ABS Kindergarten Registration

Allen Brook School π 497 Talcott Road π Williston
Welcome to Kindergarten at Allen Brook School
We are currently registering for Kindergarten for Fall of 2025. All students who will be 5 before September 1, 2025, and live in Williston or Saint George, are eligible for Kindergarten at Allen Brook School in the Fall.
Be sure to keep reading for answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Registration Opens Monday, February 3, 2025
Kindergarten Registration Overview
- Submit Registration and required documents (February)
- Sign up for a Meet & Greet session for you and your child (March)
- Attend Meet & Greet Session (April 2 or April 9, 2:30pm - 3:30pm)
- Step Up Day, Date TBD (early June)
- Annual Update Forms, required forms sent via email (July)
- Back-to-School Appointments with Teachers (late August)
- First Day of Kindergarten (late August)
Online Registration Options
- Is your student receiving Act 166 funds? If yes, you should receive an email with login details and instructions. If no, follow New to CVSD/Williston link below.
- Has your student received Act 166 funds through CVSD in the past? If yes, you should have received an email with the login info you need. If no, follow New to CVSD/Williston link below.
- Is your student in the Allen Brook School PreK classes? If yes, be sure to check your email and forward the paperwork requested.
- New to CVSD/Williston Schools? Register on-line here.
* All registration forms need to be completed on-line. If you do not have internet access or need technical support do not hesitate to reach out to vfrancis@cvsdvt.org
Contact our front office with questions, or if you did not receive the expected email-
802-871-6200 or absfrontoffice@cvsdvt.org
Required Documentation
Please have the following required documents ready
- Proof of Residency
REQUIRED by all CVSD schools prior to enrollment
See below for more details - Immunization Record from your child's doctor
REQUIRED by all CVSD schools prior to enrollment
(VT Department of Health requirement) - Birth Certificate
REQUIRED by all CVSD schools prior to enrollment
(a copy is acceptable)
Proof Of Residency
For Proof of Residency, the term residency means where you actually live. Residency requirements are not met merely because one owns property or has a business or a post office box in a CVSD town.
All documentation should include the name of the parent/guardian and a valid Williston or St. George address.
One (1) of the Following:
- Mortgage or title showing a CVSD town's address and name of parent/legal guardian
- Renters agreement or copy of lease showing a CVSD town's address and name of parent/legal guardian
- If you cannot provide one of the above because you live with someone in a CVSD town, please provide a notarized letter from that person which states you are living with them at that address. This letter must include the name of the parent/legal guardian, the name and address of the person you are living within the CVSD town, along with their proof of residency.
Two (2) of the following, dated within the last 60 days:
- Valid Vermont driverβs license with the Williston or St George town address
- Current utility bill in your name
- Valid Vermont identification card with the Williston or St George address
- Valid automobile insurance card with the address showing
- Valid voter registration card or receipt with a Williston or St George address
- Bank statement for last or current month (financial information redacted)
- Valid Vermont vehicle registration card
A Bit About Busing
Information about our current bus routes and schedules are available on-line on our Bus Information site.
While routes are subject to change as needed, especially over the Summer, based on ridership and student locations, this page will give you a clear sense of how busing typically looks during the school year.
Kindergarten students must have an adult present at the drop-off location in order to be released from the bus in the afternoon.
Your Annual Update Forms (required to be completed in early August) will include a Transportation Form - this is where you will indicate your end of day plans for your student(s).
Some Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Will we have a chance to take a tour of the school?
A: All families will have the same opportunity to see the school and ask questions during the Meet & Greet session in April.
Q: I have other students in the Williston Schools, do I still need to complete all of the registration forms?
A: Yes, every student must have a completed registration.
Q: There is a chance we may move/send our child to a different school, should I still register them?
A: Yes, it's best to go through the registration process and allow your student to participate.
Q: Will there be a chance to provide information about my child?
A: You will receive a link to the placement input form once your registration forms are complete. This form is one of the ways we learn more about your student and family - information that is used in our thoughtful placement process.
Q: My student is at ABS for PreK, do I still need to register?
A: There are no registration forms required as your student is already in our registration system. You will still need to provide proof of residency, a Birth Certificate (if not already on file), and an updated Immunization report.
Q: What counts as proof of residency?
A: Residency means where you physically live, not simply own property. Specific details are included on this page.
Q: We do not know yet what our afterschool plan will be, do we still need to complete the Transportation form?
A: Transportation information does not need to be confirmed during registration. You will be asked to complete annual updates in late July. Your Annual Update Forms (to be completed by early August) will include a Transportation Form - this is where you will indicate your end of day plans for your student(s).
Q: What are the options for afterschool care?
A: The Part 2 Afterschool Program is an independent program held at the school. To learn more about the Part 2 program, visit their website. Registration will open in the late April/early May, at which time information to register will be available on the website.
If your student(s) will attend an in home daycare, or childcare center, within the town of Williston the bus can typically drop them off at these locations.
Q: I tried to reset my Powerschool password and it isn't working? What do I do?
A: Email absfrontoffice@cvsdvt.org with your name and your student's name and we can reset the login for you.