Golden Hills Mission:
Golden Eagles grow together, learn with passion, act with kindness, and change the world!
Principal Message
Dear Golden Hills Families,
We hope that you and your family had an enjoyable Thanksgiving break.
Thank you to all the families who attended the Golden Hills Arts Showcase Farmers Market! So many of you braved the rain and we love seeing all of you on campus!
We are just three short weeks away from the winter break. We will be working hard these next three weeks and hope your student will be here everyday!
Please remind your student to check our Lost & Found! We have many sweatshirts and jackets, these will be donated at winter break.
All Golden Hills teachers' homework is for our students to read at home and practice math facts. We want our students to love to read by reading books they are interested in. Classes have visited the library and students have checked out books! It is so great to see the students so excited about reading!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me,
Thank you,
Mrs. Napoli
Golden Hills Principal
Counselors Message:
The feeling of the month is Satisfied. Satisfied is a green feeling. What are some things that make you feel satisfied? What do you think when you are satisfied? How do you feel in your body? How does your face express this feeling? How do you act when you're feeling satisfied? Talk with your children about times that you have felt this feeling and times that they have felt this feeling. What are some ways that you can express it? Is it a feeling that you want to feel? If so, come up with ways that you can experience this feeling when you are in a blue, yellow or red feeling. If you have more questions about our feeling of the month or need help understanding our SEL curriculum please feel free to reach out; Rainbow Walker email at rwalker@palermok8.org or phone 532-6000 ext 4006
Countdown to Winter Break:
Before we leave for winter break Golden Hills will be having fun activities around campus! Students daily can search for our “Grinch on a Shelf” to see what silly activities he is up to!
From December 16th-December 20th: Snowflakes will be hidden around school for students to find to win prizes.
Our final countdown will be fun dress up days!
TEAM Ticket Winners
Positive Eagle Award Winners:
Congratulations to our students who were chosen to receive the Positive Eagle Award for the month of November : Our Positive EAGLE Award is for following TEAM expectations: families receive an email that their student is receiving the award and they are invited to attend. The award winners are called up and given a certificate for following our TEAM expectations.. They will get popcorn, a positive eagle brag tag plus they are VIP and are able to be front in line and get to choose which lunch period and table they sit at.
First Trimester Awards Assemblies & Honor Roll Winners:
The fourth and the fifth grade awards assemblies are December 4th and 5th. Congratulations to our students who received awards!
Golden Hills Honor Roll: students who score an average of 90% and above in math and reading in class percentages are on the Golden Hills Honor Roll. The office has Honor Roll magnets, if your student is on the Honor Roll be sure to come by and pick one up!
Golden Hills Brag Tags:
Did you know students can earn brag tags all year long and/or purchase brag tags through the Parent Teacher Group?
Trimester one brag tags were recently passed out!
Students can get a brag tag for:
Fluency- Meeting End of Year Goal
Positive Eagle Award
Math Masters ( Grade 4 only)/ 144 Club
I Ready Grade Level Proficient in Math & Reading
Attendance- Perfect or above 95%-Each Trimester
Red Ribbon Week ( purchased through PTG)
Honor Roll- Each Trimester
Kindness: For being kind to all!
These are fun tags students can earn all year to celebrate their success! We will be adding ways to get them all year!
If your student has not received one yet, they have the opportunity to earn them each trimester! Some are given for meeting the goal at a specific time and some are each trimester ((Attendance & Honor Roll)
Our attendance goal is for 95% of students to be at school everyday! For the month of November we were 94.88% , so close!
Ironman Winners for November :
Classes with Best Attendance for the month of November:
1st: Mrs. Langone 97%
2nd: Mrs. Chapman 96%
1st: Mrs. Corkin 97%
2nd: Mr.Zarzynski 95 %
The Laser Show was SO MUCH Fun! The students loved singing along to the songs while the laser art was displayed. The Laser Show was our first trimester attendance challenge. All students who had less than 6 unexcused absences were invited to attend.
Current Attendance Challenge: Class with the best attendance from December 2nd- December 18th will win a LEGO party!
Second Trimester Attendance Challenge has begun! On March 6th will
be invited to the STEAM arcade the requirements are:
Less than 11 absences (excused or unexcused) for the entire school year
Less than 6 (excused or unexcused) absences from 11/01/24-3/1/25
If your child is absent please call the school office to let them know the reason so that your child can possibly be excused. Also, if your child will be absent for 3 or more days you can request independent study. Your child will receive work to do and if the work is completed, your child will receive credit for attendance and will not be counted as absent. If you have questions, please call the school office.
Attendance is very important, if your student is not at school, they cannot learn. Thank you for your support!
Shady Creek Field Trip for 2025-2026!
Shady Creek is a three night, four day environmental camp. Our fourth grade class will be attending next year. In order to attend we must have parent volunteers to stay in the cabins with the students. These parents must be cleared through our district through the volunteer process. We will need to have the parents cleared before the end of this school year to commit to going! The reserved dates for Shady Creek are the week before our October intercession. Please begin the process so we can be sure we have enough parent volunteers.
Fourth Grade families, we will need you for next year! We need around 10 females and 10 male chaperones for the cabins. So far we have 2 volunteers. Please click the link below to sign up to volunteer: 25-26 Shady Creek Sign ups
Golden Hills Clubs Happening in December :
Before School Club With Ms. Russell
Math Tutoring with Ms. T
Math Tutoring with Mr. Sharp
Art Club Now with Mrs. Langone, now in A6
Girls Basketball Teams with Coach Green and Coach Pierce
Parent Teacher Group Fundraiser:
Golden Hills yearbooks are for sale in the school office for the low price of $15.00. Students that purchase a yearbook will receive their copy the last week of school. If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 532-6000.
Golden Hills Girls Basketball Teams
Congratulations to our fourth and fifth grade girls basketball teams! You have been playing so well, especially since your opponents are 5th/ 6th graders! Thank you to Ms. Pierce & Ms. Green for coaching! We are so proud of you!
Golden Hills Giving Tree
Thank you so much to the families who participated in our first ever Giving Tree! Your generosity and support mean the world to those in need. By taking a tag and providing a gift, you are making a real difference in the lives of others in our community. We truly appreciate your kindness and commitment to spreading joy this holiday season. Please remember that items that are purchased need to be brought to the office by December 16th.
Family Reminders:
Students should not be dropped off before 7:45 am, we do not have supervision until 7:45 am.
We have minimum days on Friday’s and school gets out at 1:45.
Students should not bring items from home. We are not responsible for any lost, stolen or broken items. Cell phones are not allowed and must be checked in to the office or teacher.
All students who are on campus must be supervised by an adult. Students should not be on campus after school unless they are in a club, tutoring, a sports team or after school program. Please be on time to pick up your student.
Upcoming Dates:
12/4: Fifth Grade Trimester Awards
12/5: Fourth Grade Trimester Awards
12/16-12/20: Spirit Week
12/23- 1/3/25 No School WInter Break
5th Grade Winter Show, one show is at 9 am, repeat show at 10 am
Coming in January 2024: Boys Basketball Team Try-Outs