Panther Pulse
February 7, 2025
Dear Parents,
We are absolutely thrilled as we approach our upcoming medallion ceremony for quarter 2, an event that will celebrate the incredible hard work and dedication our students have demonstrated in their growth and development. This milestone reflects the progress we’ve made together, and it marks the next step in our journey toward excellence. At the core of this journey is our relentless focus on continuous improvement. By consistently analyzing data, we ensure that we are offering our students the support they need where it's needed most, tailoring our approach to address their individual challenges and strengths.
We are particularly encouraged by the growth we’ve seen in our students’ adoption of our self-accountability philosophy. It’s inspiring to witness how so many have embraced the concept of taking ownership of their learning, and this shift in mindset is making a meaningful difference. We are hearing our students engage in thoughtful, productive conversations around the criteria for success. They are not only reflecting on their own progress but also brainstorming strategies to enhance their performance and refine their goals. What’s truly remarkable is how they’re offering each other support, creating a culture of collaboration where peers help peers in their shared pursuit of academic growth. This is a testament to the vibrant, accountable community we are building within our school.
Of course, no journey is without its challenges, and while we are proud of the strides we've made, we also acknowledge that obstacles are a natural part of the process. But instead of deterring us, these challenges only strengthen our resolve. We remain steadfast in our commitment to support each of our students, understanding that every challenge presents an opportunity to learn, grow, and refine our approach. We remain focused on preparing our students not only academically but also socially, ensuring they are well-equipped for success in the future.
We continue to be inspired by the resilience and determination our students demonstrate every day. Their hard work fuels our own, and together, we remain optimistic and motivated as we continue working toward our collective goals. Each step we take brings us closer to creating an even stronger foundation for their success, and we are excited for what the future holds as we remain dedicated to our mission.
Jason Wesley
Congratulations on a well done season for these boys!
Parent & Student Tip of the Week: Managing Big Emotions for Success
Middle school can be an emotional rollercoaster, but learning how to manage big feelings can set students up for success! Here are some helpful strategies we’ve been teaching in our Managing Emotions & Building Positive Relationships Workshop—and they’re great for all students and families to practice at home!
🔹 Recognize Triggers – Help your child identify situations that cause frustration or stress. Awareness is the first step in managing emotions.
🔹 Listen to Your Body – Our bodies send signals when we’re experiencing big emotions (tight chest, racing heart, clenched fists). Recognizing these signs early can help prevent emotional outbursts.
🔹 Use Calming Techniques – Try these simple yet powerful strategies when emotions run high:
4-4-4 Breathing – Inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4, exhale for 4.
Starfish Breathing – Trace your fingers slowly while taking deep breaths.
Count Backward from 10 – A simple way to reset and regain control.
🔹 Practice Through Role-Playing – One of the best ways to build emotional control is by acting out real-life scenarios and practicing calm responses.
These skills help students stay focused in school, build healthy relationships, and make positive choices. Try practicing these strategies as a family to reinforce emotional awareness and self-regulation at home!
Together, we can support our students in becoming more resilient, confident, and successful.
#StrongerStudents #HealthyMinds #MiddleSchoolSuccess #PantherPride
Thank you so much for all the generous donations already.
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) Program!
Take a look over our Amazon Wish List where you can easily purchase and send items directly to us that will help support our Color Run, Friday Snack Cart for our Panther Buck Rewards, or for getting our School Store started.
As always, Thank you!!
Renaissance Blitz
- Feb 24 - Mar 20 3rd Quarter
- April 21 - May 15th 4th Quarter
Attention -- All students in grades 5-8 interested in joining the GPPSS Middle School Tennis Club in the Spring there will be an informational meeting with Coach Ken Prather on Thursday, March 13th in the Cafeteria at 3:30pm.
The season will go from April 2nd to May 31st. Practices are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at the Elworthy Field Tennis Courts from 5:30-7pm.
February 10
- Pastries with the Principal - 6:00 PM in the staff lounge
- PTO Meeting 6:30 PM in the Staff Lounge
- Medallion Ceremony
February 12
- Wild Wednesday - After School Pizza Sales
- Mid Winter Break
- Wild Wednesday - After School Pizza Sales
- MSBOA Band and Orchestra Festival 7th and 8th grade Stevenson High School
- AM Classes only for Students- Dismissal 11:28 AM
- Parent Teacher Conferences
- 7th & 8th Grade Winter Social - 6:30 -8:30 PM
- 8th Grade Promotion @ 6:00 PM
Pastries with the Principal
Please join Principal Wesley for a night of conversation on Monday, February 10th from 6-6:45 p.m. in the Parcells staff lounge. RSVP to Lisa Sicklesteel at sicklel@gpschools.org or 313-432-4603. You are welcome to join our monthly Parcells PTO meeting that will follow this event in the same room.
Parcells PTO Schedule for 2025
Please join us for PTO meetings each month. Mark your calendar for the following 2025 meeting dates. Meetings start at 6:30 p.m. and are held in the staff lounge, across the hall from the auditorium. Enter through the main entrance on Mack.
Monday, February 10
Monday, March 10
Monday, April 14
Monday, May 19
Tuesday, June 10
7th AND 8th Grade Winter Social Rescheduled for March
NEW date! March 7th from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
This Winter Social is for 7th & 8th grade students to enjoy fun, food, games, and music on a Friday night! Ticket Purchase: Bring cash to school or send payment through PayPal @ParcellsPTO. Then visit Mrs. Thompson in room 108 to purchase and/or pick up your ticket! Follow event details on our Parcells PTO Facebook page.
February Parcells Restaurant Nights:
Our Parcells Restaurant Night program is an ongoing community partnership established by the PTO. Each Wednesday of the month, a partner will host “Restaurant Night” during specific hours and generously donate a portion of the proceeds to Parcells.
Please help make this program successful by getting takeout or dining in with our community partners on “Parcells Restaurant Nights” on Wednesday nights this year.
February 2025 Parcells Restaurant Nights:
Feb. 12th - Licavoli’s
Feb. 19th - Jet’s Pizza
Feb. 26th - Telly’s Place
Calling Afternoon Volunteers for WILD Wednesdays
Each Wednesday from 3:15 - 3:45 p.m. is WILD Wednesday at Parcells. What’s so wild about it? It’s an after-school opportunity for students to purchase pizza and/or snacks and get recharged mid-week! All proceeds from sales benefit school programming such as events, curriculum, and school improvement. Please sign up to volunteer for WILD Wednesdays here.
Get Connected with Our Parcells PTO Community Online
Stay updated on PTO events and volunteer opportunities on the Parcells PTO Facebook page.
Also, connect with other parents on the Parcells Middle School Parent Discussion Facebook page (moderated by the PTO).
- Please talk to your child the night before or in the morning before school about any after school plans. It is disruptive to get messages to the students during class time. WE UNDERSTAND THAT SOMETIMES THERE ARE LAST MINUTE CHANGES AND THAT IS OK TO CALL FOR!!!
- Students should not be calling home because they forgot something unless the teacher asks them to. This is also disruptive to class time. Please instill in your child the importance of planning ahead. If you drop something off to your student during the school day your student will get an email to their schoology. Please remind them to check their schoology email throughout the school day. Calling the classrooms is very disruptive. Thank you for your understanding.
- After the school bell rings in the morning the only entrance that should be used is the one along Sunningdale at the end of the GP Woods Library Parking Lot. The door is called the H door and it is PARCELLS SECURE ENTRANCE. This is also the door that students should come in if they are late or parents should come in if needing to enter the building during the school day.
If your student is staying home for any reason please call the attendance line at 313-432-4601 or email hargera@gpschools.org and leave a reason for the absence.
If your child needs a modified diet in the cafeteria, please follow the link above to obtain a form that will need to be filled out by your child's physician. Please return the completed form to your school office.
Parcells Breakfast Times: Monday - 8:35 AM, Tuesday - Friday 7:50 AM
Students can enter through the doors by the main gym or Mack Ave.
They can only enter at these times if they are having breakfast.
Parcells Library is now open for Emergency Chromebook checkout. Students can check out an emergency chromebook during 1st and 5th hour only, and must return the device each day by 3:00. Students who are in need of a year long device should reach out to Mrs. McGrath in the main office for assistance.
Principal - Jason Wesley: wesleyj@gpschools.org
Vice Principal - Samantha McGrath: lambers@gpschools.org
Vice Principal - Debra Redlin: redlind@gpschools.org
Counselor - Amy Macey: maceya@gpschools.org
Counselor -Carla Palffy:palffyc@gpschools.org
Secretary- Lisa Sicklesteel: sicklel@gpschools.org
Attendance Clerk - Ashley Harger: hargera@gpschools.org
Office Clerk - Karen Cueny: cuenyk@gpschools.org
Website: https://www.gpschools.org/Domain/597
Location: 20600 Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI, USA
Phone: 313-432-4600