FHS Hornet News
AUGUST 2024 Preparing and Educating for Success!
AUGUST Family/Student Newsletter
Dear FHS Families,
We hope that this newsletter finds you and your family healthy and excited for the 2024-2025 academic year! The FHS Hornet Newsletter will be emailed to families every month. This is our main source of communication with our families.
Please look through the Arrival and Dismissal graphics in this newsletter.
Online registration must be completed before students pick-up their schedules. Specific schedule pick-up information is included in the Counseling section of this newsletter. Students will follow the schedule that they receive at schedule pick-up for the first day of school. Please refer to the counseling section for specifics on scheduling.
We will host our FHS Open House on Wednesday, August 14, 2:00 pm-6:00 pm. This is an opportunity for you and your student to meet the teachers on their schedule and get questions answered. We look forward to seeing you there.
Freshmen Information
- Our freshmen orientation (students only) will be Tuesday, August 13. Freshmen need to be dropped off at the front entrance (door #1) by 8:30 am and can be picked up at noon. This event offers an opportunity for our freshmen to get acclimated with the high school, get their questions answered by their peers, and receive their schedules. Lunch will be provided to the freshmen.
- There will be a Freshmen Parent informational meeting on Wednesday, August 14, at 6:00 pm in the FHS Commons. Counseling will lead this meeting and administration will be available to answer questions.
Senior Information
- Senior schedule pick-up was today, August 9th. If seniors were unable to pick up their schedule today, they can pick it up on Monday or Tuesday.
- There will be a Senior Parent informational meeting on Wednesday, August 14, at 6:00 pm in the FHS Theatre. Counseling and Administration will outline major events, communications, and answer questions.
- The Fulton Senior Parent Association will be organizing several events in support of the Senior All Night party. Please visit their Facebook page: Fulton (MO) Senior Parents Association to keep informed about Senior Sunrise, meetings, fundraisers, and Senior Sunset.
If you are unable to attend either meeting, please feel free to email any questions that you may have.
All guests need to enter through the front entrance. We have a guest parking lot out front. Students will be required to park in the Student parking lot ONLY (North Parking lot). Our event parking lot (lot in the back of the building with two sets of lines) will be closed in the mornings for our band to utilize for practice.
Please be sure to read through our 2024-2025 District Handbook (linked in this newsletter), we want our families and students to be familiar with policies and protocols (ex: attendance policies, start and end times, cell phone policy, etc.).
Included in this newsletter:
- FHS Administration
- Request Interpreter Protocol
- Important Dates
- Counseling
- Arrival
- Dismissal
- Athletics
- Flyers
- Honoring Hornets
- Bell Schedule
- FHS Student Handbook
- Free & Reduced Price School Meals
Enjoy your weekend and know that our FHS staff is preparing for an amazing 2024-2025 academic year! Please know that you can always reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.
Kati Boland
FHS Principal
Fulton High School Administration
Principal: Mrs. Kati Boland
Associate Principal: Mr. Ryan Waters
Assistant Principal: Mr. Josh Pierce
Activities Director: Mr. Curtis Walk
Request an Interpreter
Need an Interpreter?
Sarah Painter
Important Dates
Friday, 8/9: Senior Schedule Pick-Up (online registration needed)
Saturday, 8/10: Band Booster BBQ (refer to flyer)
Monday, 8/12: Junior Schedule Pick-Up (online registration needed) & First day of Fall practices
Tuesday, 8/13: Sophomore Schedule Pick-Up (online registration needed) & Freshmen Orientation 8:30 am- 12:00 pm
Wednesday, 8/14: Open House 2-6 pm Senior & Freshmen Parent meetings at 6 pm
Wednesday, 8/21: First Day of School
Thursday, 8/22: Meet the Hornets 6 pm (Refer to flyer)
Monday, 8/26: PICTURE DAY :)
Monday, 9/2: NO SCHOOL Labor Day
Monday, 9/9: NO SCHOOL Teacher PD Day
Monday, 9/23- Saturday, 9/28: HOCO Week
Friday, 9/26: 2 hour Early Release (1:00 pm at FHS)
Monday, 10/7: NO SCHOOL Teacher PD Day
Thursday, 10/17: End of 1st Quarter
Wednesday, 10/23: Family Conferences 3:30 pm-7:00 pm
Friday, 11/1: NO SCHOOL Earned Day Off
Monday, 11/4: NO SCHOOL Teacher PD Day
Monday, 11/25-Friday, 11/29: NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday, 12/11: Study Session 3:30 pm-6:30 pm
Friday, 12/20: Last day of 2nd Quarter & 1st Semester
December 23rd-January 3th: Winter Break
Counseling Updates
Welcome back from the FHS Student Services Office! We are excited to work with our students and their families or guardians this year. The staff in our office includes:
Anne Langendoerfer (alangendoerfer@fulton58.org): Students A-L
Kaitlin Hall-Barbero (khall-barbero@fulton58.org): Students K-Z
Rachel Diemler (rdiemler@fulton58.org): College and Career Advisor
Dacrie Depping (ddepping@fulton58.org): Social Worker
DeAnne Nigus (dnigus@fulton58.org):Administrative Assistant
Schedule Pick Up Days:
Seniors: Friday, August 9th 8am-3pm
Juniors: Monday, August 12th 8am-3pm
Sophomores: Tuesday, August 13th 8am-3pm
Freshmen: Tuesday, August 13th 8am-12pm (Freshmen Orientation: Please drop students off at the front entrance by 8 am and pick them up in the same location at noon)
For Schedule Changes:
Counselors will be available during schedule pick up days to assist with schedule questions or concerns. If you cannot make it to a schedule pick up day, a schedule change request form will be sent to student's emails on Wednesday, August 14th.
A student’s schedule will be changed for the following reasons only:
1. Computer error
2. Prerequisite courses not met
3. Duplicate credit
4. Teacher recommendation that the student is misplaced
5. Change of student interest (fall only)
Requests for class changes will not be considered for the following reasons:
1. Change of student interest (spring only), unless changing course for a dual credit or honors level option
2. A negative effect of course grade on GPA
3. Not needing the course to graduate - Seniors may drop courses at the beginning of spring semester, if not needed to graduate.
All schedule changes must be requested by the end of the first week of school for that semester. Please use the form that will be sent to your students for all requests after schedule pick up days. Requests will be shut off at the end of day (3:00pm) on Friday, August 23rd. However, your schedule may not be changed until the following week due to the amount of requests the counselors may receive. We appreciate your patience.
Dual Credit and AP information will be released during the first few weeks of school. Your contact for both of these programs will be Anne Langendoerfer (alangendoerfer@fulton58.org).
Please refer to the graphic below for a visual of our Arrival plan.
- All students and visitors will enter through door #1 throughout the day.
- FHS doors open at 7:10 am.
- Once students enter: Seniors and Juniors will go to the theater, Sophomores and Freshmen will go to the Roger D. Davis gym.
- If students want to eat breakfast, they will go to the Commons.
- These areas will be dismissed at 7:40 am for them to go to their first hour class.
- The tardy bell rings at 7:45 am.
Please refer to the graphic below for a visual of our Dismissal plan.
- Bus riders will be dismissed by 3:00 pm.
- Buses will line up in the front circle drive.
- Once buses are released, car riders and walkers will be dismissed.
- These students will exit out the back door.
- Student drivers will need to exit through the Hwy 54 entrance.
- If you are picking up a student after school, you must enter and exit through the Industrial entrance.
- FHS Athletics Webpage: Please check this site for team schedules, the activities calendar, updates, Booster Club information, forms, activity fee/camp payments, team stores, and MSHSAA updates.
- Flyers included in this newsletter: Track Closure, Band BBQ, Practice Schedules, & Fall Meet the Hornets.
- Sports Pictures: TBA
Honor our FHS Staff!
"Honoring Our Hornets"
"Honoring Our Hornets" is a way for you to express your gratitude to any Fulton Public Schools employee who goes above and beyond what is expected. Anyone can submit an "Honoring Our Hornets" for any Fulton Public Schools employee.
Supervisors, including our Superintendent, will see your submission.
The employee will receive a token of appreciation that lets everyone know he or she was the recipient of an "Honoring Our Hornets!"
"Honoring Our Hornets" recipients are posted to our district social media pages to let our community know the names of the district's exceptional employees!
2024-2025 District Handbook
Fulton High School
Email: kboland@fulton58.org
Website: fulton58.org
Location: 1 Hornet Drive, Fulton, MO, USA
Phone: (573)590-8100
Facebook: facebook.com/@fhs58hornets
Twitter: @FHSHornets