Emmett J. Conrad High School
Social Studies & CTE Newsletter
Week of January 16th
Email: ShanJones@dallasisd.org
Website: http://dallasisd.org/domain/386
Phone: 972-502-2300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Conradchargersofficial/?fref=ts
Creating a Sense of Urgency - John Kotter's Eight Step Model for Leading Change
Leading Change Step 1: Create a Sense of Urgency
TEI Domain 2.4
Engages students in APPROPRIATELY challenging content.
Week of January 16, 2017
- Monday, January 16th - MLK Holiday/No School
- Tuesday, January 17th
- Admin Mtg. 9:30PM
- Counselor's Meeting 2:00PM
- NAF Advisory Board Mtg.
- Wednesday, January 18th
- Social Studies PLC 2:55PM
- Student Level Data Discussion: Deliverables - Tiered student rosters
- Master Schedule Committee Meeting 4:30PM
- Thursday, January 19th
- 11th Grade ACT Prep Session 10-12 (S. Jones & Ocoro)
- High School Parent Conference Night
- Friday, January 20th - A Day
- Inauguration Day
- January 23rd - Middle School Parent Conference Night (CTE Recruitment Night)
WAIP MEMO - Please click on the links for important information!
Student Attendance Memo - School Leadership
Spring TEI Dates
18 - 2nd DTR application deadline
Late March Early April
Student survey administration begins
Teacher roster verification begins this month
12 - Teachers submit SLO Goal- Accomplishment in Schoolnet
18 - Last day to enter extended observations summatives and SLO scores into Schoolnet
22 - Teacher rebuttal window opens in Oracle for summative performance evaluations
1 - Last day to conduct spot observations and last day to hold summative conferences
5 - Last day for teacher to input rebuttal in Oracle for summative performance evaluation