NES Principaw Update #10 (May 2024)
Mr. Vince Sette and Mrs. Nicole McQuate
Ready, Set, MAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Greetings Bobcat Families,
We have officially rounded the final corner of the 2024-2025 school year. Before we get there we have a lot of different activities taking place this month.
The office is currently open from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm at the elementary.
Parents, please make sure you complete the Final Forms online. If you need assistance, reach out, and we can help complete that if needed.
The district has moved to a new communication text messaging system this year. We have replaced REMIND with a new product that will be easier to use called Instant Connect. This product syncs and works with Final Forms and DASL so that we always have the most up-to-date contact information for parents.
If you wish to join our new alert notification system, text YES to 87569, and your number will be added.
Norwayne Elementary LITERACY Spotlight
Literacy is an integral part of a student's success in school. Please reach out to the administration or teachers with any questions concerning literacy at Norwayne Elementary. We can't wait to celebrate with everyone during our Reading Under the Lights event on Thursday May 9th. This is just one way we celebrate literacy in the district.
Norwayne has signed up with the Ohio School Safety Center by enrolling in the statewide phone or text hotline. Parents, students, and community members are asked to report anything suspicious or endangering you, your friends, or our school. The hotline number is listed below, and we thank everyone for helping to SPEAK UP and SAVE LIVES.
Text or Call the number below:
Counselor's Corner with Mrs. Monte
Our School Therapy Dog, Buddy!
It was so exciting to see the joy on students’ faces as they met our district’s new therapy dog, Buddy. He will mostly be at the middle school with Mrs. Klaus but we are happy to welcome him to our school on occasion as well. When he is at the elementary school, he will be with me or other staff members that have been selected to be his handler for that day. We appreciate students practicing safe boundaries by asking before petting Buddy, being gentle with our words and actions around him, and not letting him distract us when it is not time to see him.
State Mandated Child Abuse Lessons K-6
You also should have received a letter explaining our state mandated child sexual abuse lesson that I will be facilitating in grades K-5. We are asking for any opt-outs to be submitted by May 3rd, 2024. Please see the letter that was sent home and also linked on my website for more information.
SEL Sketchbooks
If your 3rd-5th grader chose to participate in the optional SEL Sketchbooks, we will be having the reward for that some time this month. Great work to all who participated!
Class Topics In May:
You will notice that in each grade level we will finish up our social problem-solving unit, complete our Fight Child Abuse lesson, and some will end with a career exploration or transition to middle school lesson.
Kindergarten: Weekly
I Messages
Tattle Vs Tell
Fight Child Abuse
Career Exploration
1st Grade: Weekly
Solving Problems
I Messages/ Asking for what you need
Fight Child Abuse
Career Exploration
2nd Grade: Bi-Weekly
Which Solution is Best?
Fight Child Abuse
3rd Grade: Weekly
T: Think and E: Explore
P: Pick A Solutions
Fight Child Abuse
Career Exploration
4th Grade: Bi-Weekly
Fight Child Abuse
Career Exploration
5th Grade: Bi-Weekly
Fight Child Abuse
Moving To Middle School
As our school year comes to a close, please use my website for resources for local resources, parenting support ideas, and other helpful resources.
-Mrs. Monte
Alexa Monte
School Counselor
Norwayne Elementary School
Family and Community Liaison Newsletter from Tri-County ESC (2/26/2024)
Family and Community Liaison Newsletter from Tri-County ESC (3/22/2024)
Family and Community Liaison Newsletter from Tri-County ESC (4/19/2024)
How Can You Find More About NES PTO:
- Visit the Norwayne Elementary PTO Website by clicking the link below.
- Find the PTO page on Facebook for updates and information. Search Norwayne Elementary PTO and follow the page to stay in the know.
- email PTO at norwaynepto@gmail.com with any questions
- Join the Remind Group for NES PTO (www.remind.com/join/nespto21)
Old Business to Review:
- 2024 NES Spring Fling was a success. We appreciate everyone who volunteered and attended the event.
- Thank you to the parents who helped set up state testing breakfasts for our students.
Important Upcoming Dates:
Teacher Appreciation Week
2023-2024 Officers
- President = Nikki Wincek
- Vice President = Danielle Saurers
- Secretary = Rhonda Gowin
- Treasurer = Angie Smith
2023-2024 PTO Meeting Dates (All take place at 6:00 pm in the NES Library)
- 9/20/23
- 10/18/23
- 11/15/23
- 1/17/24
- 2/21/24
- 3/20/24
- 4/17/24
- 5/15/24
Several important dates are coming in May. We ask that you please review the dates below, as there have been changes to the school calendar.
2023-2024 Norwayne Color Calendar
- May 1st = 4th grade Math part 2 OST
- May 2nd = 5th Grade Science Part 1 and 2 OST
- May 2nd = 4th Grade Recorder Concert @ NMS/PAC
- May 3rd = Kindergarten Field Trip
- May 3rd = Jazz Band performs for 5th grade in AM and talks about middle school band
- May 3rd = 5th Grade visits middle school
- May 3rd = Reading Under the lights Assembly in afternoon
- May 6th and 7th = Kindergarten Screening @ Transportation Office
- May 8th = 2nd Grade Field Trip
- May 9th = Reading Under the Lights Event @ Stadium in evening
- May 14th = 4th Grade Food 4 America Field Trip
- May 17th = 3rd Grade Field Trip
- May 23rd = Book it Reward for the Year = Recess - Ice Cream Party
- May 23rd = Last day of Christian Education for the year
- May 24th = 5th Grade Field Trip to Pro Football Hall of Fame
- May 28th = Track and Field Day
- May 29th = Rain Date for Track and Field
- May 30th = Last Day with students and early dismissal
- May 30th = 5th Grade Clap Out
- May 31 = Work Day
Tips for the Year from Mr. Sette
April Transportation Department Updates
The school year is winding down and it'll soon be summer so we want to thank everyone for a great school year!
May 6th is Bus Driver Appreciation Day! We will be celebrating our drivers all day! They care about the safety of our students and work well under all the pressure it takes to drive our school vehicles. Our bus drivers put 235,000 miles a year on our buses and they do it safely and with a smile on their face. We truly love and appreciate our transportation team!
Reminder, rules of riding the bus still apply until the very last day for everyone's safety!
If you have any questions, you may reach out to Lori Weinman (Transportation Coordinator) via email (lweinman@norwayne.net) or phone(330-435-1141)
Student Handbook Talking Points
We are mandated by law to inform parents when students reach different thresholds for absences. Please note that if you receive an attendance letter from the school, we encourage you to call in with any questions to understand better what is going on. We want everyone to be informed, and we realize that our current policies may require some families to stay at home, which puts them above the allowable absences from ODE. We will continue to work with families on how to help on a case-by-case basis, as every scenario could be unique. Please note that missing school, whether excused or unexcused, still impacts a child's education. We will also begin to do this monthly so that we can better keep parents updated on things.
- Chronic Absenteeism is defined as missing 10 percent or more of the school year for any reason. This includes excused and unexcused absences.
- Habitual Truancy is defined as any child of compulsory school age who is absent without legitimate excuse from the public school for thirty or more consecutive hours, forty-two or more hours in one school month, or seventy-two or more hours in one school year. This is different than chronic absenteeism as this only counts absence without legitimate excuses.
- Excessive Absences are defined as a student being absent with a nonmedical excuse for thirty-eight or more hours in one school month or sixty-five or more hours in a school year.
- Tardies are defined within our student handbook. A student may receive a tardy letter notice if they exceed 4 or more tardies within one month.
Breakfast and Lunches for the 2023-2024 school year will no longer be free. Please be on the lookout for the monthly lunch menus once school begins. We will send a hard copy home as well as make them available online to view.
Friendly reminder that when we are on a 2 hour delay breakfast will not be served.
2023-2024 Breakfast and Lunch Prices
Breakfast = $2.50
Lunch = $3.00
Extra Items
Student Milk = $0.75
Pizza Per Slice (on pizza day) = $2.50
Main Dish Only = $2.50
Norwayne Local Schools participate in the government's free and reduced lunch program. Parents are encouraged to fill out free and reduced forms if they feel they would qualify for these services. A new form must be filled out each year, even if a family qualified in years past. Guidelines and applications are sent home at the beginning of each school year. If you feel you qualify, please apply.
Mrs. Atanasov has been sending lunch/breakfast fee letters out throughout the year. If you need time to pay or need to make an arrangement, please call the school and speak with Mr. Sette directly.
Thank you for your promptness in paying these fees!
Student Spotlights
Larry Hartzler = Larry is such a fun guy to have in our room! He works hard and has a fun, comical side to him as well! Whenever anyone is in need of a smile, I can always count on Larry to provide it. He has been working on first grade math skills for a while now and is an excellent reader. At school, Larry likes to play Prodigy and ABCYa on computers and learn harder math. At home he likes to play football with his brother Wyatt. Larry’s friends say that he is “funny and is good at gym”.
Eli Simonik = Eli is kind and patient, helpful, and always works hard. He is very motivated and competitive in the right way, that makes him a role model for others in our class. We are so thankful to have Eli in our room :)
Levi Cochrell = Levi is a pleasure to have in our first grade class. He is always willing to help his classmates and lend a helping hand. Levi has a positive attitude and is always ready to learn something new. He pays attention in class and always gives his best effort. Keep up the good work, Levi!
Alivia Riggenbach = Alivia is an amazing first grader. She constantly tries to do her best and works hard during class. She is kind to her classmates and is a good citizen in our classroom. She is always willing to help and she does it with a smile! Great job, Olivia!
Hadleigh Widmer: Hadleigh is a confident, caring, and reliable 5th grade student. Hadleigh’s favorite subject is History, but she enjoys learning all the new material in each core class. Outside of school Hadleigh enjoys swimming, acting, and reading. Hadleigh represents a group of students that epitomize what it takes to be a Bobcat. We are so proud of her and all of her accomplishments this year!
Luke Armstrong: Luke is a respectful, confident, and hard working 5th grade student. His favorite aspect about being a fifth grader is hanging out with his friends and having good teachers. Luke enjoys Science class and in his spare time likes to weld, construct model rockets and Legos. Luke represents a group of students that epitomize what it takes to be a Bobcat. We are so proud of him and all of his accomplishments this year!
Olivia Gasser = Olivia is a trustworthy, reliable, and helpful 5th grade student. Olivia’s favorite subject is Science and has pride in being the top bobcat of the school. Outside of school, Olivia likes to show her pigs in competitions across the state in hopes of bringing home the bacon. Olivia represents a group of students that epitomize what it takes to be a Bobcat. We are so proud of her and all of her accomplishments this year!
Cole Martin = Cole is a reliable and trustworthy 5th grade student. Cole’s favorite subject is Math but enjoys seeing Norton the tortoise everyday in Science class. Outside of school Cole enjoys playing baseball and basketball. Cole represents a group of students that epitomize what it takes to be a Bobcat. We are so proud of him and all of his accomplishments this year!
Evie Hassenzahl = is a Fantastic Fourth Grader! Evie enjoys the challenges that come with being a fourth grader, and her favorite subject is Language Arts. Outside of school, Evie plays piano, runs and reads. Evie shines as an example for others in the classroom; she is respectful and helpful to her teachers and classmates. Her hard work has led to a very successful school year! Way to go, Evie!
Carsyn V = Carsyn loves being a fourth grader this year! His favorite subjects are math and science. This is Carsyn's first year at Norwayne, and the thing he loves most is our very big playground. In his free time Carsyn enjoys playing outside with his cousins, playing roblox, and playing with his puppy. Carsyn is such a hard worker, and is very respectful of all his peers and teachers. Keep up the great work Carsyn!
Gretchen Fenwick = Gretchen, a cheerful fourth grader, brightens school every day with her infectious happiness. She particularly loves her kind teachers and finds Science to be her favorite subject. Outside of school, she enjoys playing soccer and softball. Gretchen's caring, helpful nature and her diligent work ethic bring joy to those around her, making her a true asset to the school community. Keep shining, Gretchen!
Eli Burns = Eli is a vibrant 4th-grade student who thrives both on the field and in the classroom. With a passion for football, baseball, and basketball, Eli's athletic prowess shines bright, but so does his interest in farming and dedication to his studies. He's not just a star athlete; he's also known for being caring, hardworking, and respectful, always ready to lend a hand to his peers and lead with confidence both on the playground and in the gym, making him a vocal leader in his community.
Landon Zollinger = Landon is an awesome example of what it means to be kind, safe, and responsible. He is a great student role model. I can rely on him to help around the classroom. When he comes to school he is focused and ready to learn. Landon has been a joy to have in class. Keep up the great work!
Vincent Duffield = Vincent has been coming to school with a smile and ready to learn. He is kind to others and loves talking to teachers at recess about his toys. Keep working hard and being a great Bobcat!
Adaline Moore = As a new Bobcat this year, Adaline has done a great job of coming in and adjusting to our routines and expectations. She is a wonderful example of what it means to be Kind, Safe, and Responsible. Adaline always puts her best foot forward and can be counted on to participate in whatever is happening in class. She also did a great job this year on the youth wrestling team. Keep being awesome, Addie!
Andrew Mason = Andrew greets me every morning with a confident handshake to start our day. I can count on him to be a leader and show others what it means to be a kind, hard-working Bobcat. He knows when to put in his best effort and when to have fun. I have really taken pleasure in watching Andrew grow into an even more kind, safe, and responsible Bobcat throughout his third grade year!
Lincoln Pattin = Lincoln is always working hard to please. He volunteers in class and asks questions if he is not sure. Lincoln is willing to help not only his teacher, but his classmates. We look forward everyday to Lincoln’s smile as he walks in the classroom!
Maria Smith = Maria is such a hard worker. She is always willing to help others in our classroom. She is always on task and ready to learn. She comes to school with a smile on her face each day! Keep up the hard work, Maria!
Kayden Wenninger = Kayden is a very helpful student! He is always cleaning up the classroom and helping without being asked. He is a good friend to his classmates and a good role model. Keep up the good work, Kayden!
Robbie Dodaro = Robbie is such a hard working student! He is a great friend and very helpful to everyone in the classroom. Robbie has really taken off with his reading. I love listening to him read to me. Way to go Robbie!
Adeline Peace = Adeline has made SO much growth this year. Back in August, Adeline came into our room as a very shy kindergartener and has blossomed into a confident, social, read-to-move-onto first grade reader! She has worked SO hard on reading this year and will be leaving our classroom a much more confident student! Adeline has a great personality and is friendly to everyone. She has a great imagination and is a talented artist. At home, Adeline likes to play with her younger sister, Everly. At school, Adeline likes to play on the slide and play with her friends. She likes learning how to read. Adeline’s friends say is, “very kind and playful”. We are glad to be a part of Adeline’s kindergarten journey! 🙂
Aria Lewis = Aria is one of the kindest friends! She is always concerned about how her friends are feeling and helps them when they are in need. She always uses kind words and manners. Aria works so hard and never gives up, even when things are tough. Her favorite part of school is learning! When she’s not at school she likes playing with her Barbies and her dog. We love Aria!
Waylon Geitgey = Waylon has the best manners! He is kind, helpful, and always says please and thank you! Waylon has been working so hard this year :) We love having Waylon in our classroom!
Hello Bobcat Families,
We wanted to share some new information with everyone in regard to volunteers at NES. The district has recently moved to a new background check system (SecureVolunteer, a BIB product) for any and all volunteers in the building. For those of you who frequently visit the NES website, you may have noticed there is a new tab that can be found labeled "Volunteer". I have also linked the tab directly below. By clicking the link you will find information on the volunteer process which will answer many frequently asked questions. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.
Norwayne Local School Volunteering Website
The Norwayne School Board believes one of the greatest resources available may be found in the citizens of the community who have special knowledge and talents to contribute to the District. The use of citizens as volunteers within the school program enhances the educational process not only for students but for the community as well. Volunteers may provide additional support in the classroom, promote community-school cooperation in facilitating the learning process and provide for individuals who have expertise in various areas to be used as resource persons. While we are continually grateful for this support, we are also aware of the potential concerns that can arise when volunteers are working directly with students. The District notifies current and prospective volunteers who have or will have unsupervised access to children on a regular basis that a criminal records check may be conducted at any time. Norwayne Local Schools prioritizes safety for our students and has established a new volunteer process that includes a background check.
What is required?
A background check through the district’s online system will be required of all school volunteers.
How long does it take to process a background check?
Volunteers should apply for the check at least one week prior to an event.
What activities require a background check?
While this is not an exhaustive list, here are some examples that do or do not require a background check:
Background Check Required
Chaperoning a field trip
Providing learning support for a classroom
PTO volunteer work
Volunteering for a classroom celebration at school
Assisting in school during the instructional day
How much does a background check cost?
At this time, Norwayne Local Schools will be covering the cost of the required background checks for volunteers.
How long is a background check effective?
Background checks are good for three years. You will receive an email 30 days prior to expiration informing you that a new background check is needed.
***Norwayne Local Schools utilizes SecureVolunteer, a BIB (Background Investigation Bureau) product, for our background checks. Click the bar below to be taken to the SecureVolunteer website.
- If you move, get a new phone number during the school year please log on and make the changes in Final Forms while also letting the office know. Having your most up to date information is important for us to ensure effective communication.
Parents can follow the link provided if they did not receive an email to begin the Final Forms process. We thank everyone for their patience as we transition to this online system.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
If you have ever thought to yourself how you can help children and be a part of such an amazing school system look no further. We are ALWAYS looking for substitutes for teaching and support staff positions. We encourage anyone seeking the opportunity to help the district to please get in contact with Mr. Sette or Mrs. McQuate so they can help direct you in the proper direction.
Tri-County ESC Substitute Website
ODE Teacher Substitute Requirements
2023-2024 SCHOOL FEES
The Closet at 121 S Main St in Creston (right across from the Post Office) offers clothing, shoes, backpacks, coats, hats, gloves, hygiene items, socks and underwear and much more to anyone who could use any of these type of items. We are open the first and third Saturday of each month from 10am-1pm and can also do private appointments. All are welcome and all items are free.
Join us on facebook at Bobcat Community Closet for updates and information or contact us at 330-439-9401
Kindergarten Registration and Screening for 2024-2025 School Year
We are asking that the Kindergarten enrollment application be completed in Final Forms by May 1st, 2024. Enrollment application will be active on Final Forms starting on March 1, 2024.
***CHILD MUST BE 5 YEARS OLD BY AUGUST 1, 2024 to be eligible for Kindergarten.***
Items to be turned in with the online application include:
- Birth Certificate
- Immunization Record
- Proof of Residency (current utility bill showing name, address and date or a signed lease agreement)
- Custody documents (if applicable)
Please call the elementary office building at 330-435-6383 to schedule your child for the time to attend screening.
Screening Location:
Norwayne Community Center
161 South Main Street
Creston, Ohio 44217
Screening Dates:
Monday May 6, 2024
Tuesday May 7, 2024
- The Wayne County Health Department can provide needed immunizations. Please contact the health department in Wooster at 330-264-9590 for further information.
- If you need a copy of your child's birth certificate and your child was born in Ohio, a copy can be obtained from the Wayne County Health Department, Vital Statistics Division.
Thursday, May 9, 2024
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Reading Under the Lights
Held at Norwayne Community Stadium
- Reading Under the Lights is a FREE family-friendly, summer kick-off reading event. The evening is built to target youth in grades K-6 to encourage student participation in summer reading. This fun interactive 2-hour event includes a free dinner for each attendee, reading stations with celebrity readers, library card sign-ups, free books and much more. So often reading reduces in the summer months and in turn causes what's referred to as the "Summer Slide". Save the date and join us for a fun, memorable evening!
The 2024 Spring Classes and 2024 Summer Camps from the Wayne Center for the Arts is linked below. Please reach out to the Wayne Center for the Arts for further details.
Mr. Vince Sette
Email: visette@norwayne.net
Website: www.norwayne.net
Location: 286 South Main Street, Creston, OH, USA
Phone: 330-435-6383
Twitter: @NES_principaws