Principal's January Newsletter
January 24, 2025
Hi, this is a reminder that you're receiving this email because you have a student at, or have expressed an interest in, Glenbard East High School. Communication between Glenbard East and our families and community is very important to us. Don't forget to add ge_news@glenbard.org to your address book so we'll be sure to land in your inbox! Please email any questions directly to Glenbard Staff, we are happy to respond.
February 4
Women's Empowerment in Sports Day
2:23PM - 3:05PM
February 5
Valentines for Vets
3:15PM - 4:15PM - Cafeteria
Winter Band Concert
7PM - Biester Auditorium
Tickets and more information can be found at gefinearts.org
February 7
6PM - Biester Auditorium
Tickets and more information can be found at gefinearts.org
February 13
GE Children’s Theatre - Moana Jr
7PM - Rider Hall
Tickets and more information can be found at gefinearts.org
February 15
GE Children’s Theatre - Moana Jr
2PM - Rider Hall
7PM - Rider Hall
Tickets and more information can be found at gefinearts.org
February 17
President's Day
Glenbard East High School offers an outstanding program of academic courses, athletic programs and co-curricular activities. Our mission is to engage students with culturally responsive and relevant curriculum in a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment to prepare students for life after high school. Our goal is to help every student develop the competencies of a Glenbard graduate that will help them find success with their postsecondary plans.
Preparing for the future begins with making informed choices regarding the classes to pursue in high school. Students will meet with their counselors this month to select classes for next school year. The Glenbard East Academic Program Guidebook can help students and parents/guardians better understand the wealth of courses offered at East, as well as which courses fulfill high school graduation requirements. We hope that the wide array of courses in all subject areas demonstrates our commitment to helping all students establish a broad foundation for future learning in college, the workforce and beyond.
This year, Glenbard continues to respond to The Accelerated Placement Act that requires students be automatically enrolled in an honors or AP/Dual Credit course if they meet or exceed the College Board’s College Readiness Benchmarks at each grade level. These College and Career Readiness Benchmarks help assess student progress from year to year. Students are considered college and career ready when their section scores meet both the Math and the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing benchmarks. (The ACT Readiness Benchmarks will be used starting in the 2025-26 school due to Spring 2025 testing dates.)
- Students with an SAT Math section score that meets or exceeds the benchmark have a 75% chance of earning at least a C in first-semester, credit-bearing college courses in algebra, statistics, pre-calculus, or calculus.
- Students with an SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (ERW) section score that meets or exceeds the benchmark have a 75% chance of earning at least a C in first-semester, credit-bearing college courses in history, literature, social sciences, or writing classes.
It is critical for both students and parents/guardians to be involved in the course selection process and work closely with a counselor to make course selections so together we ensure every student is prepared for the future. Your counselor, teachers, and department chairs are here to assist you along the way so feel free to ask them questions. Seeking out the information you need will help you and your student make better decisions about classes for next year and prepare our students for future success.
Each year over forty local scholarships are awarded to Glenbard East Seniors who are planning to further their education. Last year over $50,000 was awarded to Glenbard East Seniors. You will find information about the application process and the application here and on our website by clicking Students, then School Counseling, then Scholarships & Financial Aid. The application is due the evening of February 3rd. Good luck!
Additionally, please click here for the Glenbard East Scholarship List for more information on scholarship search engines, financial aid resources, and other scholarship information that is sent to Glenbard East.
Click here for the 2025 exam schedule set by the College Board. If your child did not sign up for an exam first semester and would like to, there still is time. A $40 late fee will be charged on top of the testing fee.
Registering for 2nd Semester AP Exams
Students will register for second semester-only AP exams in their classes during the month of January. March 14 is the registration deadline for second semester-only exams. There is a late registration fee of $40 after March 14, 2025. Second semester-only courses include US Government & Politics and Microeconomics.
To officially register for each AP exam, students must join the My AP classroom for each of their AP courses. My AP is a College Board website where students register for exams, access course resources, and see their exam scores. To register, students use a specific join code provided by their AP teacher. Students are not registered for the exam(s) until they do so.
Unused/Canceled Exam Fee
If your student is registered for an AP exam and decides not to take the exam that was ordered, there will be an unused/canceled exam fee of $40 per exam. The $40 fee applies to any unused or canceled exam, including an exam ordered for a student who qualifies for a College Board fee reduction. It’s important to tell your AP coordinator if you decide not to take an exam.This fee doesn’t apply if you transfer out of a school.
Contact our AP Coordinator Beth McNett if you have questions. She can be reached at beth_mcnett@glenbard.org or by calling 630.424.6758.
See Something, Say Something!
School safety is a community effort. Please continue to report and encourage your children to report concerns from social media and school to the Deans’ office. Students who SEE SOMETHING AND SAY SOMETHING are integral in our efforts to keep GBE safe for all students and staff.
Attendance: We need your Help!
CLEAN SLATE: Semester 2. All students’ attendance is now clear for semester 2. Please review the Student Handbook for attendance policies regarding absences in excess of 12 days. REMINDER: Please call your child into the Attendance Office at 630-627-2595 if they are sick, have a late arrival, an appointment, or an early dismissal.
- Truancy: Students with excessive unexcused absences will receive a TRUANT notification and may receive consequences including detentions or BIA. Please encourage your child to attend all their classes and to be on time, or please call the attendance office for an all day excused absence.
- Early Dismissal: A parent/guardian should call the attendance office at least 2 hours prior or provide a note the morning of to secure your child’s early dismissal.
Remember that a parent/guardian must call their child into the Attendance Office as soon as possible if they will be out of school for the day. Sleeping in, missing the bus, or school refusal are not viable reasons to be late or to miss school. Students will be issued an unexcused tardy or TRUANT for any of these reasons. Detentions and other consequences will be assigned based on frequency and severity of infractions. Thank you for your assistance with this!
Graduation Commencement information is posted on the Glenbard East website under the “Parents/Families.” Please just click on the Graduation – Class of 2025 tab for Important dates, Josten's Order Calendar, and Commencement Frequently Asked Questions. Periodically the "Graduation 2025" link will be updated.
The Glenbard East Vocal Jazz Workshop, under the direction of Brandon Catt & Stephen Uhl, was selected to perform at the Illinois Music Education Conference in Peoria on January 30 at 5PM. This is one of the highest honors a music ensemble can achieve in the State of Illinois, (similar to a football team making the state finals)! This is the first time in Glenbard East history that this ensemble has been invited to perform at the state level! The students have worked incredibly hard for this experience and have truly planned every aspect of the concert. The group is composed of 9 singers, 2 sound technicians, a bassist, and a drummer. They will be accompanied in Peoria by East music teacher, Andrew Packer on percussion, members of the Glenbard East Jazz Ensemble, under the direction of Tara Cappelletti, the Glenbard East Latin Groove Ensemble, under the direction of Timothy Fawkes, and student technicians from Glenbard East Theatre and Ram Records, under the direction of Andy Bero & Marissa McLean. Please join us for a FREE preview of their 30 minute concert on Friday, January 24 at 7:30PM in Rider Hall.The students would love to have your support that evening before we sing at State!
Vocal Jazz Workshop IMEC Preview Concert
January 24
7:30PM - Rider Hall
The Glenbard East Staffulty of the Month Award has been established to recognize outstanding people for their dedication, professionalism, and work. Those receiving this award are nominated by administrators, colleagues, and students for exhibiting our D87 Profile of an Educator tenants.
Each month, we recognize two staff members based on their advocacy for students, empathy for others, critical thinking, embracing diversity, innovation, and collaboration.
Congratulations to this month's honorees!!!
Ludmila Chalcakove was nominated by a staff member for exhibiting the following Profile of an Educator competencies: Empathizes, Embraces Diversity, Collaborates. Here is what they had to say:
"Ludmila is a wonderful colleague and part of the East family. She truly cares about people and takes the time to make human connections. She also does her job so well, without complaint, and with effectiveness. I truly feel that she is a valuable staff member. There is something really refreshing about someone who does their job to the best of their ability."
Dawn Chantos was nominated by a staff member and a students for the following Profile of an Educator competencies: Advocates, Empathizes, Thinks Critically, Embraces Diversity, Innovates, Collaborates. Here is what they had to say:
"Mrs. Chantos flys low on the radar and is the coworker I respect most in this building. She is the hardest working coworker I know. She is always coming up with new ways to reach our students, especially in AP Human Geography, as well as all her classes. We still collaborate on this course, despite me being switched to AP Psychology. I walked into her classroom one of the first days of the school year and saw her taking a folding chair from the corner of her room and making a 'study station' out of one of the desks. I asked what she was doing and she commented that one of her students didn't fit in the desk, so she created this station for her. Nothing had to be said aloud. The student knew right away what was done for her and Mrs. Chantos didn't make a public fuss about it. Mrs. Chantos goes above and beyond for her students and her athletes, both softball and bowling. She always does the right thing, and doesn't expect accolades for doing what she is believes is just the right thing to do. She makes herself available through Zoom in the evenings, as well as before/after school (when she isn't coaching). Her classroom is warm and inviting. She is firm, and always fair, and sets high expectations for students and staff alike. Lastly, I recently witnessed Mrs. Chantos conferencing with a mutual student who needs to pass government as a required course. She was reiterating the importance of staying the course, getting the work done, and offering different ways to help the student who has trouble helping himself. Mrs. Chantos never gives up on her students. It is inspiring to work with someone who still embraces their responsibilities to our school and our students while in the pipeline. She works just as hard now, at the end of her career, as she has since the beginning. She keeps setting the bar high for the coworkers arounds her and for those who are willing to learn from a veteran teacher."
"Very nice, understanding, empathic, fair, always in a good mood, brings good energy and gives the class the time and materials needed to learn and pass"
Purchase your tickets here.
Come join one of the largest clubs at Glenbard East and experience life-changing friendships!
Instagram: @glenbardeastbestbuddies
Sponsor: Erica Slusher (erica_slusher@glenbard.org)
Support Best Buddies by purchasing a shirt or sweatshirt to promote inclusion and acceptance at Glenbard East! HERE is the flyer! The order form and payment are due to Ms. Slusher in Rm. 172 by 1/31.
February Party: Valentine’s Day Party! Wednesday, 2/12 3:00-4:20 PM in Rm. 166
February Trip: Whim! Pottery Studio: Heart Bowls Wednesday, 2/5 3:00-6:00 PM
***Don’t forget to come to pack-the-place at Glenbard West on 1/28 4:30-8:00PM for the Special Olympics District 87 Glenbard Cup to cheer on our Special Olympic Basketball athletes!***
Happy New Year and hope 2025 is off to a great start! We continue to build and live by our athletic motto: Students First: VICTORY Will Happen…as victory is way more important than just simply winning.
BOYS BASKETBALL, Head Coach Eric Kelly (eric_kelly@glenbard.org); Social Media: X @GEastHoops, Rams are atop of the UpState Eight Conference at the halfway point, but there is much more basketball to play. The IHSA State Series starts the week of February 24.
GIRLS BASKETBALL, Head Coach Nicole Miller (nicole_miller@glenbard.org); Social Media: X @GE_Girls_BBALL, Instagram @ GBEGirlsHoops, Rams are near the top of the UpState Eight Conference with two-thirds of the season complete. The IHSA State Series starts the week of February 17.
BOYS BOWLING, Head Coach Steve Bair (steve_bair@glenbard.org); Social Media: Instagram @ glenbard_bowling, Rams at both Varsity and JV levels are UpState8 Conference champions! The IHSA State Series started Saturday, January 18, as the Rams hosted the IHSA Regional.
GIRLS BOWLING, Head Coach Dawn Chantos (dawn_chantos@glenbard.org); X @ GEGirlsBowling, Instagram @ glenbard_girls_bowling, Rams at near the top of the UpState8 Conference, but more bowling still left! The IHSA State Series starts Saturday, February 8, when the Rams host the IHSA Regional at Bowlero (Glendale Heights) starting at 9:00AM
CHEER COED, Head Coach Kelly Dolan (kelly_dolan@glenbard.org); Social Media: X @ gehs_cheer, Instagram @ gehs_cheer, X @ JVCheerRams, Instagram @ gehs_jvcheer, both Rams Varsity and JV have competed well in the invites the past few weeks and even placed in the top-5. The UpState8 Conference championships were Wednesday, January 22 and the IHSA State Series starts the week of January 27.
DANCE, Head Coach Courtney Clay (courtney_clay@glenbard.org); Social Media: X @ GBE_Dance, Instagram @ gberamettes, both Rams Varsity and JV have competed well in the invites the past few weeks and even placed in the top-5. The UpState8 Conference championships were on Tuesday, January 14. The IHSA State Series starts the week of January 20.
GIRLS GYMNASTICS, Head Coach Jessica Bugajsky (jessica_bugajsky@glenbard.org); Social Media: Instagram @ @GBERampage, both Rams Varsity and JV have competed well in the invites the past few weeks. The UpState8 Conference championships are Saturday, February 1. The IHSA State Series starts the week of February 3.
BOYS SWIMMING CO-OP WITH GLENBARD NORTH, Head Coach Tyler Buss (tyler_buss@glenbard.org); Social Media: X @ gbne_boysswim Instagram @ gbne_boysswim , both Rams and Panthers (aka RamThers) compete in the DuKane County Conference and are swimming very well with a few more regular season meets left. The DuKane County Conference championship is on Saturday, February 1 and the IHSA State Series starts the week of February 10.
BOYS WRESTLING, Head Coach Donald Pool (donald_pool@glenbard.org); Social Media: X @ ge_wrestling, Rams are atop of the UpState8 Conference with the championships to be wrestled on Saturday, January 25. The IHSA State Series starts the week of February 3.
GIRLS WRESTLING, Head Coach Matthew Nelson (matthew_nelson@glenbard.org); Social Media: X @ ge_wrestling, Rams are atop of the UpState8 Conference with the championships to be wrestled on Saturday, January 25. The IHSA State Series starts the week of January 27.
UPCOMING Spring Sports and Coaches Info:
- BOYS INDOOR TRACK & FIELD, Head Coach Patrick Walker (patrick_walker@glenbard.org); Social Media: X @GE_RamsTrack and Instagram @GBETrack; start date Monday, February 3
- GIRLS INDOOR TRACK & FIELD GIRLS, Head Coach Dr. Netherland Joiner (netherland_joiner@glenbard.org); Social Media: X @GBEastXCTF and Instagram @GlenbardEastTrack; start date Monday, February 3
- BOYS GYMNASTICS, Head Coach Wayne Hill (wayne_hill@glenbard.org); Social Media: Instagram @GBEBoysGymnastics; start date Monday, February 10 or February 17
- BADMINTON, Head Coach Scott Llorens (scott_llorens@glenbard.org); Social Media: X @BIRDisBLOOD and Instagram @GBEBadminton; start date Monday, March 3
- BASEBALL - Head Coach Clayton George (clayton_george@glenbard.org); Social Media: X @GBEBaseball and Instagram @GlenbardEastBaseball; start date Monday, March 3
- BOYS LACROSSE CO-OP, Head Coach Grant Stueve (grant_stueve@glenbard.org); Social Media: X @LAXGlenbard and Instagram @LAXGlenbard; start date Monday, March 3
- GIRLS SOCCER, Head Coach Athena Toliopoulos (athena_toliopoulos@glenbard.org); Social Media: X @GERamsSoccer and Instagram @GEGirlsRamsSoccer; start date Monday, March 3
- SOFTBALL, Head Coach Dawn Chantos (dawn_chantos@glenbard.org); Social Media: X @GERamsSoftball and Instagram @EastRamsSoftball; start date Monday, March 3
- BOYS TENNIS, Head Coach TBA, but until then email Ashley Patterson (ashley_patterson@glenbard.org); Social Media: X @GERamsTennis and Instagram @GBE_Tennis; start date Monday, March 3
- VOLLEYBALL BOYS, Head Coach Brad Cardott (bradley_cardott@glenbard.org); Social Media: X @GBEBoysVBall and Instagram @GBEBoysVBall; start date Monday, March 10
Student Athletic Fees/Registration - $175: All students/families who participate in athletics will be required to register and pay the $175 athletic fee for either one, two, or three sports. Student-athletes should take advantage of this great deal and participate in multiple sports! Fees are due before the first competition. Parents can register and pay online through PowerSchool. If needed, there is a waiver available through the athletic office
Glenbard East High School
Email: ge_news@glenbard.org
Website: glenbardeasths.org
Location: 1014 South Main Street, Lombard, IL, USA
Phone: (630) 627-9250
Twitter: @GE_Rams