Thomas Arnold Elementary
Eaglet News week of April 9th-11th
Breakfast & Lunch
Please check your child's lunch account online to pay outstanding charges. We will start making phone calls to families who have more that $20 in charges to make sure these are paid by May.
LINQ Connect:
SISD website:
If you have questions about your child's lunch account please contact our
Cafeteria Director, Brenda Hodges.
TAE Garden
Salado ISD Police Department
Mark your Calendars
Capturing Kids Hearts- April
This month we are challenging students to work hard and stay determined. We are partnering with you to acknowledge your child’s achievement of goals- big and small! By helping your child develop perseverance now, you can prepare them to learn from their future failures and work hard to achieve future successes. This month, look for opportunities to teach and model the power of perseverance!
Monthly Calendar of Events
1st-5th Nat'l Assistant Principal Week
1st PTO Mtg 6pm
2nd Kindergarten Cap & Gown Pictures
3rd Paraprofessional Appreciation Day
4th School Librarian Appreciation Day
4th 2nd grade Music Program 6-7pm
5th Fire Drill
8th Eclipse Holiday (no school)
10th TAE SBDM Committee Mtg. 4:00pm
11th 2nd grade Field Trip- Fort Cavazos
12th Bad Weather Day
16th STAAR 3rd grade Reading
17th STAAR 5th grade Reading
18th STAAR 4th grade Reading
18th Progress Reports posted in Parent Portal
19th PreK & Kinder Roundup (admin building) 8:30-2:00
22nd PreK & Kinder Roundup (admin building) 8:30-2:00
23rd School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
24th STAAR 5th grade Science
24th Admin Assistant Appreciation Day
26th 1st grade field trip
26th SPRING FLING 6-8 pm
29th Kinder Field Trip- Mayborn Museum
30th STAAR 3rd grade Math
1st STAAR 5th grade Math
1st School Principal's Day
2nd STAAR 4th grade Math
3rd School Lunch Hero Day
6th-10th Teacher Appreciation Week
6th PTO Mtg 6pm
7th K-3rd GT student Fieldtrip
8th Nat'l School Nurse Day
9th 3rd grade Market Day; GT student Fieldtrip for 4th & 5th
9th 1st grade Music Program 6pm
10th Field Day K-2nd & PreK field trip to Pace Park; Fire Drill
12th Mother's Day
15th GT Academic Museum
17th 3-5th Field Day
18th Speech Pathologist Day
20th Leadership Council Field Trip - change of date
21st 1st-5th EOY AWARDS Times TBD
22nd Kinder/Senior Walk 8:30; Kinder Music Program & Awards; 6pm Kinder parade
22nd Last Day of School 11:45 Early Release
Old News
WIN Time
- Each day students at Thomas Arnold Elementary spend 45 minutes in W.I.N. (What I Need) time. This common time allows students to be organized into groups with other students that share a similar academic need. This has been beneficial in helping all students grow and reach their potential no matter where their strengths or deficits lie.
- The need for smaller grouping could be a reading or math intervention class, a gifted and talented class, a dyslexia or speech class, an enrichment group, or simply a class focused on helping improve an area in which beginning of the year assessments might show they need the most guidance. The majority of students will be split among the grade level staff and this grouping is fluid (meaning it adjusts as needed) based on how your child is progressing towards their learning goals in that class.
- Each educator working with your child is an elementary certified teacher who has the skill set to work within any subject level and among multiple ages. By sharing students for these 45 minutes daily, we are able to utilize various and unique strengths that our staff has and we will be more equipped to help our students grow in areas in which they need any additional assistance.
- The ultimate goal in all WIN time classes is to grow the student and we thank you for trusting us with your child’s academic development. Please let us know if you have any questions.
- How to pay all fees at once (see below info )
Attached you will find step-by-step instructions to set up your parent portal for e-Funds for Schools (EFS). This is where you will make all school online payments and purchases, including, but not limited to, adding funds to a student lunch account, paying for band instrument rental fees, after-school care, or even paying rental fees for a facility.
If you have children at multiple campuses you can make all purchases under one payment. For example, if you need to pay for after-school care at TAE, band activity fees at SMS and lost textbook fees at SHS, you can add them all to your cart (up to $750) and pay as one transaction.
The convenience transaction fees are listed below:
· $2.95 for every $100 increment in a transaction paid by parents/users to EFS when using a credit/debit card for payment
· $1.75 flat fee paid by parents/users to EFS when using a checking account for payment
Click the following link to set up your e-Funds for Schools account
(If you do not set up an account, you will not be able to see all payment options linked to your student and/or their campus)
- attendance alerts
- grade alerts
- missing grade alerts
- progress reports
- report cards
Cafeteria Information
Student Breakfast --- $1.60
Student Lunches (k-8)--- $3.25
Student Lunches (9-12) --- $3.25
Adult Breakfast---$3.10
Adults Lunches --- $4.25
Milk --- $0.90
Snacks will be sold daily to students PK-5th grade upon request. If your child has money in their account they will be able to use it to purchase snacks unless you contact our cafeteria director at and add a note to their account that states "no snack purchases". The cafeteria will also be selling ice-cream on Friday's to PK-2nd and daily for 3rd-5th grades. Please note, that unless you put a note in their account they will be allowed to use their lunch account to purchase these upon asking.
The cafeterias operate on a computerized accounting system. Each student has an account consisting of money deposited in the account. To deposit money in the account – send a check made payable to SISD Child Nutrition or you may sign up online to make deposits electronically through:
LINQ Connect:
SISD website:
Every classroom allows time for a snack either in the morning or afternoon according to each grade level's designated lunch times. Please send in a snack daily for your student or you can pack all 5 snacks at one time to help save time each day. Helpful hint: No one likes a bag of crumbs or a smashed snack so many parents use an extra plastic pencil box to pack snacks in for the week. They can keep this in their backpack, under their desk, or in their locker depending on what their teacher prefers. This helps keeps snacks safe and available when needed.
Extra Clothes
Packing an extra pair of clothes is very important in the younger grades (2nd and below). Our kids play hard and sometimes get dirty or forget to stop playing when they need to go potty. Yes, it happens more often than you might think. School is just so much fun and they don't want to miss a minute of play time with their friends. So please save yourself a trip to bring them clothes and just pack an extra set in a gallon ziplock baggie in their backpack. We will then use this baggie to send home any clothes that might have become dirty or wet at school.
Label Label Label
Please label jackets/sweaters/hoodies with your child's first and last name.
Please label backpacks and lunch boxes with your child's first and last name.
Please label water bottles with your child's first and last name.
Please save yourself some money and grab a Sharpie tonight to label everything that goes to school. :)