Crocker Viking News
April 22, 2022
Upcoming Dates
April 29: School Site Council Meeting via zoom @ 9:35-10:25am
April 29: 8th Gr networking breakfast (after drop off)
May 4: 7th Gr Networking High School Info Night @ 6pm
May 13: Crocker Parent Group General Meeting @ 8:45am
May 13: All School Dance @ 7pm
May 15: HSF Fun Run
Message from Crocker Principal
Dear Viking Families,
As we move into the second half of trimester 3, our students have much on their minds. We have our California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) testing in May, the 6th Grade Yosemite trip, and end-of-year graduation activities in June.
During the days ahead, prepare your child for the final weeks of school. Reflect on what may help motivate your young adolescent to stay focused and have a positive end to the school year. Please encourage your child to move forward, work together to build a plan, and praise their efforts.
For these weeks, stick to the tried and true basics. Stability and structure are crucial; keep up with daily schedules and routines. Converse with your child about their friendships to support healthy peer relationships. Talk about their digital footprint and social media use. There is power in a reciprocal conversation with your child about how they interact with their friends and show kindness to their peers.
With gratitude,
Maria Brady
SAVE the Date Crocker Class of 2022 Graduation
Wiliam H. Crocker's 8th Grade Graduation will be held on Thursday evening this year! Due to the Performing Arts Center availability, we had to pivot and plan for a Thursday night ceremony. Always determined to see the glass half full, we are excited for an opportunity to try a new tradition! The Crocker Vikings Class of 2022 Graduation will be held from 5:00 pm -6:15 pm on Thursday, June 9, 2022. Doors will open at 4:30 pm. The venue is large enough that we will not need to limit seating.
Thursday, Jun 9, 2022, 05:00 PM
San Mateo Performing Arts Center, North Delaware Street, San Mateo, CA, USA
Simplify your mornings,
order Choice Lunch
Click the link for details Choicelunch.com
THANK YOU to our dedicated parent volunteers
Parent volunteers are welcome. If interested, please email
Tiffany Tsurudome at drtiffanylt@gmail.com
Crocker Yearbook Custom Pages
7th-Grade Parent Networking: High School Parent Panel
7th Grade Networking Meeting: High School Panel - May 4th at 6pm When: Thursday, May 4h at 6pm (light refreshments provided) Where: Crocker Lecture Hall
Please join us in person to hear from a panel of Crocker parents who will share their own and their students' experiences at many of the public and private high schools in our area. A great opportunity to get a sense of the local high schools!
This event will not be recorded or available on Zoom; however we hope to share information with anyone interested following the meeting! Details to come.
Questions? Please contact Vanessa Shew (vlshew1972@gmail.com), Sarah McKay (sarah.mckay@gmail.com) or Nicole Lenihan (ancelovici16@yahoo.com)
8th-Grade Networking Breakfast
Join us for the
“We’re butter together”
Friday, April 29th
(after drop off)
Click here for more information!
save the date: Friday May 20 from 7-9pm. 8th-grade parent party!
Parent Education
Common Sense Media Parent Education Live Webinar Events:
Common Sense has two upcoming parent education webinar events coming up.
Links to register for both webinars are below. If you are not able to attend, the recordings of both events will be posted here.
Thursday, April 28th from 5pm-6pm: REGISTER HERE
Getting to the Truth: Parenting in an Age of Mis/Disinformation, Influencers, and Social Media
Panel: Jessica Yellin (News Not Noise), Jamie Nunez (Common Sense Education) - more panelists to come!
Wednesday, May 11th from 9:30am - 10:15am: REGISTER HERE
The 411: Common Sense Advice on When to Get Your Child a Phone
Panel: Common Sense's Lisa Solomon in conversation with Julia Storm, Digital Media Wellness Educator, ReConnect
5th Gr Transition to Crocker
Parents of promoting 5th graders going to Crocker this fall: if you missed our March 16 Transition to Crocker RISE event, slides are posted here, including introductions to all Crocker special education staff members, sample bell schedules, what to expect at a Transition IEP meeting, and more!
Thank you Child Mind Institute and all who participated in our APG/RISE/CPG/HCSD parent education speaker event on 4/19, "Teaching our Children Resilience and Managing Anxiety as We Emerge from the Pandemic"! If you couldn't make it, slides will be posted to the RISE website within a week!
Meet us at the starting line,
it’s FUN RUN time!
Help raise money for our Hillsborough public schools with the 2K Lakas Shimuzu Memorial Run/Walk and 5K Run/Walk! Stay for yoga, field games, and live music after your run. It’s a great morning for the whole family!! Register here
Boy Scouts
Are you ready to get back outside? If you like the outdoors — camping, hiking, biking, etc. — we’ve got you covered. Have you considered being a Scout? Troop 28 is an active, diverse group that has been providing outdoor programs for young men (10-18 years old) for over 70 years in Burlingame and Hillsborough. We meet at 7 PM on the first and third Mondays of every month, so come visit us at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church at 415 El Camino Real in Burlingame.
For more details, please contact Crocker dad and Assistant Scoutmaster Ralph Ho at ralfho@yahoo.com or visit t28burlingame.org or www.facebook.com/T28Burlingame.
May 4th is Hillsborough Beautification Foundation's "Celebrate May" event!
Hillsborough Beautification Foundation (HBF) has been dedicated to enhancing the beauty of our public landscapes and providing opportunities for community engagement.
Click here for more information!
Crocker Middle School
Email: crockervikingnews@gmail.com
Website: http://crocker.hcsd.info/
Location: 2600 Ralston Avenue
Phone: 650-342-6331