The Husky Herald
Fantastic 4 EveryONE- Week of October 21
Weekly Message
Hebron Valley Families:
Report cards for the 1st 9 weeks are posted in Skyward. Skyward will be available on Monday, October 21st. Please log in and look under Portfolio. Field Day was so much fun. The weather was perfect for this amazing event. Thank to Coach Souders, all of our staff, Husky Guys, PTA and Mr. Werchan for being our DJ. This Thursday is our Trunk or Treat. We hope to see you there.
Upcoming Dates:
Cybersecurity Awareness Month
Dyslexia Awareness Month - by International Dyslexia Association
Learning Disabilities Awareness Month
National Book Month
National Bullying Prevention Month
National Principal Month
National Farm to School Month
October 24: Trunk or Treat
October 25: 5th graders walk through the Super H at the Hebron High School game
October 28-31 Red Ribbon Week
October 30: Optional pumpkin contest entries due
October 31: Book Character Day- Appropriate costumes only- no horror or scary costumes
November 1: Reflections submissions due to Mrs. G.
November 5: No school
November 8: Pre K Fest 8:15-9:00 am (more details to come)
November 11th: Veteran's Day Ceremony
Laura Zamora
Recognize Someone
We want to thank everyone that filled out a Recognize Someone form to celebrate a staff member! If you would like to complete a form to share a few kind words, click here: Recognize Someone
Identification- Digital or copies of a Driver's License or Passport not accepted
Campuses may not permit anyone to enter the building if they cannot present a physical copy of a valid government-issued ID, such as a Driver’s License or Passport. Any other picture ID will not be accepted for the purposes of visiting campus. IDs that cannot be accepted include, but are not limited to:
Credit cards with photos ID
Membership club cards
- Digital or otherwise copied images of a Driver’s License or Passport
Veteran's Day Ceremony
On Monday, November 11th at 9:00am our 5th graders will lead our entire school in a patriotic assembly to honor our veterans. Veterans will be greeted by our student council members and during the ceremony each veteran will be introduced by their student council escorts so our students can recognize them for their service. A short reception for the veterans will follow the assembly. If your family knows a veteran that would like to be present please fill out these two forms: The first form lists the name of the veteran we will be honoring. The second form is for our guest list so we can welcome the guests attending with the veteran we are honoring. We ask that you include everyone who will be accompanying the veteran that day.
Skyward Family Access- Please complete as soon as possible
Please go into Skyward Family Access and update the 24-25 Back to School Forms
If there are any health concerns, make sure to update this information.
Update all emergency contacts. If we cannot get a hold of you, how can we reach you?
Notification Settings In Skyward Family Access
Please ensure your notification settings are accurate in Skyward using the following steps:
Login to Skyward Family Access:
Select My Account to change your username, password, contact information, and language.
Click on Skylert and check all message categories to receive all messages from Lewisville ISD.
Nurse Notes
Dear Families,
I hope this message finds you well! I wanted to reach out regarding some gastrointestinal germs circulating in our community and emphasize the importance of handwashing both at home and at school.
Here are a few tips to help reinforce this practice:
Encourage Frequent Handwashing: Remind your children to wash their hands regularly throughout the day, especially after playtime, before meals, and when they return home from school.
Model Good Habits: Show your kids proper handwashing techniques, particularly before eating and after using the restroom. Your example is crucial in helping them develop good habits!
Make it Fun: Incorporate fun lessons about germs and hygiene into your family activities.
To support you, here are some engaging, kid-friendly handwashing videos you can watch together:
- Song: The Hand Washing Song - A fun tune to make handwashing enjoyable!
- Step by Step: 10 Steps to Washing Your Hands - A quick guide to effective handwashing.
Thank you for your commitment to keeping our families healthy, both at home and at school!
Warm regards,
Kinley Speir, RN
PTA Information
House Shirts
They're here! The new Hebron Valley Elementary house shirts are now available in the online spirit store for $15! Now your kiddo can have a new shirt to wear on Wednesdays.
Check it out here:
Storybook Pumpkins
Bus Information
If your child will be riding the bus, please download the app. Here Comes the Bus is a bus tracking software tool that allows you to see where the bus is in real time. Our district code is: 29501
Breakfast and Lunch
Talk to your child to see if they will buy breakfast or purchase a snack each day. Many students eat at home and then eat in the cafeteria. Snack or breakfast charges accrue and parents are unsure why there is an amount owed. The student meal purchase history access will be helpful to avoid extra charges.
Student Meal Purchase History: Families can now access the meal purchase history of their student online via Skyward Family Access. To see this information, families will log into Skyward Family Access and click on "District Links" in the upper right. For more information click HERE.
Menus: Due to supply chain issues, menus are subject to change, and may differ from the calendars below. Please visit for interactive menus, nutritional information, and more.
Food Deliveries (such as Uber Eats, Grubhub, etc. are not allowed)
Special Dietary Needs:
Free Reduced Lunch Information:
Lunch Visitors
If your child forgets their lunch at home, you can bring it to the front office. We can only accept food items from the child's parents/guardians. We will not be able to accept third party food delivery for students. Click on the link below in order to sign up as a lunch visitor. All visitors that do not have identification will not be allowed into the building.
Volunteers are an integral part of what we do every day in LISD.
LISD uses VOLY, a volunteer management system, to post volunteer opportunities and find volunteers. To volunteer, you will need to create a VOLY account by visiting (Please note: do not use Internet Explorer as your browser when using VOLY.) VOLY will send you customized e-mails with opportunities that may interest you for volunteering.
Cell Phone Policy
In order to focus our learning and instruction time with students, all elementary and middle school students will be required to put personal devices/cell phones away in the child’s backpack or designated location from the time they enter the building in the morning until the dismissal bell.
You can reach your students through their school email address, or by calling the front office.
If your student needs to reach you, they can send an email or call you from a classroom or office phone.
10/7 Julia Green- Communications Teacher
10/12 In Reynolds- Discovery Academy Aide
10/17 Christine Mitchell- Communications Aide
10/30 Heather Vaughn- ECSE Aide
Spirit Days: Optional
Monday: Kindness Shirts (optional)
Wednesday: House Colors
October 24 (Thurs.): 50th day of school-50’s style
October 25: Pink Out Day
October 31 (Thurs): Book Character Day- appropriate book character costumes only.
Red Ribbon Week Coming Next Week
Community Events
Super Husky Champs
These students were chosen to receive a Super Husky Champ by a staff member for following our 3 R's, being respectful, responsible and ready to learn.