Doyle Weekly Newsletter
January 13-17
Return To Doyle Form - Response Requested
We are requesting all families, including 5th grade families, to fill out THIS GOOGLE FORM by January 31st
UTK - 5th Grade Blacktop Assembly: January 13th
Our next UTK-5th grade blacktop assembly is scheduled for Monday, January 13th at 7:40 am.
Parents are welcome to attend - please just stand along the perimeter of the class lines (not in the class line with your student). This will allow students to see/hear the messages best.
California Reads
Be sure to get those reading minutes logged and earn prizes.
Visit https://doylepta.org/california-reads.html#/ for details and information.
Parent Portal : Universal Form
The Universal Form is completed by all families at the start of the year. This is a form that consents to:
- Understanding the Discrimination, Harassment, Intimidation, & Bullying Policies
- Permissions regarding being photographed. Please note that if permissions are updated and does not include "have my student's photograph included in the yearbook", your student will not be in the yearbook.
- Understanding the Uniform Discipline Plan and consequences associated if student violates the policy.
- Acknowledge you have been informed of your rights explained in the Health Requirements
- Understanding the Technology/Network Use Guidelines and will abide by the rules & conditions outlined in the Facts for Parents: Section K.
If a change is made and does not acknowledge:
- Photography/Video/Media release - your student may not be posted in any pictures in Dojo, the yearbook, or anywhere else from Doyle Elementary.
- Technology/Network Use Guidelines - your student may have their Chromebook privileges taken. Meaning, they will not be able to take their Chromebook home for use.
Meeting Date Changes
Every year, we plan how to spend the next years funds to best support our students and families.
To meet district deadlines and expectations and ensure parents have the opportunity to review our options, we will be moving our Coffee with the Principal and School Site Council Meetings.
Coffee with the Principal new date: Monday, January 27th in the Lounge
School Site Council new date: Tuesday, January 28th via Microsoft Teams
- Meeting ID: 268 994 282 908
- Passcode: YPUGUz
New Smile Dentistry
New Smile Dentistry will be at Doyle on February 20th and 21st!
This is an optional service that is offered to students if parents consent. Forms were sent home this week and should be returned to the school as soon as possible.
If you do not want your student to participate, no need to return the form.
Parent Training - For Early Learners
Sign up HERE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfgWfWdzr_T9Dfa0lgjT-VpDof93-A9yGRPro2o42yV438Qig/viewform
or scan the QR code --->
When: January 15
Time: 5:00 - 6:15 pm
Where: Zoom (link will be shared after you register)
Mark Your Calendar: January 20th - No School
No School on Monday January 20th in observation of Martin Luther Kin Jr. Day.
We will resume on Tuesday, January 21st with regular schedule.
Reporting Absences
If your student is going to be absent, please inform the front office using one of the below methods:
- Doyle Elementary Attendance Reporting form : this can be found on our school website - just scroll down on the homepage and click "Report an Absence"
- Call the front office at 619-605-4500 and select Option 2 for Ms. Venus in Attendance.
- Email us at doylelm@sandi.net
- Message us at ClassDojo School
Independent Study Contracts
This is an official contract that requires parent, student, and teacher signatures, and provides the opportunity for your student to complete work and earn attendance credit upon return.
Please keep in mind that this is optional for teachers. When teachers agree to an Independent Study Contract, they take extra time out of their planning and personal days to create a packet of work for your student to complete while out of school. If your student does not complete the required work, a certain number of days can and will be marked "unexcused".
We are not able to accommodate Independent Study Contracts beyond 15 days.
Student Illnesses & When to Stay Home
Attendance matters, but so does your students health! Check out the district recommendations on when to keep students home:
If your student has tested positive for COVID, the district would appreciate information using this link: https://hitl-healthyreturns-sdusd.my.salesforce-sites.com/COVID19SelfReporting/SelfReportCase?sitekey=SDUSD
Stay Connected
Email: doylelm@sandi.net
Website: https://doyle.sandiegounified.org/
Location: 3950 Berino Court, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 605-4500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoyleElementarySD/