A Team Staff News
August 22, 2024
Message from the Superintendent
A Team Staff,
Thanks to all who stopped by the schoolhouse at the fairgrounds last week during the Douglas County Fair. It was fun to see the excitement of the kids ringing the bell while some alumni perused the digital yearbook. Thanks to our parents, students, and staff who volunteered at the fair.
As we prepare for the school year, we are excited to have students back in classrooms, cafeterias, gymnasiums, and playgrounds. Our staff have been working hard to make sure our facilities are ready. Students' schedules are set. Activities have started at AAHS. Back-to-school shopping is happening.
Next week, we are excited to welcome all of our staff back at our district kick-off event on Thursday, August 29th. I am excited for September 3rd. Excited for routine. Excited for community. Excited for learning.
Best wishes for the start of the school year!
Save Receipts for School Supplies!
The Minnesota Department of Revenue (MN DOR) offers two valuable tax benefits for parents who purchase school supplies for their K-12 students: the K-12 Education Credit and Subtraction. These benefits can reduce parents’ taxes to increase their refund, but is only available for those who keep their receipts. Purchases for most school supplies, field trips, and musical instruments for school band are eligible. Most Minnesota parents qualify for the K-12 subtraction, which reduces their taxable income. Parents under certain income limits may also qualify for the K-12 credit, which can refund up to 75% of their costs – even for parents who do not owe any taxes. Visit the MN DOR's website for details.
New A-Team Members
We welcome the following individuals to our A-Team Staff:
- Audreana Berg: Paraprofessional, WES, effective 9/3/2024
- Janet Branson: Certified Health Paraprofessional, LES, effective 9/3/2024
- Bradley Challes: Custodian IV, DMS, effective 8/21/2024
- Monty Cobra: Paraprofessional, MES, effective 9/3/2024
- Kiera Cox: Paraprofessional, DMS, effective 9/3/2024
- Darrel Cusey: American Sign Language Interpreter, EEC, effective 8/21/2024
- Lara Dean: Kitchen Assistant, TBD, effective 9/3/2024
- Madelayne Echevarria Valdes: Paraprofessional, WES, effective 9/3/2024
- Shelly Gaffaney: ABE Instructor, ABE, effective 8/20/2024
- Madelin Kuehl: Paraprofessional, CES, effective 9/3/2024
- Carolyn Olson: Kitchen Assistant, WES, effective 9/3/2024
- Vonda Pfannenstiel: ABE Instructor, ABE, effective 7/22/2024
- Beau Saffel: Custodian IV, MES, effective 8/5/2024
- Troy Thompson: Custodian II, DMS, effective 8/19/2024
- Jazmine Valtierra: Kitchen Assistant, DMS, effective 9/3/2024
- Sara Weltstein: Paraprofessional, VES, effective 9/3/2024
The following staff member has submitted a letter of retirement. Thank you for your service and dedication to the students and families of Alexandria Public Schools.
- Larry Ackerman: Paraprofessional, VES, effective 5/31/24 [date of hire: 12/2/19]
First Reading of District Policy Revisions
- Policy 522 - Title IX Sex Nondiscrimination Policy, Grievance Procedure and Process
- Policy 606 - Textbooks and Instructional Materials
- Policy 709 - Purchasing
- Policy 721 - Vending Machines
The Curriculum/Policy Committee reviewed the policies at their committee meeting and supports the additions and revisions.
Adopt School Board Policies
- Policy 413 - Harassment and Violence
- Policy 453/524 - Internet, Technology and Cell Phone Acceptable Use and Safety
- Policy 514 - Bullying Prohibition
- Policy 606.5 - Library Materials
- Policy 709 - Student Transportation Safety (renumbered from 733)
Additional Policies Adopted by Single Reading (pursuant to Policy 208)
Policy 425 - Staff Development and Mentoring
Policy 503 - Student Attendance
Policy 509 - Enrollment of Nonresident Students
Policy 512 - School-Sponsored Student Publications and Activities
Policy 513 - Student Promotion, Retention and Program Design
Policy 515 - Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records
Policy 516 - Student Medication and Telehealth
Policy 521 - Student Disability Nondiscrimination
Policy 532 - Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Teams to Remove Students with IEPs from School Grounds
Policy 535 - Service Animals in Schools
Policy 601 - School District Curriculum and Instruction Goals
Policy 604 - Instructional Curriculum
Policy 608 - Instructional Services - Special Education
Policy 609 - Religion and Religious and Cultural Observances
Policy 613 - Graduation Requirements
Policy 620 - Credit for Learning
Policy 624 - Online Instruction
Policy 802 - Disposition of Obsolete Equipment and Material
Other Items from the August 19, 2024 Regular Board Meeting
- The Board approved the Superintendent's goals for the 2024-25 school year - Student achievement; Celebrating choice within APS; and Maximizing resources/revenue.
- The Board approved the 2024-25 E-Learning Plan.
- Michelle Bethke-Kaliher, Director of Student Support Services, and Melissa Bright, District Nurse, provided a Health Services update.
- Darcy Josephson, Asst Superintendent-Teaching & Learning, provided a summary of the Alexandria Public Schools 2024-25 Operational Plan.
- The Board adopted the resolution and notice related to the November 5, 2024 school board general election.
- The Board approved two different work agreements - the first work agreement between the District and Transportation & Paraprofessionals for a 2-year term (2024-2025 and 2025-2026); and the second work agreement between the District and Principals for a 2-year term (2024-2025 and 2025-2026).
- The Board approved the substitute staff pay rates as presented by Jessie Hjelle, Director of Human Resources. (Refer to the PDF linked below for the new substitute staff pay rates).
Points of Pride
Alex Rodriguez was selected to participate in the Minnesota Music Educators Association All-State Orchestra and performed at the 2025 MMEA State Conference.
The US Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association honored Meghan Orgeman with the 2024 Girls’ High School Track & Field Coach of the Year Award for the State of MN.
Thirty-six Alexandria Area High School graduates and current students have been named 2024 AP Scholars based on their performance on Advanced Placement (AP) exams. The awards given and students recognized include:
· AP Scholar designation was granted to Elias Aamold, Olivia Aker, Kiera Christensen, Owen Corle, Autumn Ehlert, Andrew Fleming, Samara Groetsch, Madison Lynch, Faith Odland, Carter Olson, Erik Rodewald, Grace Shurson and Ning Zhang, along with nine 2024 graduates who received scores of 3 or higher on three or more of the exams.
· AP Scholar with Honor was granted to Erik Bergerson, Maxwell Chinn, Emily Olson, Cooper Running and Ellen Sansted, along with five students who graduated in May for achieving an average of at least 3.25 on all exams given and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams.
· AP Scholar with Distinction was given to Hannah Larson, along with three 2024 graduates who received an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP exams taken and a score of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams.
Upcoming Events
- August 22: DMS Fall Activities Player/Parent Meeting, 6:30pm, DMS Gym
- August 26-29: Teacher Professional Development Work Week
- August 27: PreK Open House/Orientation; Elementary K-5 Open House/Orientation
- August 28: DMS Open House; AAHS Open House
- September 2: Labor Day
- September 3: PreK-12 Classes Begin
- September 10: School Board Candidate Forum, hosted by Alexandria Rotary and Noontime Kiwanis, 6:00pm, Alexandria Technical & Community College Auditorium 743
Alexandria Public Schools
Our Vision is to be an extraordinary school district that tailors learning for all, by working together!
Email: jjohnson@alexschools.org
Website: www.alexschools.org
Location: 1410 South McKay Ave., Suite 201 Alexandria, MN 56308
Phone: 320-762-2141
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alexmnschools/
Instagram: @alexmnschools
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_iI9ts5_R87BvAMxvlM69A