Education Foundation has provided opportunities for enhanced learning by working in partnership with Marshfield’s educators to fund grants that complement the social, emotional and academic development of our students.
As we enter the season of giving, we hope you’ll consider supporting the Marshfield Education Foundation with a donation to our 5th Annual Fall Giving Campaign. Donate Today!
Please click on the link to access information regarding the MEF. We are thankful for their amazing support.
Find more information here!
Break out your dancing shoes, whether they’re jellies, Reebok pumps, or Doc Martens, because the 80’s Prom is on! Tickets now on sale. Come in 80’s prom gear or come in any 80’s gear at all - heck, come in your pajamas if you want. Just come and have a great time supporting the Class of ‘26. Open to ALL adults age 21+
Get your tickets here!
Veterans Day Events MONDAY 11/11
1030 am PARADE STARTS from Library Plaza
*Ceremony will be on TOWN GREEN immediately following*
If you have any questions, please call us! Ask for Carin or Lisa 781-834-5576 or message us
Our Veterans park will be under construction by November 1st. This timeline is needed in order for us to keep the grant received for the Veterans Park and South River Dam Project. Please bear with us as we navigate changes while under construction.
We will have the Veterans Day Ceremony on the TOWN GREEN at Town Hall (870 Moraine St Marshfield MA 02050) which creates the least amount of change in the normal routine and procession down Ocean Street everyone is used to. (We looked at South River Park with the Marshfield Police Dept but it didn’t work (size and safety))
We know the route is shorter, but we are hoping this may allow our more older veterans to participate and march when they normally cannot. Our Grand Marshall John Ahern will be marching in the front behind the colors! At the ceremony he will be receiving a very long over due Bronze Star Award for his combat service in Vietnam.
This location should just be for Veterans Day. Work at the park should be completed prior to Memorial Day. We look forward to our Veterans Park looking better than ever and having the fountain in the lagoon that is dedicated to Women Veterans working again.
Other Information
Are you, or someone you know, interested in joining our fantastic team of educators? We would love to add you to our dedicated team of Substitute Teachers. We also have a few ESP, SESP & Tutor positions we are still looking to fill. Click the link(s) below to learn more:
Nov 3 - Friends of Music Mattress Fundraiser
Nov 5 - No school for students/PD for teachers
Nov 6 - Elementary Conferences (afternoon)
Nov 7 - Elementary Conferences (evening)
Nov 8 - MHS/FBMS Term 1 ends
Nov 11 - Veterans Day (no school)
Nov 15 - MHS/FBMS Report Cards
Nov 18 - FBMS Conferences (evening)
Nov 20 - MHS Conferences (evening)
Nov 25 - MHS Conferences (evening)
Nov 26 - FBMS Conferences (evening)
Nov 27 - Early Release
Nov 28, 29 - Thanksgiving Break
MPSD School Committee Meeting
Tuesday, Nov 12, 2024, 06:30 PM
Eames Way School, Eames Way, Marshfield, MA, USA
Contact Information
Email: psullivan@mpsd.org
Website: www.mpsd.org
Location: 76 South River Street, Marshfield MA 02050
Phone: (781) 834-5000