St Peter's Primary School
Friday 16th August 2024
Heavenly mother,
filled with God's grace,
pray for us today and all days,
that we may strive to trusting, patient and faithful,
as you were,
so that we may one day join you and all saints in heaven.
In Jesus's name we pray.
Message from the Principal
PAUL LITHERLAND - A reminder that on Wednesday 21 August, our school will have the pleasure of hosting Paul Litherland, for both a student and parent presentation. Paul is a renowned
cyber-safety speaker and owner of Surf Online Safe. He will be presenting one parent session, to be held on Wednesday 21 August at 6pm (Term Three, Week Six) in the Library.
Paul is very much in demand and has been presenting to children and parents at many schools over the years. Please visit the following website which includes a bio for Paul and further information on Surf Online Safe - www.surfonlinesafe.com.au
Please RSVP by clicking the link https://bit.ly/3ypVTHR
YEARBOOK - All families are able to purchase a copy of their Yearbook from the link below. You are welcome to purchase multiple copies of the 2024 Yearbook if you would like one for each of your children.
Please note, that although you will need to order and pay for your Yearbook now, the Yearbook will be distributed to families towards the end of Term Four, to ensure that we can include as many events as possible in the Yearbook before it goes to print.
Families will have until Friday 20th September 2024 to purchase a Yearbook.
Click here to purchase your 2024 Yearbook and head to the Event tab - https://app.quickcliq.com.au/parents/fundraising.aspx
BULK STATIONERY ORDERS - At the end of 2021, the school community was informed that we would be trailing bulk stationery orders from Kindy-Year 6 commencing in the 2022 school year. This new initiate saw stationery added to the school fees and the school take responsibility for ordering and co-ordinating stationery at the commencement of each school year.
The school made the decision to move to bulk stationery ordering to streamline the stationery process, as well as save time and effort from parents. The adopted bulk stationery model ensures consistency with products and supplies, also providing a positive impact on the environment with less packaging.
We are looking forward to receiving feedback from staff, the School Advisory Council and the wider parent community regarding the bulk stationery ordering. In a school of our size, we are unable to offer an opt in or opt out consent for individual students and families. As the process is an operation matter, once all data is collected, a final informed decision will then be made by the school leadership team regarding stationery ordering for 2025.
Please click the link below to feedback your preference:
P&F FATHER’S DAY BREAKFAST - At 7.30am on Friday, 30 August, we will be celebrating all the Dads and Father Figures in our community with a breakfast prepared by the P&F. We always get a huge number of attendees at this event and there is always an energetic, happy and positive feeling throughout the undercover area. Our classroom teachers will open their classroom doors at 7:45am, giving Dads and Father Figures the opportunity to visit their child/ren’s classes. Thank you to all the parents and St Peter’s staff who volunteer their time to make this a successful and enjoyable event in our school calendar.
BOOK FAIR AND BOOK WEEK - Commencing Monday, 21 August (Week Six), we will be celebrating Book Week and hosting a Book Fair. The Book Fair will be held in the Library from Monday to Thursday 8-8:30am and 3-3:30pm. I would like to thank Mrs Sharon Zanotti for co-ordinating this event and all the parents who have volunteered their time to assist during the week.
Throughout this exciting week, our St Peter’s Dads has extended an invitation to all Dads and Father Figures to come into the classroom and read a book to the students in their child/ren’s class/es. The purpose of this is to engage Dads and Father Figures in the school community, as research shows that schools that specifically target Dads and Father Figures will see better outcomes for students.
We are holding our Kindy Maroon, Kindy White – Year 6 Book Week Dress-Up Parade on Wednesday, 21 August at 8:50am in the Undercover Area.
YEAR 6 PARENT CAMP INFORMATION EVENING - On Thursday 29 August, our Year 6 parents are invited to our Year 6 Camp Parent Information Evening. The information session will commence at 7pm in the St Peter the Apostle Catholic Church at the conclusion of the Confirmation Workshop. The workshop will run from 6:00-7:00pm and the camp information evening will start at 7:00pm. Parents will receive important information regarding Year 6 Camp, as well as have an opportunity to ask any questions at the conclusion of the session
CATHOLIC PERFORMING ARTS FESTIVAL - On the evening of Monday 12 August, our Concert Band performed at Corpus Christi College. Our concert band performed, The Rockin’ Drummer Boy, which is based on the Christmas Carol, The Little Drummer Boy, and the second piece was the main theme from Star Wars. The concert band received outstanding results. Congratulations to the students involved and a huge thank you to Mrs Galati and Miss Cummings for their support.
The Catholic Performing Arts continues to take place throughout Term Three, with students representing our school in a range of individual and group performances. Thank you to all staff and parents for their support throughout the Performing Arts Festival, as it provides a
wonderful opportunity for our students to thrive whilst showcase their talents.
FRIENDSHIP DAY - On Thursday 8 August, St Peter’s Primary School celebrated a Day of Friendship. The students wore green to celebrate healthy, green zone friendships. The students participated in an online Zoom workshop with URSTRONG director, Tyson Greenwood. They worked with their buddy class to create a St Peter’s Friendship tree. The Friendship Tree is on display the library for any members of the community who would like to have a look. Every class completed activities with an emphasis on being kind. The Pre Primary students watched the Rainbow Fish and thought about being a kind friend to create the Friendship Fish. It was a wonderful celebration of friendship and kindness.
SPEAK UP AWARDS - Congratulations to Ava Mainstone, Jacobo Cristancho Charry and Clara Hayes on their fantastic performance at the Speak Up award competition that took place on
Wednesday 14 August 2024. A special mention to Ava Mainstone and Clara Hayes for being selected to perform in the preliminary finals coming up in the first week of September. I wish both Ava and Clara all the best for the preliminary finals.
PRINCIPAL APPOINTMENT - Last Thursday, 8 August 2024, the community was informed of the exciting appointment of Justin Tuohy as Principal of St Peter's Primary School, effective
7 October 2024 (Term Four). Mr Tuohy came for his first visit to St Peter’s this Thursday and will be visiting on several more occasions prior to the conclusion of Term Three to ensure a thorough handover. Once again, we extend our sincere congratulations to Justin on his new appointment!
I am looking forward to seeing many excited and happy faces next Wednesday when everyone arrives in their Book Week costumes! Have a fabulous weekend!
Courtney Caputi
Assistant Principal RE News
FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION - On Thursday 15th August, we celebrated the Feast of the Assumption Mass, in honour of Mother Mary. Mary was chosen to be the mother of Jesus. She was considered to be perfect in the eyes of God. Although she became the Mother of Jesus, Mary was a simple woman who lived according to the customs and traditions of her Jewish faith. Mary is the perfect role model of living a faithful life from which we all should aspire. We use this day to also honour all the mother figures in our own lives, and send both prayers and thanks for their unconditional love and support.
CONFIRMATION - We keep our confirmation candidate in our prayers as they prepare for the upcoming Sacrament.
Confirmation key dates:
PARENT / CHILD WORKSHOP - Thursday 29th August 6pm in the Church
RETREAT DAY - Thursday 29th August
SACRAMENT - Friday 6th September at 6pm and Saturday 7th September at 11am
Person of the Week - Week 5 - 15/8/2024
KAAVYA DANGAL - ONE WHITE - When given the task of selecting a Junior Person of the Week, you were the first person who came to mind. To celebrate you, we have created an acrostic poem in your honour.
K is for Kind - Kaavya, you are always an excellent friend to everyone in our Year 1 class. You are consistently kind, caring and you look out for those around you.
A is for Amazing—Kaavya, you consistently excel in every aspect of your
schoolwork, demonstrating not only a deep understanding of the subjects but
also a genuine enthusiasm for learning. Your amazing dedication, curiosity, and positive attitude make you a standout student.
A is for Affectionate - Kaavya, you bring warmth and kindness to everyone around you, always ready with a smile or a comforting word. Your caring nature creates a welcoming atmosphere, making school a brighter place for both your classmates and teachers.
V is for Valuable - Kaavya, you are valuable member of 1W with your eagerness to learn and contribute in the classroom. Your actions and positive attitude make a significant impact, showing that even at a young age, you are a valuable and cherished part of the school community.
Y is for Yearning to Learn - Kaavya, you are a curious student who embraces every opportunity for growth. With each passing day, you eagerly explore new ideas and concepts, demonstrating a remarkable enthusiasm for expanding your knowledge and skills.
A is for Autonomous - Kaavya, you can always be relied upon to work
independently when we are completing our learning tasks. You display confidence and eagerness when you are learning, and you take your time making sure all your work is completed to the very best of your ability.
Kaavya, if there was ever a rainbow of TRUE, it is you! Congratulations on being the Junior Person of the Week.
CHELSEA MCLEAN- SIX WHITE - Mother Teresa once said, "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."
Chelsea, you are a real representation of living out what Mother Teresa asked of us. Your dedication to upholding our TRUE core values is evident in your actions every single day. You are someone who can always be trusted, whether it’s in completing tasks with diligence or being a good friend. Your classmates and teachers alike know that they can rely on you, which is a testament to the strong character you possess. Trust is such an important quality, and you embody it in every sense.
Your respect for others is equally commendable. You treat everyone around you with kindness and consideration, always listening to others' opinions and treating them with fairness. Whether it’s during class discussions, group projects, or even in casual conversations, your respectful nature shines through, creating a positive and inclusive atmosphere wherever you go.
Unity is another value that you effortlessly bring to life. You are a true team player, always eager to lend a helping hand to your peers and ensure that everyone feels included. Your ability to bring people together and work harmoniously in any situation is a gift that not only benefits you but also enhances the overall sense of community in our classroom.
Lastly, your pursuit of Excellence is inspiring. You approach every task, big or small, with a desire to do your best. You consistently put in effort, take pride in your work, and strive to achieve the highest standards in all that you do. This determination and commitment are qualities that will undoubtedly serve you well in all your future endeavours.
Chelsea, you set a fantastic example for everyone around you, and we are incredibly proud to have you as part of our St Peter’s community. Keep up the excellent work and continue to shine brightly in all that you do.
Congratulations on being the senior Person of the Week!
Merit Certificates - Week 5 - 15/8/2024
PPB Luca Pelosi / Isla Bower / Rita Iozzi
PPM Nicolas Rodriguez / Octavia Bradley / Chanel Cicirello
PPW Tobias Italiano / Francesca Barducci / Joshua Santosa
1B Ashlee Robertson / Evie Mak / Aston Sharpe
1M Ethan Meagher / Caleb Chow / Ruby Geaney
1W Asher Lee / Finlay Roberts / Santiago Cristancho Charry
2B Georgina Dodd / Ethan Dorney
2M Abby Chen / Archie O'Kane / Sienna Da San Martino
2W Inayah de Mello / Avie Maher / Anastasia Kovacevic
3B Anopa Dumba / Yaahvi Rao / Matilda Gere
3M Amelia Suiter / Harry Armstrong / Aaron Pang
3W Evie Dragojevich / James Dalton / Sofia Rogan Ovalle
4B Davina Nguru / Zara Simeons
4M Grace Ingate / Isla Kotlarczyk / Christian Dowson
4W Eden Blanchard / Hope Smolic / Alexander Korona
5B Zayne de Mello / Maxwell Marinucci
5M Eric Dart-Kelly / Emma Truong / Tanaya Verona
5W Layla Drabarek / Ava Sikora / Max Da San Martino
6B Penelope Taylor / Max Wittek / Jesse Italiano
6M Alice Pagano / Sunny Needs / Lucy Properjohn
6W Ivy Ryan / Isabelle How Kim Kam / James Thomas
Book Week / Book Fair 2024
On Friday 13th September, during Week 9, our external tester, Tanya Atherton will visit St Peter’s to administer one component of the A.Q.U.I.N.A.S testing for 2025 to the Years 3, 4 & 5 students. The second component will be delivered in Term 4. This assessment is crucial as it helps us identify both high-potential students and those students that are underachievers—those who may not perform well academically in the classroom but possess a natural ability to excel.
Traditionally, we have encouraged all students to participate in the testing to ensure an accurate and reliable A.Q.U.I.N.A.S cohort. However, we recognise that this testing can cause stress and anxiety for some students. Therefore, this year we are offering parents the option to opt-out their child from the testing.
If you do not want your child to take the assessment and be considered for the A.Q.U.I.N.A.S program for 2025, please complete this Microsoft Form https://forms.office.com/r/yaV6Kggday by
Friday 30th August, if you would like your child to take the assessment then you do not have to do anything, as they will automatically be included in the assessment schedule.
Parish News
Basketball News
St Peter's Basketball is gearing up for a bumper summer season - running from Term Four to Term One, with a break over the holidays. Mixed Under 8s and Under 10s, and boys and girls competitions in Under 10s, Under 12s are available. We're particularly seeking Year 5 girls to join our Under 12s girls team. For information and to register interest visit https://forms.gle/cJVnf8BJmWVy6W2k6
P&F News
To purchase your Entertainment Book please click
Community News
- MAYLANDS GOLF CLUB - will be hosting a Junior Golf Clinic from 8th August - 29th August. For more information, please email info@maylandsgolf.com.au
- MAYLANDS CRICKET CLUB - is offering a free girls only program at De Lacey Reserve, Maylands - to register visit play.cricket.com.au
- BI-FOLD SPARK TELETHON - ADHD WA - For more information, please click - https://bit.ly/4ceCPuD
- CODE CAMP HOLIDAY PROGRAM - are now taking bookings for the upcoming Spring holidays. Book now at codecamp.com.au/flyer
- VACSWIM ENROLMENTS - are now open. For further information, details of locations and how to enrol, please visit our website.
Contact Us
Office Hours
8am - 4pm School Term Only
Follow us on:
Instagram @ Instagram
Facebook @ Facebook
Twitter @ Twitter
Email: stpeters@cewa.edu.au
Website: stpeters.wa.edu.au
Location: 103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9338 9900